I'm not gonna spoil the ending if you haven't seen this movie yet, but it's all about 4 kids that graudate from high school. On that night, they all get pretty drunk except Ray which is sober enough to drive. While driving, Ray gets distracted by Barry which is obviously drunk and Ray hits a man that they think were just crossing the street. This movie won many awards and I really think it deserves a look from you.

The Characters


Jennifer Love Hewitt (Party of Five) plays the role of Julie James, a straight-A senior in high school on her way to college. She tries to convince everyone to go to the police and, plagued by guilt after the accident, is ready to leave town for college and put everything behind her.


Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) stars as the upscale Helen Shivers. Helen holds the title of Miss Croaker, the local beauty queen who sees her beauty as the key to getting out of the small town and finding fortune and success elsewhere. She's always relied on her looks to get her through life and doesn't know how to handle things when she's forced to face reality after the hit-and-run.


Ryan Phillippe is cast as Barry, the star football player and Helen's boyfriend. He's the least sympathetic character and doesn't want anything to ruin his chances of a football scholarship. He convinces the others that their lives will be over unless they cover up what they did and throw the body into the water.


Freddie Prinze Jr. is Ray, Julie's ex-boyfriend from the poor side of town who is quiet and goes along with the whole plan even though he also knows its wrong. When the notes appear and the teens realize that someone is out for revenge, he decides to leave town before something serious happens.