Welcome to my Guestbook!

Siobhan - 12/06/00 00:09:25
My Email:pazbhan1@yahoo.co.uk
Favourite Story: all atf stories

You're a very talented writer, I love the constantly high standard of you're stories. This site is my fave of the mag7 fanfic sites, probably because I'm such an Ezra buff! As I live in Britain the web is the only way I can see that there are others who love the show as much as I do, so keep it up!

Liz - 11/12/00 05:20:46
My Email:liz@auracom.com
Favourite Story: Burnout

Hi! wanted to tell you that I love your stories. It is always fun visiting your site. Keep up the great work!

cate - 10/12/00 14:44:05
My Email:kckizzfan@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: werewolves


L.N. - 07/19/00 16:59:15
My URL:/laradawn/home.htm
My Email:laradawn@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: I like the SPI ones and the Old West ones

Will you be adding more stories to the old west M7 series? the previews look really great. I'm looking forward to reading more!

judy - 06/20/00 00:40:41
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:ralston@mtnhome.com
Favourite Story: all atf stories

Hey, this is great. I was up till 3am reading these stories. I really love the ATF stories, especially the ones that have Ezra in the lead. Keep up the good work. Without new episodes to watch this is the next best thing.

Christy Karr - 05/15/00 06:21:50
My Email:Tommychick_in_99@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: The Cost of Revenge

Hay, I really loved Burnout. Keep up the good writing. I have been trying to find somwone who might know where and when I can buy The Magnificent Seven on tape and also anyone who has seen the last two M7s that might have been shown on TNN. If anyone has any information PLEASE e-mail me. Thanx

Jenni - 03/17/00 23:08:11
Favourite Story: I love them all, but I think Delayed Reactions has to be my favorite.

I love Ezra Pain/Angst, and anything to do with him. This site is one of my very favorite, and I am looking forward to "Burnout" and am very curious as to what "something completely different" is. Can't wait!

Beth - 12/19/99 02:36:41
My Email:gypsywtch@hotmail.com
Favourite Story: I love all the ATF ones!!

Your stories are some of the best M7 fanfics I've read! Keep em comin!!

Chris Karr - 12/13/99 06:40:07
My Email:tommychick_in_99@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: The Cost of Revenge

Hay Bern I love your stories! I think your first stories were better then your latest ones but I still love them. Anyways keep writing!

Amanda - 11/18/99 03:41:33
My Email:amandamandacharrison@hotmail.com
Favourite Story: A Life Threatened and The Betrayal

Hey Bern I like what you've don't with the page. Great new look. Love the stories, keep up the good work!

Karen W - 11/17/99 10:36:32
My Email:karjul@ozemail.com.au
Favourite Story: I love them all but if I had to narrow it down - A Life Threatened for the ATF and The Bounty in the general.

I love the changes you have made, looks great! Keep up the wonderful writing. I am holding out for your upcoming stories.

Dawn Finsrud-Sprague - 11/14/99 09:40:21
My Email:xpinkninja@aol.com
Favourite Story: A Life Threatened

Your site is absolutly fantastic, along with everyone of your stories. It was hard to choose just one favorite, but 'A Life Threatened' just wove it's way into my heart. Excellent job, very emotional stuff. Your a wonderful writer, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your outstanding work with fans like me. Keep up the superb job.

Connie Linck - 11/11/99 03:14:19
My Email:pegleg0721@aol.com
Favourite Story: LOVE ALL OF THEM!

Hi, Love your site and all your fantastic stories! Please keep up the good writing. I for one will be always looking for more!

Siobhan - 11/04/99 22:58:50
My Email:FMSOKEEFFE@ukgateway.net
Favourite Story: The Bounty/A Life Threatened

Wow! I gotta say Bern, that of all the M7 writers around(and there are many), you are by far the best of the bunch! I'm from England, and as such I've only had chance to see two M7 episodes, but that was enough to get me hooked. From the first sjow I saw, I remember thinking how cute Ezra was, but of course I didn't get to find much out about the character or how he developed. That's come mainly from the fan fics. I don't know how old you are, but you've got talent, girl! PLease don't stop writing any time soon - I'm having too much fun reading all you're great stories! What I like best is how you describe the characters together especially minus the slushy stuff (English reserve and all that!). I gotta say, reading some of the other fan fics is so offputti g sometimes because its just angst, angst, angst! That's why I read yours - Ezra develops as your stories go on and sorts himself out in relation to the others. About time too! I've just realised this piece is sounding a bit formal, but I've not got the t me to tell any of my sterling jokes. Oh alas!(Actually they're probably worse than the ones that JD always tells in fan fics, so I'd probably sing for joy. Huzzah!)Tara peeps!

Chris - 10/27/99 06:07:25
My Email:Tommychick_in_99@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: Love them all

Hay. I hafta say I love your stories. I have read alot of Ezra fanfic and yours is my absolute favorite. I just fineshed The Betrayal and loved every second of it. PLEASE continue to right your wonderful stories!

Chris - 10/27/99 06:07:00
Favourite Story: Love them all

Hay. I hafta say I love your stories. I have read alot of Ezra fanfic and yours is my absolute favorite. I just fineshed The Betrayal and loved every second of it. PLEASE continue to right your wonderful stories!

JB - 10/25/99 19:21:00
My Email:j_blackheart
Favourite Story: All but Betrayal the best

An amazing writer, completely captivating in your stories, I appluade your efforts.

Jenni - 10/19/99 02:41:12
Favourite Story: I couldn't choose!

I love your stories and always look forward to new ones. My favorite character is Ezra, so thanks for satisfying my cravings!

Lady Standish - 10/13/99 04:44:34
My Email:smtaylor@bellatlantic.net
Favourite Story: Are you really gonna make me choose?

Hey Bern, I love all your stories. I sit and wait for you to post them. I have cried and laughed and then cried some more. I think that I have read them all at least twice and I could sit down and read them all again, please keeping writing about my favou ite peace keeper!!!! Thanks for the wonderful stories that you give us.

Angel Fudge - 10/12/99 16:00:38
My URL:http:// N/A
My Email:dangerangel78@hotmail.com
Favourite Story: I love them all!!!!

I absolutly adore your site! I love Ezra, and therefore dig any stories about him. I was just wondering when you were going to post a new one? I think I'm going through withdrawls. Keep up the good work.

leigh - 10/09/99 12:12:32
My Email:leighrichards78@hotmail.com
Favourite Story: Wrongfully Accused

Love your story, the depth and emotion that are in them are fantastic! Can't wait to read Betrayal! Love Ezra hurting and in need of his friends! Think that they all great so hard to pick a favorite! Keep it up! Love your site. Leigh.

Chris - 09/10/99 05:38:28
My Email:Tommychick_in_99@yahoo.com
Favourite Story: Good Lord theres to many to choose from!!

Hi I LOVE your stories!! Ezra is of course my favorite. How could he not be? Please write more stories I have already finshed the ones that are up. Thank you. Since the show was taken of air reading one of your stories is the only way to get through the d y. ^_^Chris^_^

T - 09/05/99 04:01:56
My Email:Tilly@telstra.easymail.com.au
Favourite Story: Hard to tell

I love reading your stories and I always end up crying over them,thank god I am at home. You deserve all the credit you get and more. Please keep writing or you'll be swamped with e-mails for more. Love T

Robin - 08/20/99 13:46:35
My Email:kilkennybay@worldnet.att.net
Favourite Story: All of them!

I just finished THE HEALING PROCESS-- whoa! Was that ever a roller-coaster ride! Very insightful! Can I ask you a question? Is it my imagination or does there never appear to be indians involved in the M7 fanfic? Have you thought about a bunch of renegade dog-soldiers doing to Ezra the things you do so well to him? I can only imagine what you could co e up with... Keep up the "Maginificent" work!

Shawna - 07/29/99 03:57:46
My Email:shawna.smith3@gte.net

Hi Bern, Had to unsub from the brigs but finally made it over here to read your latest story. Looks like you've got quite a few planned. Can't wait to read them. Shawna

Marla - 07/10/99 05:18:47
My Email:aldieb@hotmail.com
Favourite Story: all of them

I love your stories. There about my favorite character, you write them so quickly (and well), they're punctual, and your plots are great. Keep them coming!

Kelly Adams - 06/22/99 23:31:36
My Email:Adamskm@aol.com
Favourite Story: The Hunted

I look forward to your stories every week. They satisfy my Mag 7 need, especially my need of Ezra. God I love that man. Thank you.

Beth - 06/04/99 19:21:48
My Email:charlybear@webtv.net
Favourite Story: I love them all!!

Bern, Your stories are great. I don't know how you keep coming up with all these great ideas. I look forward to reading them everyday. Keep up the wonderful work.

PattiW - 05/31/99 01:27:05
My Email:pwells@sprintmail.com
Favourite Story: haven't got one yet

Hiya Bern! As you can see I finally made it over to your site to start reading the fics! I KNOW they're gonna be good 'cause Trust was outstanding! Just wanted to say before I start reading that I LOVE the way you've arranged the pages with the pics.... WOW great choices of pics!! They go perfectly with the synposis for each one!! Ok, I'll come back again once I've finished reading! Take care, PattiW

PattiW - 05/31/99 01:26:47
My Email:pwells@sprintmail.com
Favourite Story: haven't got one yet

Hiya Bern! As you can see I finally made it over to your site to start reading the fics! I KNOW they're gonna be good 'cause Trust was outstanding! Just wanted to say before I start reading that I LOVE the way you've arranged the pages with the pics.... WOW great choices of pics!! They go perfectly with the synposis for each one!! Ok, I'll come back again once I've finished reading! Take care, PattiW

Jane - 05/28/99 16:35:47
My Email:kiplingr@aol.com
Favourite Story: How do you expect me to choose?

Oh my not only do write great stories, but you are prolific. Where do come up wiyh all these stories? Keep up the super work. June can never be to early, I want to read your stories.

Trekkieb - 05/26/99 22:26:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/4913
My Email:trekkieb@geocities.com

You've got a growing collection of stories here already. I can't write that fast :-) I love Mag 7, too. And, of course, Ezra.

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