Hello My name is William Waters. 
I have started this page for those who wish to get to know me.
I am 5' 9" tall, shave my head periodically,
38 years old and I like to listen to music spanning many decades.
My favourite songs include:
"Baby This, Baby That"
"I Love How You Love Me"
"The Lonely Violin"
"Love Me The Way I Love You"
"110 in the Shade"
Favourite T.V.
Star Trek: the original series
and any other version.
Law and Order
and it's spinoffs.

I am single. I am also a Christian, I had searched for the woman God
had created for me for many years.  I found her August 3rd, 2003.
God works in mysterious ways,
because she could not love me in return
I have loved and lost, dearly.

May God grant rest to each shard of my broken heart.
Both the Eagle and the swordsmen are my e-mail links, just pick a pic and click.
The picture at the top is not me, just three parts of my personality.
My lady, click the next button for a little more about me and what I desire. 
The next two pages are meant for only one woman, I believe she knows who she is. 
If I haven't said it enough,  "I Love You."
or more specifically "1,4,3"
Donna, I will spare your feelings by not giving your last name.