Yeah, yeah, yeah.... this is my page. Blah, blah, blah and some other stuff. Do you feel all warm and squishy yet? There are plenty of things to look at and think about. Take your time, look around, and come back often. Don't forget to sign the, guestbook!
My Art
Not My Art   (but cool anyway)
My Family
My Friends
Dead Pets Society
My Photos
I'm  sure you're all dieing to know why I built this page. Well, I'll tell you why... it was my one grand attempt at cyberspace infiltration. Then I got bored and went to bed. But really, this is basically just a place I like to store the things I didn't know what else to do with. And I wanted to confuse the secret government officials... I know you're reading this...
Useless information about me:
      A) I'm 28 earth years of age and female
      B) I don't have a favorite color
      C) I don't belong here
      D) I hate anything peach flavored, but like peaches
      E) I am easily entertained yet also easily bored
      F) I prefer bad/stormy/wintery weather
      G) I live for chaos
      H) If it's not mispelled it wasn't worth writing

Things I ponder:
    1) Why all hot dogs aren't made to fit the bun
    2) Why they call it "Grapenuts"
    3) What happens during the times I can't remember
    4) Why good things happen to  bad people
    5) Why it's called a "flight of stairs"... stairs don't fly.
    6) Why people look to celebrities for advice
    7) Why there are no honest politicians
    8) Why we have to work so hard for money we don't get to keep
    9) If woodchucks can't chuck wood then why aren't they always called groundhogs? (and do they really hog the ground?)
This site best viewed using a computer with internet access
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My Pets
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