Ezra Standish Fan Fiction!!!!

Update May 14th

I will no longer be updating this site. I no longer wish to write Mag7 fiction. I thank everyone who has read, (and re-read) my stories and the support of you have given me through your feedback.
Thank you to everyone!

My AU's are open for anyone who would like to write in them :-)

The Continuing Ezra Standish Saga - OW

Stand Alone Ezra Standish Stories - OW

Stand Alone Ezra Standish Stories - ATF/AU

The Continuing Ezra Standish/Lenny Hoskins Saga - ATF/AU

Scientific Paranormal Investigations - There will be no more stories written in this AU

Space Cowboys

Alternative ATF/AU

Avenging Angels - Coming Later

Short Stories

Mag 7 Challenges

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Last Modified:
June, 17th 2002