**WARNING!! You have now entered the USELESS Crap Zone. The management does not claim responsibility for any lost minds or apendages along the way..**Assistant District Attorney to not a DAMN thing!!**

  • RULE # 1!! If you are under 18 and someone would object to you viewing off color material then bug off shorty before I call the cops, ya bother me!!
  • RULE # 2!! If you are over 18 and someone would STILL object to you viewing off color material..do it when no one is looking or move out of your parents house and get a life ya leech!!
  • RULE # 3!!I will not be held personally responsible for your objections to my page so don't email me whining about it. I have the right to type this garbage and you have the right to surf on!!
  • RULE # 4!!If ya really like it and want to steal it go ahead..hey what's the web for if not for a little petty thievery!!*G*
  • RULE # 5 !! Please Keep all arms and legs in the vehicle until it comes to a complete stop!!
  • RULE # 6!!If this makes sence to you, I am really worried!! Contact your local rubber room NOW without delay!!
  • RULE # 7!!Ignore all the rules but #1!!
  • RULE # 8!! The Management reserves the right to change the rules at will so there!!

Alrighty then *G*..now that the rules are established..on to the show...

Top 10 signs that YOU will burn in hell according to the forgiving Christians at the Satanic hotline..*no joking!!*
And you thought Satan worshipers didn't go in for that community service stuff
Uh..are rabbits and chickens supose to do this?!?
A few to tickle the funny bone on various subjects and I NOTE once more that some of these may be unsuitable for young children or farm animals

Theme from Mission Impossible..Obviously!!