"Storybook Love"
There once was a knight who was mighty and strong.
There was but one thing for which his heart did long.
Because you see, he was not like the rest.
Regarded by the king as the absolute best,
He alone had the things envied by all other knights.
But try as he would, try as he might,
He simply could not forget his heart's one desiire.
His solatary passion that fueled his fire.
But one he could not have is what he wanted.
And day after day his heart was taunted
By the sobering fact that she was just a peasant girl,
Far beyond the grasp of his royal world.
He had watched her grow, he had seen her bloom,
And his brief glimpses from the castle walls only added to his gloom.
His love for her was unconditional, though he knew, a prohibited one.
His heart was wound in a knot so tight the strongest sword could not have
And yet of his existence, this girl did not know. Of his undying love she
knew even less so.
She had her family and a small home that shook each time the wind blew.
She even had a few good friends- this was the only life she knew.
She was so young, had never really known love.
But she knew it was out there, just what she'd been dreaming of.
And certainly it was, but she would never see,
How much this noble knight longed to be free.
Free to leave the castle gates and win her with his charms.
Free to tell her of his love and hold her in his arms.
But he was aware that day could never be, and so his feelings he had to
But despite that crushing knowledge he had, the fire in his soul never died.
So he lived his life in service to the King to the best of his ability.
To all around, his life seemed complete, filled with joy and stability.
Until one day, he could no longer take it.
He knew without her love he would never make it.
And so shedding all his glamorous armor, he quietly slipped away one night.
His only weapon a single red rose- the only way to make things right.
So he softly made his way through the forest, straining not to make a sound,
Though he was certain all knew he was coming by the way his heart did pound.
And as he reached the village where she slept, a strange calm swept over
This was the moment he'd waited for, a new life he could now begin.
Gripping the rose as tiightly as he could, he took a long, deep breath-
And stepped out into the open, which suddenly smelled like death.
A small band of outlaws appeared from nowhere, their torches all raised
And as the knight watched in horror, the arrows began to fly.
Screams from the villagers rang out loud into the night,
Our brave warrior rushed to their aid, the fire his only light.
Then suddenly he caught a brief glimpse that made his heart stand still,
His one true love, his only dream, a rouge was about to kill.
The poor girl lay frozen, staring down her fate.
A desperate cry for help she knew would be too late.
She watched as the scoundrel pulled his bow tight.
There was no use in putting up a fight.
She watched in slow motion the arrow finally depart,
Cutting through the air, heading straight for her heart.
All at once the noble knight, as if in a dream,
Found himself letting out a bloood-curdling scream.
Hurling his body through the air with all his strengh and might,
The arrow that had so hungrily sought her, instead had found the knight.
As he lay there dying at her feet, he lifted his head as best he could.
She could see the love in his eyes, and then she understood.
She held him in her arms and gently let him wipe a tear from her nose.
And summoning his very last ounce of strength, he handed her the rose.
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