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Welcome to Mike Howell's Webpage

 Page Last Update August 20, 2006 @ 1:10 PM CDT

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Welcome to my website. Here you will find the same things that you found in my old site only better.

Geocaching For those of you who do not know what this is, this little info bit should tell you enough to know what it is. Geocaching is a great treasure hunt so to say. It is a high tech one at that. All over the world, people hide containers with random objects in them, and the only way to find them is via a GPS. If you ever run across one in the woods, please let it be! For more info visit

Blog!! I recently found a new blog system within the Geocities system. I have added a link in my page directory for you to view

Garage Construction Update! Things are going well with the garage. The Outside is primarily done, with the inside to be completed soon. The ceeling has been fully sheetrocked and is just waiting for mud and paint. The sidewalls are getting the OSB on as I type this.

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Des Moines Area Cams Update! The Iowa Department of Transportation is considering removing these cameras due to I235 construction Project almost complete. We think the local media outlets will pick these cameras up as they are a usefull tool for traffic reporting in the morning and evening. For right now they will remain the same.



This site is designed and maintained by Mike Howell. Service provided by Yahoo Geocities.

Mike Howell
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