BakerCraft Logs
Tracey vs. Gassabias
- The last of the fights with Gassabias, this ends with CraftSecond Tracey demoting the master to a sr. journeyman.
Genevieve's Kids' Dinner
- A long log about Genevieve's Sr. Journeyman project; a dinner party for the children of Harper's Tale
Dessert Lesson
- A log of a class on how to make klah covered cherries taught by Master Sybil
Gen's Gather
- A nice, spammy log of the Gather Genevieve held at MSH for her Vintner Journeyman Project.
LunchTime Lesson
- Sola gathers Dorendel, Xyon and Roza into her kitchen for a lesson on nachos and cookies.
High Reaches Weyr Feast
- Damia and Michel staged a feast at HRW for their joint master's project. -Another spammy log-
