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Donated by: T'Prang
I wouldn't worry, Lieutenant. Life is short. And once you're
dead, you're a long time dead. If you know what I mean.
~ Crosetti
Donated by: T'Prang
You know what the best thing about this place is? All our
worries and cares that we had in life? They don't matter anymore.
Rest in peace...means what it says.
~ Felton
Donated by: Jen
Here lies Jen...
She snuck out the back airlock before putting on her space suit and now she knows, vacuums really suck...
Donated by: Kayanna
At times like these,certain thoughts tend to come to mind...thoughts in which I muse, ponder and ruminate over...namely,"DAMN THAT LAMPOST!"
Donated by: Leeta
If I die remember to have a drink on me, just don't stain the lid
Donated by: Gav
"Never underestimate the power of a plug socket"
Donated by: KK
ahhhhhhhh bugger
Donated by: Harry
Here lies John quite a guy
Very sad he had to die
All was well could not be better
Till he wrote my girl a letter
Donated by: *William Shakespeare*
Blest be the man that spares the stones
And curst be he that moves my bones
Donated by: Zillie
Here he lies cold and hard!
The last damn dog,
That pooped in my yard!!
Donated by: Ens. Gillian Anderson clone # 23
Psst... The guy next to me isn't really dead.
Donated by: Ens. Gillian Anderson clone # 23
I'll give you a tip; avoid my wife's food.
Donated by: Ens. Gillian Anderson clone # 23
Shoot the dog who peed on my gravestone...
Donated by: Angel With Pain
Donated by: Unknown
I've had all that I've wanted,
of a lot of things I've had,
and a lot more than I needed of some things,
that turned out bad.
Donated by: Fester N Rott
A six foot hole is all I got
Donated by: Unknown
I Lived
Donated by: Unknown
It was better to have loved than not to have loved at all.
I'll Be Back
Donated by: Unknown
Here lies Terrie Mann she lived as a lady and died an old Mann.
Donated by: Unknown
Here lies John Yeast
Pardon me for not rising
Donated by: Unknown
Robots In Pieces
Donated by: Unknkown
Here lies the body of Marvin E. Blake
Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.
Donated by: Unknown
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
If I must die a must is a must
Donated by: Clepto
Tomb of the Unknown Shoplifter
Security provided by Smith and Wesson
Donated by: Friend
Here lies the greatest of gifts
Barney is dead
Donated by: Barney Friend
Here lies Barney
I miss you ....You miss me
Donated by: Unknown Treker
Why is the rest of the Star Trek landing party wearing a different color?
Donated by: Sense Impaired
What does this button do?
Donated by: BIG_L
Here lies the BiGest L to ever enter TF...
may he find his grave never walked on...
and everything he deserves in the after life!
Donated by: A GHOUL
A chill ran down my spine
I stepped out of of line
To see that all was fine
And that I hadn't lost my mind.
I'd made a great mistake.
A demon took my place.
Now he goes to grace
And I'm stuck to face
Satan's bloody mace.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes,
Dustia's clan is growing in stashes.
A vaccum here she could escape,
but lighting that fire was a big mistake.
Donated by: NEALE
Here lies Adrian Neale.
He now knows why you don't wash red socks
with your gold starfleet shirt.
Donated by: ORANGE
Sorry I can't take your call right now,
but leave your name and number after the tone
and I'll get back to you as soon as possible
Donated by: BABA WAWA
Donated by: SCAMALL
The reports of my death have been greatly exagerated
Donated by: TODD
Donated by: LAI
Here lies Herman all muddy and wet,
he was my only pet,
he was a great spider,
I think I gave him a little too much apple cider..
sometimes he would spin a web,
or just lay in bed.
but one day he layed too long,
and I knew something was wrong,
as I went to wake him,
he looked a little funny..
then someone came behind me and said
'oh no! he's dead!!'
So here I am,
writing this poem, for a great spider
it was so great to know him!
The End
Donated by: JOR
Here I lie
With my flesh rotten
Shortly after I died
I've been forgotten
Donated by: DAVID BOWIE
Ashes to Ashes
Funk to funky
we know major Tom's a junkie
strung out in heavens arms
hitting an all time low
Donated by: SAM
He's dead Jim
Donated by: ZILETTE
And alien tears will fall for him
Pity's long-broken yearn,
For his mourners will be outcast men,
And outcasts always mourn.
Donated by: JINNA
When I am dead and in my grave,
and all my bones are rotten.
While reading this you'll think of me
when I am long forgotten!
Donated by: BOOGER BEAR
I was somebody.
Who, is no business of yours
Donated by: ZIMLET
Here lies a miser who lived for himself,
who cared for nothing but gathering wealth.
Now where he is and how he fares;
nobody knows and nobody cares
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore".
Donated by: caz
"There will be a corner of a foreign field that is forever England."
(Seigfried Sassoon I think- or one of the great war poets)
Donated by: SMILE
Oh, you meant THAT red button...oops.
Donated by: GATES
Here I lay me down to rest,
After studing for a test,
If I die before I wake,
That's one less test I have to take...
Donated by: JAMES BOND 007
They Say It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost Than To Have Never Loved At All
And That A Poor Man Is Not One Without A Cent, But One Without A Dream.
To Say You Will Be Missed Is Not A Dream, Or A Love But An Oath That Says You Were Loved, You Had A Dream.
Never Lose Sight Of The Big Picture
Rest In Peace
Donated by: FLAME OF FIRE
You loved me
When you spun the stars into motion
And you loved me
When you parted land and sea
Before night and day
Before time and space
You have chosen me
Set aside a place in T.F.
That bears my name...
O.k. Q this isn't funny.
I'm not laughing.
Q? Where are you?
Donated by: RoK THE REAPER
RoK the Reaper met her match
When little Kenny she tried to catch
She covered him with bugs from hell
But little Kenny never fell
He only shrugged and kinda sighed
Left RoK wondering why he hadn't died
With lightning she dispatched her wrath
While little Kenny was in the bath
Then RoK watched with a scowl
As little Kenny donned his towel
"Why dont you die!?"she screamed and shouted
While little Kenny only pouted
He mumbled, "Don't you watch this show?..
The Reaper dies in this episode!"
Then as RoK faded away..
"YOU BASTARDS!" is all that she could say....
~~~Funniest Epitaph Award 2000~~~
presented to
Jen Atkins-2000
In Special Recognition Of
Her Sense Of Twisted Humor
Outpost 10F Counseling Department
~~~Funniest Epitaph Award 1999~~~
presented to
In Special Recognition Of
Her Outstanding Sense Of Humor
Outpost 10F Counseling Department
Just a "special thanks" for your contributions to the Epitaph
Board. Having a sense of humor gives a smile to so many.