Larla Te'pech DelVostra Blackshire

Visiting the Oracle

Lawrence Raab

It's dark on purpose. So just listen.
Maybe I inhabit a jar, maybe a pot, maybe nothing, only this loose end of a voice trying to meet you. It sounds like water. Don't think about that.

Let your servants climb back down the mountains by themselves. I will listen. I'll tell you everything I discover, but I can't say what it means.

Someone will always assure you of the best of fortunes, but you know better.

And Keep THIS in mind: The answer reveals itself in time like the clue that fits perfectly and explains everything after the crime has been solved.

Then you will say : I should have known It was there all along and never even concealed like the story of the letter overlooked by the thief because it had not been hidden. That's the trick of course.

You don't need me.

Enter the Masquerade here...

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