Art pages

  1. The Geo-Spider
    Who is this Geo-Spider? Click to find out!
    To learn more about him, see his profile .
  2. Galvatron
    A black & white pencil of Galvatron
  3. Galvatron (big)
    A colour painting of the greatest Transformer!
  4. Spacewars
    A colored pencil battle scene around Cybertron
  5. Hotrod
    A colored pencil of Hotrod in car mode
  6. Astrotrain
    This shuttle in space was my first painting.
  1. Battle of the Bootlegs
    Remember those non-Hasbro transformer toys? Are they real
    Transformers too, or just bootlegs? Well, come to their party
    and find out what they think! Cost is only an arm and a (boot)leg.
  2. (more
  3. to come)


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