<BGSOUND SRC="Spidey1960z.wav">

Welcome to my recently modified Spiderman Website for the year 2000.

Unlike other
Spidey sites, this one is devoted to my modest little Spiderman collection, travels, and my light hearted identity and antics as The Webslinger. I've also got some pictures of my Spidey costume, some appearances, real Marvel events, and some authentic Marvel cool stuff.

The (evil) Baby Boomer establishment likely would label me an idiot, but at least I am pursuing a hobby and bringing smiles and fun to kids aged 1-101. As an added bonus, I've a sense of humor and watch the evening news without complaining about the government or politics. Offended baby-boomers
please click here.

This site was created on: 4/28/99 and last modified or expanded on 8/11/00.

Please note: Spiderman is a property of Marvel, Inc. and I don't wish to irritate the creative powers  that be. Appearances as Spidey are only PRO BONO--strictly for charities or communitiy events. No for-profit activity is undertaken.

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