/************************************************************* * BMI.cpp calculates a person's BMI using a formula * user input * Input: Weight (in pounds) * Height (in inches) * Output : The person's body mass index. * Programmed By: Mark Cruz * Block 2B * Date 10/7/2002 ***************************************************************/ int main() double yourpleasure double yourfunthatsthestatementofthegreatm int indoublemintgum /**** 1. Why have socities developed codes of laws? To determine how memebrs of the society must conduct themselves. 2. How do laws come into force? Through government and court decisiosn and rulings. 3. What is the basic difference between teh European Civl Code and English common law? Civil Code developed from Napoleonic Code. Common law develops from decisions of the king courts, used to restore rights, compensate damages, and correct injuries. 4. What is the basis of all U.S. law? The Constitution. 5. What is meants by a trial by a jury of peers? It means that the accused has teh right ot be tried in court by a jury. 6. Why is there a separate body of military law? This is becasue several things in civilian life are crimes in the military. 7. What ist he relationship between discipline adn military law? Military law is designed to preseve good order and disciplien within the military service, and ensure equal justice. 8. What is teh basic requirement pertaining to indivdiula rights of both military and civil law? The rights of each indivudal must be protected and seeks to assure eveyr perosn in uniform equla jsutice udner the law. 9. What is the purpose of Navy Regulations They provide the broad guidelines for the organiztion and administration of the Navy, and specifies particular actiosn that can and cannot be done, adn how the chain of command should handle these actions. 10. Under Navy Regulations, what is the rule concerning the following subjects? A. Communicatiosn iwth the commanding officer "Teh rights of any person in the naval service to communicate witht eh commandign officer at a proper time adn place is not to be denied or restricted" B. Securithy of competietive naval examinations No person in the Navy shall withorut proper authority have in his possesion or attempt to obtain anh part of an examination or answer sheet, or disclose or ask for any information concerning answers, or ask for or give any help during an examination C. Equal opportunity Euql opportunity and treatment shall be accorded all persons in the Department of the Navy, irrespective of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, consistent with requirment of ability. D. Alcohol and Narcotics 11. Which three publicatiosn epxlain all matters concerning US military law? 12. Why msut navl personnel be famailr with tehUCMJ? 13. As staets in the Gernal article (134) what soe sthe prhase "prejudice of good order adn discipline" mean?