
Compose your postcard

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Click on the thumb nails
to view the full size picture.
Fairy Fairy Fairy
Fairy #1 Fairy #2 Fairy #3
Fairy Fairy Fairy
Fairy #4 Fairy #5 Fairy #6
Fairy Fairy Fairy
Fairy #7 Fairy #8 Fairy #9
Fairy Fairy Fairy
Fairy #10 Fairy #11 Fairy #12

Select custom heading:

Type in your card text:

(you can use HTML tags)

Select signature for your postcard:

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Select background image:

Select Music

Select a poem:

no poetry

for a lover

get well

for a friend

Angel Prayer

Enter your name:

Enter your e-mail:

Enter recipient's name:

Enter recipient's e-mail:

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Made with Cardshop Creator PRO by Personal Postcards