Welcome to Solace Hearth, the web page for Nockers. Solace Hearth is a powerful freehold a few miles to the east of the southeast side of the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in the Kingdom of Grass. The large, nocker-built manor house is home to artisan Fhengal McGhallain, his grandfather Malchus, and a few others. Here is a floor-plan of the freehold.

In the Bicker Barn we discuss many different Dreaming theories and crafting methods. Practitioners of Alchemy, Gematria, and Metaphysics are all welcome. Here, Wyrd science is explored in depth.

*COMING SOON* The Show Room As nockers, we also like to brag about the treasures and chimera that we've created, living and inanimate. You won't find any cheap schlock here. What's the point of making something if you can't take a little pride in it, right?

The Library is the spot where general information related to Changeling is posted from addenums to cut materials. In addition, the poetry and stories will delight those who seek such things.

*COMING SOON* The Organ Room is the focus for the nexus of trods that connect to our freehold. Grandpa Malchus built the organ himself as a love-gift for Fhengal's late Grandmother. Don't go playing the organ without Grandpa's permission!

This site is currently being constructed, so it will be a while before you see anything good.

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

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The Solace Hearth webpage is a tandem effort between Fhengal McGhallain and The Good Doctor Morganes. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for us, feel free to e-mail.

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