(Skip ahead to the latest info about letter-writing campaigns)

12/23/1999: We have been hearing louder rumblings about that rumored film of TSML. Apparently a report in Variety has claimed that a screenplay has indeed been written, and the option has been picked up by an allegedly reputable company. I don't subscribe to Variety myself, so I can't confirm this via their website (they want money, dangit ;} -- any eVariety subscribers out there who can help here...?) , although searching does turn up an article abstract mentioning "six figures"... I will attempt to check print-Variety for more details next time I'm at my local library. More on this as/if it develops...

Meanwhile, while we're waiting for news, let's play a few rounds of "fantasy casting": who do you think would be 'just perfect' for Jane, Silver, Clovis, and the other characters? This is an all-write-in poll, so go ahead and make something up (although be warned, anyone answering "Leonardo DiCaprio" to any of the questions will be pitied harshly). Who knows, maybe someone "important" might even see this page and get to thinking...

HUZZAH! The Silver Metal Lover is back in print!

We'd like to thank all those who have offered words of encouragement. The new paperback edition has been published by Bantam/Spectra, and the cover illustration is at least not quite as ugly as on some of the other editions. ;) They seem to have worked from the DAW yellow-spined edition, however, as this printing contains the same false-correction in the "cogito ergo oops" passage...

"For the Academy's Consideration":

a cry to reissue Tanith Lee's The Silver Metal Lover

Many, many years ago, I was introduced to a novel that remains in my mind still. Tanith Lee's meditation on the nature of the soul in a electric age, The Silver Metal Lover, has been out of print for more than a decade now, fading copies being passed hand to hand among friends with an insistent "you've gotta read this...!", read and re-read until they're literally loved to death. And as we slip farther and farther into a cybered world, its themes become more urgent even as the pages crumble...

This page is an invitation to petition DAW Books in the hope that enough voices clamoring together as one on this subject might lead them to consider reissuing this "lost classic". [I am not in any way affiliated with DAW myself, I just love this darn book and I need a new copy to replace the one I just lost in a move. ;) ] Some thoughts on how to make your voice heard:

  1. Write to DAW:

  2. Visit DAW's website. Rather sketchy but generally has current addresses just in case.

  3. sign our guestbook petition form and if there are enough entries to indicate real interest, I'll periodically forward them to DAW. (And if there's a lot of interest, I may print the list out and send them a hardcopy to look like a proper petition... ;) )

  4. Webmasters: link to us! The more publicity we can generate, the more letters can be inspired...

Remember, be very polite, and try not to gush; simply make the point that it was a very nice book that might benefit from being reissued now that it's becoming timely. (I'd provide an example letter, but those tend to get copied verbatim and the recipients get suspicious. ;) ) I don't know that there are any precedents for this sort of campaign working in the literary world, but they have worked in some analogous cases for television shows, so we can but try it and see...

(Have to read or reread TSML right now? Amazon.com may be able to find you a copy if your local used-book shops turn up dry. They also maintain a display of reader reviews for this title.)

Want to share your thoughts and observations on the book? Visit our message board!

Check the on-line petition, live and in progress...

other information on Lee and her works

Daughter of the Night
a bibliography of Lee's writings, and one of the most comprehensive I've seen for any author done on the Web.
A discussion list for Lee's works.

Also rumored is that TSML has been optioned for a film treatment. While one deals with news from Hollyweird with skepticism at best, this would be an interesting development if it comes to pass...

some background on letter-writing campaigns

Roswell: Support Roswell
A campaign to send a message to the WB -- via six thousand bottles of Tabasco sauce?!?!? Sounds screwy perhaps, but it worked.
Sailor Moon: Save Our Sailors
Say what one will about the show itself or the SOS organizers, "Sailor Moon" was returned to American television more than once, and this campaign is cited as a significant factor in the programming decisions. The website occasionally links to sites conducting letter-writing efforts on behalf of other anime and manga properties.
Star Trek (classic): One Million Letters
The granddaddy of fan protests; letters convinced the network to reconsider the series' cancellation... for a while.
The Sentinel: Support Our Sentinel
After much hectoring, UPN resumed production of the series as a midseason replacement.
Highlander: the Series
An organized effort at the end of this series' second season convinced the producers of its continued viability, and a later drive at the end of season five also helped to buy a partial extension of the original run, as well as demonstrating general interest in a spin-off.

in progress
Now and Again: Save Now and Again
Mystified by the cancellation of a show that apparently had every chance of being renewed, fans seek, if not renewal, at least a sense of resolution.
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Satellite News clearinghouse, Save MST3k Again, Forever MST3K
Saved from limbo before by its devoted followers, can the Satellite of Love stay airborne this time? Or will August 1999 bring the end of the world a few months ahead of schedule? Stay tuned...
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Bring Back Dr. Quinn!
A current campaign on behalf of the recently discontinued show. Excellent example of the anatomy of a campaign's progress.
Animaniacs: SOAK (Save Our Animaniacs Kampaign)
A current campaign to induce production of new episodes in this animated series. Includes examples of letters actually sent in the campaign.
Highlander: write Richie into Highlander 4
An example of a campaign that, like ours, has a specific and finite end-goal: an appearance by a "lost" character in the upcoming feature film.

in limbo
Doctor Who: Save Doctor Who
This effort has fought on doggedly for years with sporadic successes, most recently a return of the existing series to some PBS stations.
Forever Knight: Kickstart the Knight
So far, efforts to resurrect this undead show have been unsuccessful, but work continues on its behalf; the latest project is a drive for a TV-movie.

general observations
On production and fandom in the 21st century
An essay on why -- and whether -- Doctor Who should be returned to the air, and in what form, examining similar cases such as Alien Nation and the TV-movies fan efforts procured for that series.

If anyone knows of similar campaigns on the internet, please tell me...

(theoretically) Coming soon: downloadable campaign flyers to post at conventions and your local SF-centric bookstore!

First posted Friday 16th October 1998, latest additions 12th June 2000. Mirrored at TalkCity for your browsing convenience. Further information will be posted on this page when and as it becomes available. This page is maintained, or at least masterminded, by a fan of the book who chooses to call herself Demeta for the purposes of page-wrangling here; she is also generally responsible for the "Thistle and Joe" Virtual Scottish Pub & Coffeehouse, of which this page may be considered a spinoff as it shares their Amazon.com Associate identity codes. "" MIDI by Jeremy Jacobs. Ideas on spiffing this page up would be appreciated, so long as they were within the boundaries of copyright law...

e-mail Demeta

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