WizardsAnd Sorcerers Compose your postcard Select a picture Click on the thumbnails to view the full size picture. Wizard #1 Wizard #2 Wizard #3 Wizard #4 Wizard #5 Wizard #6 Wizard #7 Wizard #8 Wizard #9 Wizard #10 Wizard #11 Wizard #12 Select custom heading: no heading You've Put A Spell On Me The Truth Is Out There!!! Have a Great Day! Don't worry, be happy! We are the Champions! You are Wonderful Tonight! I Love You Happy Birthday! You are Breaking My Heart Wish You were Here Thinking of You Miss You Congratulations! You are My Hero! You are Always in My Mind! You are Too Good to be True! Type in your card text: (you can use HTML tags) Select signature for your postcard: No signature Take Care Best Wishes Sincerely Kind regards Hugs and kisses Forever yours Select text color Black Blue Maroon Green Bright Green Red Gold Select background color White Lightblue Lightyellow Lightpink Lightgreen Lightgrey Black Gold Select background image: None Rainbow #1 Rainbow #2 Clouds Pink Roses Pink Flowers Stary Night Star Bursts Fire Goldwavy Stars Heavy Metal Funny Faces Gargoyles JAIL Rain (Animated) Bamboo Black Lace Dark Lace Black Satin Red Satin Select Music No sound Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield) Tales From The Crypt Phantasm Halloween Mr. Kite (The Beatles) Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) Arabesque (Debussy) Ave maria (Schubert) Air (Bach) You Don't Always Get What You Want (Rolling Stones) Don't worry, be happy! (B. McFerrin) Claire de Lune (Debussy) Anniversary Waltz Amazing Grace (Newton) Hosanna Romeo and Juliet Itsy Bitsy Spider Music Box Dancer Green Sleeves Love Story Theme Dream a Little Dream (The Mammas and The Pappas) Furelise (Beethoven) The Unicorn Song Obladi, oblada (Beatles) Vincent Under The Sea (The little Mermaid) Pretty Woman X-files Theme #1 (M.Snow) X-files Theme #2 X-files Theme #3 The Bell (Mike Oldfield) Think of Me Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones) The Blues Brothers Dock of The Bay (Otis Redding) As Time Goes By Knockin on Heaves Door(Bob Dylan) Titanic Brown Sugar (The Rolling Stones) The House of The Rising Sun Man Eater In the Mood Puttin On The Ritz Twin Peaks Theme Age of Aquarius Jesus Christ Super Star Try A Little Tenderness (Otis Redding) Look On The Bright Side (Monty Python) Select a poem: no poetry for a lover get well for a friend Angel Prayer Enter your name: Enter your e-mail: Enter recipient's name: Enter recipient's e-mail: Preview postcard Send without preview
no heading You've Put A Spell On Me The Truth Is Out There!!! Have a Great Day! Don't worry, be happy! We are the Champions! You are Wonderful Tonight! I Love You Happy Birthday! You are Breaking My Heart Wish You were Here Thinking of You Miss You Congratulations! You are My Hero! You are Always in My Mind! You are Too Good to be True!
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No signature Take Care Best Wishes Sincerely Kind regards Hugs and kisses Forever yours
Black Blue Maroon Green Bright Green Red Gold
White Lightblue Lightyellow Lightpink Lightgreen Lightgrey Black Gold
None Rainbow #1 Rainbow #2 Clouds Pink Roses Pink Flowers Stary Night Star Bursts Fire Goldwavy Stars Heavy Metal Funny Faces Gargoyles JAIL Rain (Animated) Bamboo Black Lace Dark Lace Black Satin Red Satin
no poetry
for a lover
get well
for a friend
Angel Prayer
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