Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mo (Maureen) - 12/20/00 09:06:40
My URL:http://www.richies-place.com
My Email:maureen.russell@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Place: The Beach
Favorite Season: Summer

I just stopped in to wish you a Blessed Holiday and a Peaceful New Year. You have a wonderful, warm site here. I enjoy visiting. Take care & God Bless! Peace Mo

Mike J. - 12/05/00 05:33:19
Favorite Season: Fall

Your site and your being radiates kindness. Thank you for your insights. Michael

Diana - 10/29/00 04:54:52
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/InspirationAv/psychicreadingsbydiana/
My Email:psychicreadings@dianasmail.coms
Favorite Place: anywhere with my 2 sons
Favorite Season: Winter

Lori, you have touched a part of me that you will never know. Your kindness and love go unmatched. People come and go in our life and they all have a reason for doing so. I truly am thankful for you coming into mine and at just the right time. Love & Light, Diana

DDPrettywoman - 07/14/00 00:45:21
My URL:http://www.balista.com/stefanie
My Email:stefanie@balista.com
Favorite Place: Paris
Favorite Season: Fall


Joyce - 07/03/00 10:32:16
My Email:joymlcat@yahoo.com

Your site just radiates peace and serenity,I thank you for your wisdom and truths,that you have enriched and enlighten my journey,I hope that our paths will cross again.

Marmie - 05/21/00 15:04:40
My URL:http://marmiessanctuary.tripod.com/
Favorite Season: Autumn

I enjoyed your site, thank you for sharing the deepths of your story... many things I can relate to. Blessings to you on this journey.

Mo - 04/23/00 04:17:10
My URL:http://www.richies-place.com
My Email:maureen.russell@worldnet.net


Mema - 03/21/00 04:44:16
My Email:evamema@aol.com
Favorite Place: Stover Mountain
Favorite Season: Fall Time

Spotted Eagle Woman, The serenity that flows from your pages put me at ease with my spirit side, my entire body is drained from all stress. Thanks for giving me a place to feel this way. mema

Purple - 03/20/00 22:00:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/mikestwin
My Email:jeworth@caboolture.starway.net.au
Favorite Place: In front of the computer
Favorite Season: Winter ( I'm the only one in captivity who likes winter..lol)

((((((((((Lori))))))))))))))) What a wonderful and informative site. This is so beautiful and peaceful it almost drags me into the computer. Thank you so much for showing me your site. Lots of hugs for you. Love Jill (Purple)

Mo - 03/19/00 17:25:35
My URL:http://www.richies-place.com
My Email:maureen.russell@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Place: The Beach
Favorite Season: Spring

Lori, What a wonderful place you have created here. Your courage and strength will help many people. May you continue on your journey with peace and love. You are very special.

irene - 03/13/00 20:01:39
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/irene34/index,html
My Email:lath46@aol.com
Favorite Place: Shrine of hope
Favorite Season: Spring

Your site gave me goosebumps. I loved it! Love, light and laughter, Irene

gary greig - 03/07/00 18:45:14
My Email:greig1@home.com
Favorite Place: silent meditation
Favorite Season: summer

I'm aquarian, and for the most part i fit the description. I have very strong feelings about the past lives of a native american (Crazy Horse}. I feel a definite link with his past.

Caroline - 03/02/00 21:02:21
My Email:CAandDANNY@aol.com
Favorite Place: at the beach, i live on long island :)
Favorite Season: autumn

Your site is beautiful Spotted Eagle, I have seen you many times in indigo and found the link to check out some sites and yours was one of them. :) love and blessings to you! caroline

journey - 01/23/00 23:21:04

Hi SpottedEagle, I just stopped by to view your web site and wanted to tell you first of all that your reading last nite for Mama was awesome and moving. Your courage in facing issues is inspiring and I believe a less courageous person would have buckled under the circum tances. Thank you for having crossed my path in this life and may Peace be with you all ways. Sincerely, Journey

Nona Goodman - 01/23/00 21:15:55
My Email:ngoodman@mcc4u.com
Favorite Place: under the pine trees out here in East Texas...
Favorite Season: whichever one I am IN!

I looked up this web-site because it had an Indian influence. I love anything that has o do with Indians... Your home page is beautiful! I got your address from fancvile web-site. I am pleased to make your acquaintace, Spotted Eagle Woman... Love, Nona

Fran - 01/13/00 15:42:49
My Email:rmcpc@airmail.net
Favorite Place: In nature
Favorite Season: Spring

Hi Spotted Eagle! This is a beautiful website. I haven't had a chance to explore your links but will do so soon. It was nice chatting with you yesterday. Perhaps I'll see you again sometime at indigodreams. Meanwhile, Love and Light, Fran

MeShel - 01/12/00 17:43:43
My Email:Jadegirl_3@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: In my astal world
Favorite Season: Winter

I have no idea how to comment on something that left me so profoundly Speachless...yet caused me to have so many Questions. All i can say is thank you so much for sharing ! Shel

micki - 01/10/00 04:22:33
My URL:http://www.indigodreams.com
My Email:micki@indigodreams.com
Favorite Place: where my heart travels
Favorite Season: Fall

You are beautiful Spot so nice to put a picture with a name. You add laughter and joy to our little spot on the web. Thanks for being you! (((Spotted Eagle))))

Russ Thornton(Gruff) - 01/10/00 04:12:13
My URL:http://www.online.ballarat.net.au/thrill_city
My Email:thrillcityradio@om
Favorite Place: home
Favorite Season: wamer ones,and sometimes the fireside in the cold

thaank you for publishing your story

Windsong - 01/08/00 00:05:07
Favorite Place: Near Water
Favorite Season: Autumn

I love your page! it is wonderfull, and im so glad you are my friend.

Bear - 12/23/99 06:27:45
Favorite Place: Disney World
Favorite Season: Winter

i love it. i love you (((mom))) from your best son in the world!!

Diana - 12/03/99 22:23:05
My Email:www.dianaw@realitybytes.ab.ca
Favorite Place: Hills of Drumheller
Favorite Season: Spring

Love your Web Page and pictures?

Vicki - 11/27/99 02:03:40

Love Ya!!!!

COMET - 11/06/99 03:54:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/comets

an invitation to join our web ring

Bunny-Bunny - 10/28/99 13:03:30
My URL:http://Bunny_Bunny.tripod.com
Favorite Place: Wide open spaces
Favorite Season: Summer

Enjoyed my visit here. Will revisit later.

Random Acts of Kindness

RainMist - 10/17/99 20:16:02
My Email:rainmist@mistic.net
Favorite Place: Ocean/mountains
Favorite Season: spring/fall/rain

You have a lovely page Lori!:) Good job Dear! Love and Blessings, RainMist

OceanDweller - 10/13/99 22:14:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/OceanDweller/grid1deb1.html
My Email:OceanDweller5@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: The Beach
Favorite Season: Torn between Fall and Spring

Greetings Spotted Eagle Woman! Your story and path is quite unique and intrguing.I was surprised to find that I related to much of what you wrote. More that I am comfortable with to be honest. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and honoring your path and spirit. ~*~Mitakuye Oyasin~*~ Blessings, OceanDweller

sammmy - 10/11/99 06:45:40
My Email:masutt@telus.net

Very touching and moving. You helped me more than you perhaps shall know. Thanks.

Lanie - 10/10/99 22:11:15
My URL:http://www.xnet.com/~malibu
My Email:malibu@xnet.com
Favorite Place: home
Favorite Season: summer

You have a very uplifting site here. I enjoyed my visit very much and will be coming back.

melissa(angel) - 09/30/99 17:14:58
My Email:mel@cyberis.net
Favorite Season: summer

lori your site is great keep up the good work the reading i got was excellent god bless you !!!! love melissa:)

Chris (AC) - 09/25/99 22:05:14
My Email:trustinfaith@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: with the ones i care about
Favorite Season: spring here in Port Coquitlam...Winter with the whore frost in Alberta

Hey Lori It is hard to write...with tears running down my cheeks, you had told me alot..but to hear it all which no doubt is in a compact version..has touched my heart. You strength and courage is something else... a angel trapped inside trying to get out to help the world.from birth..yet held in bondage and torment by evil. You are right Lorel...GOOD DOES ALWAYS WIN. My Heart goes out to YOU..Lorel and if needed I am here for you ALWAYS..as you have been for ME God Bless You..Your Friend!!!! Chris (AC)

Laurie McGee - 08/12/99 18:42:03
My Email:lauriemcgee@excite.com
Favorite Place: St. Patricks Cemetary
Favorite Season: Fall

Thank you for making feel so welcome in the chatroom last night. I needed to feel special and all of you (especially you) made me feel so welcome. Thank you again!!

Gracie - 07/21/99 08:31:29
My Email:martiyng@infocom.com
Favorite Place: spiritread
Favorite Season: fall

Dear Lori, ....Absolutely, beautiful page....love the pics and the backgrounds. I'll be back again and again...you are, my dear friend, an inspiration to the spirit of survivorship and the soul's journey to hell and back ever reaching toward the peaceful light where joy awaits all who uplift. Peace on your journey; joy at the end of the good Red Road. ---gracie

Horses in the Wind - 07/13/99 04:34:21
My URL:/area51/dreamworld/3163
My Email:hennerfeindk@sprynet.com
Favorite Place: At peace
Favorite Season: All of them

Spotted Eagle Woman - I, too, am honored to count you as my friend and feel so blessed that Spirit led me to you. I can't thank you enough for your love, support and encouragement. I pray for the day we will be together and exchange energies. You are a reat healer, descended from a great line of honorable people. For that alone, I am honored. :)

Patricia Brayall (Patsy) - 07/11/99 22:03:11
My Email:brayall@wna-linknet.com
Favorite Place: on puter talking to spotty
Favorite Season: spring of course

You are the sunshine of my life. I am so envious of u and your talents....u are so giving and loving that I could not begin to understand your whole world. I am amazed at what u have been thru and how u overcame the worse. Most would have crumbled and died but u are so strong and intelligent that u knew how to begin again. I hope that one day my spirit visits me and gives me the gift of love and understanding as u spotty. I believe in you because of your strength and knowledge. I do believe I have the gift of knowing the hearts of others and the inside of their souls and yours just simply atonishes me so. I hope in the future that I will help my children overcome the c nfusion they feel and I know having u as my friend that we can do that together. I LOVE U MY SPOTTYNESS!!! BE WELL AND AT PEACE!!! KISSES KISSES HUGS HUGS

Elaine Biegert - 07/10/99 00:08:10
My Email:biegert@bellsouth.net
Favorite Place: The mountains
Favorite Season: Spring

I feel truely blessed to know Spotted Eagle Woman and have had the honor of having a reading done by her on both myself and my husband. She is a very gifted and enlightened individual and I would recommend her to anyone seeking to understand their path a d why there are here.

^Sunshine^ - 07/04/99 03:43:25
My Email:angels@navix.net
Favorite Place: with my family
Favorite Season: all four have beauty

Hi Lori!!!!!!! Just wanted to say Hi! Love ya, Sun

dorcee - 07/04/99 03:21:03
My Email:dorcee@webtv.net
Favorite Place: Comet's chat room!!
Favorite Season: fall

What a lovely site!! Your story is really something to comprehend!!! I admire you t & what good things you are doing now!! Thank for doing my chart. Through you insights, I hope to head in the best direction along my spiritual journey! You are wonderfu to be so helpful & ready to explain the meanings of not only what is on the chart but other areas as well! I respect your varied knowlege. It is a pleasure to know such an evolved soul! Blessings ((((((lori)))))))

MIZZ - 07/03/99 07:09:12
My Email:horses@cqc.com
Favorite Place: the horse barn
Favorite Season: spring

Lori i loved your page so many smiles so many tears,you have shared with me a big part of my lifes downs and made days look brighter at times when i thought the world was at it's end for me. And for this you have all my friendly love. thank you for being there for me and for being you. Debby

Mini - 07/03/99 05:34:00
My Email:ddavis@cwix.com
Favorite Season: Summer

Lori, I love your page! Love and Light to you as you bless us all with your friendship. Hugs

Julie Whitley - 07/01/99 03:34:13
My Email:julie4453@sympatico.ca
Favorite Place: northern Ontario
Favorite Season: spring and fall

I love your web-site, Lori! It's beautiful :) Jules

nseagle - 06/18/99 01:16:39
My Email:nseagle@pcspower.net
Favorite Place: In the forest away from modern conveniences.
Favorite Season: Summer

Lori, just a note to say, "I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!" I love the graphics design, the eagles all over. Of course, I love eagles, as my name implies. Thanks for the treat.

Fancvile - 06/17/99 23:40:50
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/MiracleMile/fancvile/index.html
My Email:fancvile@bellatlantic.net
Favorite Place: Driving seeing new places or revisiting old places
Favorite Season: Spring & Fall

Wow you have a lovely web page. I admire your courage in sharing your challenges in life and how all of you experiences have made you the special person you have become. Congradulations on web page and your journey in life. Love & Hugs Fanc

COMET - 06/17/99 20:45:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/cometstarot
My Email:spiritread@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: Comet's place and many others
Favorite Season: summer

This is absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! hum wow! congrat's to u lori : ) Im so happy we met, you are a great friend and have helped so much. much luch on your new beautiful site : ) blessings, COMET

- 06/17/99 20:44:00


Kimberly (Horses In the Wind) - 06/17/99 14:49:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/dreamworld/3163
My Email:hennerfeindk@sprynet.com
Favorite Place: Whereever family and friends gather
Favorite Season: Fall

Great site chickee...I love the graphics and use of color. Thanks for including me in your links. Thanks even more for your wonderful friendship and support over the past year. You have been a large source of strength for me and I love you dearly. Horses n the Wind

Spakle - 06/17/99 10:57:26
My Email:blr@radiks.net
Favorite Place: home
Favorite Season: summer

I loved viewing you page and look forward to coming back. May the Lord bless you and your family.

Koki - 06/17/99 10:24:10
My Email:koki@nwt1plus.com

I just wanted to say Congratulations on your page Lori! I miss you and wish you all the best...

Spotted Eagle Woman - 06/17/99 07:05:56
My URL:http:// HERE
My Email:SpotEagle@aol.com
Favorite Place: Inward Spaces
Favorite Season: Spring

Most people don't sign their own page but... I want you all to know how much i appreciate your friendship, caring and light. My journey was a lonely one, but today -- so many walk the road with me. Thanks go especially to Mama and her sister Debbie whose energy can be felt throughout my web site . . giving it a special feeling of love and warmth.

LALA - 06/17/99 05:45:43
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ParadiseDr/lala58
My Email:dianthus58@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: my garden
Favorite Season: spring

Hi hon !!! Wonderful place,, mama and her sis did a great job hon. hehe lovely.. I will visit often:) Love and light

RainMist - 06/17/99 05:14:55
My URL:http://www.shrineofhope.com
My Email:rainmist@mistic.net
Favorite Place: ocean
Favorite Season: spring/fall

Beautiful page!!..Well done:)))..Big Hugs!, RainMist

GWEG - 06/17/99 04:55:38
My Email:gwegwe129@aol.com


tearisu - 06/17/99 04:43:57
My Email:tearisu@hotmail.com

Great Page Spotted!!! Fantastic job MAMA and sister :) It's beautiful!!

Starseed - 06/17/99 04:36:34
My Email:Renee@wycol.com
Favorite Place: In my Head
Favorite Season: All of them

Wow .....Nice work ,beautiful site it is very inspiring.......Namaste.....Starseed

Leslie - 06/17/99 04:22:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/hpt
My Email:alwayschanging@hotmail.com

wow !!!!! I love your new web page :)))))) Lori this is soooo beautiful!!!!

BILL - 06/17/99 04:05:24
My Email:BRL60@AOL.COM


firefly - 06/17/99 03:59:03
My Email:firefly420@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: the redwoods
Favorite Season: all of them!

All I can say is Thank-you... You helped me more than anyone has in this past year of my hardships. You are blessed with great tools and an ability to share them. May you be blessed for sharing so eloquently. You are a beautiful soul and I thank Great Spirit for YOU!

Baby - 06/17/99 03:55:25
My Email:bandoian@hotmail.com
Favorite Place: in the arms of the one i love
Favorite Season: summer cuz everyone is happy

LORI LORI LORI LORI ~~~ BEAUTIFUL !!!! this was such a treat to see your beauty in the pages on the net ....Your a light and I love you ... See you in the space of the net : )

MAMA - 06/12/99 23:15:05
My Email:IisMommy@aol.com
Favorite Place: At My Puter (lol)

My SPOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, Hope you like how this turned out. Debbie worked realllll hard!!!!! Love you bunches!!!! MAMA

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