Name: |
Fhengal McGhallain |
Seelie Legacy: |
Aspirant |
Kith: |
Nocker |
| |
Unseelie Legacy: |
Grotesque |
Seeming: |
Wilder |
Strength |
Charisma |
Perception |
Dexterity |
Manipulation |
Intelligence |
Stamina |
Appearance |
Wits |
Talents |
Skills |
Knowledges |
Alertness |
Crafts |
Chimerical Alchemy |
Athletics |
Drive |
Computer |
Brawl |
Etiquette |
Enigmas |
Dodge |
Firearms |
Gematria |
Empathy |
Leadership |
Gremayre |
Intimidation |
Melee |
Investigation |
Kenning |
Performance |
Lore-Dreaming |
Persuasion |
Security |
Medicine |
Streetwise |
Stealth |
Politics |
Subterfuge |
Survival |
Science |
| |
Mechanic |
| |
Infusion |
Daedloc's War |
Fae |
Backgrounds |
Mentor |
Remembrance |
Resources |
Treasure (Analytical Engine) |
Treasure (Skeleton Key) |
Destiny |
Health |
Combat |
Banality |
Experience |

- Curiousity 2pt Flaw
- Troglodyte 1pt Flaw
- Geas 3pt Flaw
- Art Limitation-(can only buy Soothsay up to level 2) 1pt Flaw
Once the de facto leader of that same powerful cabal of nockers who created Caliburn, Fhengal came to Earth at the Norns' behest. He was bound, whether he willed or no, to serve the Norns for seven years each in seven lifetimes. This is Fhengal's seventh incarnation. Once the Guardian Lord of Dán, Time, and the Wyrd, Fhengal traveled the realms to repair and maintain the Tapestry. He is a metaphysical janitor, of sorts. Fhengal wonders where his predecessor went and why he left. The sword Flame of Joy that the nocker used in the Norns' service waits for him in the Dreaming.
Modern Day:
Fhengal has recently completed college and lives with his grandfather, learning the tricks of clock making. His parents died in a car accident when he was seven years old, and he has lived with his grandfather ever since. The events surrounding that fatal car crash are somewhat suspect, but he does not pursue questioning Grandpa Malchus who remains very tight-lipped on the subject. Fhengal is highly introverted and empathic. Recently he has been having strange dreams about a sword that calls to him. Fhengal isn't antisocial, but his oddness, intensity, and lack of a social life have kept him from developing a large circle of friends thus far. Fhengal is worried about his grandfather's reclusive lifestyle. He takes care of Grandpa's freehold as best he can. He has an insatiable lust for learning about faerie lore and magic and wants to rediscover the old secrets. He dreams big dreams, but it'll be a while before he achieves them. Fhengal is a regular church-goer and an extremely moral Christian. He is usually peaceful, but if pushed over the edge he will become violent. He is first and foremost an individual.
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