


  1. In the Corbomite Maneuver," was Balok, the commander of the Fesarius, as menacing as he appeared on the view screen?
  2. Who gave the orphaned Charlie X his extraordinary and dangerous telekinetic powers?
  3. What was done to ensure that Charlie X would not endanger any more humans?
  4. Who has the coldest hands in Starfleet?
  5. Describe the Ferengi vision of hell.
  6. How does a Bajoran cleric "read" a person's life-force, which they call a pagh?
  7. How many orbs have appeared in the Bajoran sky in their history?
  8. The Bajorans worship the Prophets. Whom do the Ferengi worship?
  9. Who were "George and Gracie" in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home?
  10. What does Odo change into in the Ds9 episode "The Forsaken"?
    • A. A cat
    • B. A doughnut
    • C. A Klingon
    • D. Liquid
    • E. Vapor

Ulternative Universes, Wormholes, and Time Warps

  1. In what episode did the Enterprise first travel through time?
  2. What caused the Enterprise to be hurled backward in time to 1969 in "Tomorrow Is Yesterday"?
  3. Over what state is the Enterprise spotted and classified as a UFO?
  4. What is the distance of 3.26 light years called?
  5. How many light years form Starbase 85 is the point in the Gamma Quadrant where the wormhole opens?
  6. How many light years (approximately, of course) was Voyager transported?
    • A. 10,000
    • B. 35,000
    • C. 70,000
    • D. 12,000

Beaming, Holodecks, Shields, and the Inexplicable

  1. What is teh maximum range of a tractor beam and a transporter?
  2. With whom do Troi and Barclay have a timulating coversation on the holodeck in "The Nth Defree"?
  3. In "QPid," why does Worf find himself wearing a jaunty Medival hat?
  4. How can one transport through a shield around a ship?
  5. What is the "mircle" affecting Dr. Zimmerman that occurred in the Voyager episode "Heroes and Demons"?
  6. In the DS9 episode, "Past Tense," what technology does O'Brien desperately try to explain to Kira?
    • A. Transporter
    • B. Replicator
    • C. Warp drive
    • D. Photon torpedoes
    • E. How to program a 20th-century VCR


  1. What irrational fear of Captain Kirk's was revealed in "Arena"?
  2. In terms of the Prime Directive how does Captain Kirk rationalize the destruction of Vaal in "The Apple"?
  3. Why was Captain Picard singing loud drinking songs in Ten Forward in the course of "Allegiance"?
  4. Why was Captain Kirk able to gain some control over Noman in "The Changeling"?
  5. What is Jim Kirk's amusingly fitting punishment for Mudd in "I, Mudd"?
  6. What was corbomite?
  7. The rules of Fizzbin, the card game invented by Kirk, depend upon?
    • A. the days of the week and phases of the moon
    • B. the weaponry held by the opposing team
    • C. the species of one's opponents.
    • D. the secret markings on the backs of the cards.

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