Welcome to the Outpost 10F 2001 Halloween TF Scavenger Hunt!




~ Print or download a copy of our list below

~ Scower and prowl thru
The Outpost 10F Department Pages
to find ALL the items listed below!

~ Copy and paste the images you
find onto your own website.

~ Email your name, email address
and web URL to the Ghoul-Master

~ You will be notified by the Contest Committee on the
results of your search. Perhaps you will win an award!


Find these amongst
The Outpost Department Pages!


Scavenger Hunt!Scavenger Hunt


Any information you give in your pages will be used solely
by the Contest Committee for conducting this contest...
any questions - email the Ghoulmaster
... this Hunt was brought to you by:
the Outpost 10F Counseling Department.