Mark Cruz A3 1/9/00 Part I 2) The treaty of Ghent ending the war of 1812 [B] provided for a restoration of the status quo before the war started. 7) The war of 1812 [A] was supported in the agriculural regions of the South and West. 13) The Missorui Compromise [C] swung the balance of power in the senate to the slave states. 17) The “Panic of 1837” was in large part precipated by tight monetary policies by Jacksonian Democrats culminating in thr issuance of the Specie Ciruclar. [D] 20) The Hartford Convention of 1814 focused on Federalist desire for a massive rewriting of the constitution to neutralize the power of the Southern Republicans. [C] 21) The canal building period of the 1820’s resuled primarily from the nerd fot an economical method of shipping farm goods from Western states and territorres directly to eastern markets. [E] 29) When Andrew Jackson’s enemies spoke of the Kitchen Cabinet they were reffering to a [A] group of old friends and unofficial adivsors of the president. 30) Factors promoting the beginnings of American industialzaion during the early 19th century incudes all of the folloowing except [D] the absense of craft organizations that tied artisans to a single trade. 46) The battle of New Orleans in 1815 resulted in the emergence of Andrew Jackson as a military hero and ended the possibiity of a British Empire on the lower Mississipi River. [A] 47) In the 1800 election the Federalist Candidate running for president against Thomas Jefferson was John Adams. [B] Part II 1) The name of the 1812 war battle was Horsehoe Bend. 4) The name of the 1812 war battle where Tecumseh was killed was the Battle of Thames. 6) The name of the war of 1812 battle that inspired Francis Scott Key was the battle of Fort Mchenry.