Gorean Clothing


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Clothing varies from area to area on Gor and ofcourse depends on the Master's wishes. This is a list of some of the basic slave apparel in different cities of Gor.


Silks and Slave Outfits



A poncho like garment, belted at the waist, it normally hangs high on the thighs.

The camisk is a rectangle of cloth, with a hole cut for the head, rather like a poncho.  The edges are commonly folded and stitched to prevent raveling. The camisk, I am told, normally falls to the knees...The camisk, I am told, was at one time commonly belted with a chain. However, the camisks that I have personally seen, and those we were given, were belted with a long, thin strap of leather binding fiber. This passes once around the body, and then again, and then is tied, snugly, over the right hip....The belt of binding fiber not only makes it easier to adjust the camisk to a given girl, but of course, the binding fiber serves to remind her that she is in bondage. In a moment it may be removed, and she may be secured with it, leashed, or bound hand and foot....The camisk, in its way, is an incredibly attractive garment.It displays the girl, but provocatively. Moreover, it proclaims her slave, and begs to be torn away by the hand of the master. Men thrill to see a girl in a camisk.
Captive of Gor, page 64


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A diaphonous trouser garment, gathered in at the ankles, but billowy otherwise. It is normally worn with a matching vest, tight, four hooked, that keeps the midriff bare. It is a Tahari outfit.

She wore a high tight vest of red silk, with four hooks; her midriff was bare; she wore the sashed chalwar, a sashed, diaphanous trousered garment, full but gathered in, closely, at the ankles; she was barefoot; her wrists and ankles were bangled; she was veiled; she was collared.
Tribesmen of Gor, page 105


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See Clad Kajir


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Clad Kajir

This is the term used to denote a slave who is clad in the way of the Wagon Peoples, this clothing varies for the kajirae and kajiri. For the female she wears a red cord called the Curla tied around her waist which holds in place the Chatka, a narrow strip of black leather that passes through her legs. The Kalmak which is a black leather vest and the Koora, a strip of red cloth which holds her hair back. A kajiri must only wear the Kes, which is a sleeveless black work tunic.<>

Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long , narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back; the chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmak is then donned; it is a short sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the koora, worn loose. for a male slave or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather.
Nomads of Gor, page 30


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See Clad Kajir


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See Clad Kajir


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See Clad Kajir


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A sleeveless dress of white wool which hangs down to the ankles, the neckline is split down to the belly for better display. This is worn in the North such as Torvaldsland.<>

She was blond; she was barefoot; she wore an ankle-length white kirtle, of white wool, sleeveless, split to her belly.
Marauders of Gor, page 81


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see Clad Kajir


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Pleasure Silks

Diaphonous silks of varied colors which are used to entice men by their brevity. They do not conceal but enhance the slave's body and are most often worn by Tavern slaves.<>

I slipped on the bit of silk. I looked in the mirror and shuddered. I had been naked before men, many times, but it did not seem to me that I had been so naked as this. It was Gorean pleasure silk. Not naked, I seemed more than naked.
Captive of Gor, page 322


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Slave Livery

The most common of slave outfits, it is basically a very short dress, split down the middle, held together with a cord. It rides high upon the thighs and comes in a variety of patterns and materials.

She wore the briefly skirted, sleeveless slave livery common in the northern cities of Gor; the livery was yellow and split to the cord that served as her belt; about her throat she wore a matching collar, yellow enameled over steel.
Assassins of Gor, page 7


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Slave Rag

Another name for Ta-Teera. A scandalously short garment of brown cloth, normally torn or ripped, held together by two small hooks which pull the garment tight about the body, accentuating every curve of the slave.<>

Joyfully I drew on the garment, slipping it over my head and fastened it, more tightly about me, by the two tiny hooks on the left. The slit made the garment, a rather snug one, easier to slip into; the two hooks, when fastened, naturally increased the snugness of the garment, drawing it quite close about the breasts and hips; deliciously then, from the point of view of a man, the girl's figure is betrayed and accentuated; also, the two hooks do not close the slit on the left completely, but permit men to gaze upon the sweet slave flesh held pent, held captive, within
Slave Girl of Gor, page 76


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The Gorean Slave Rag, it is scandalously short and of brown cloth, fastened tightly about the body to accentuate every curve of the slave which wears it. It is an utterly sensual garment. See Slave Rag for more info.<>

Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. "Ta-Teera," she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera.
Slave Girl of Gor, page 81


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Thrall Tunic

A short work tunic of white wool that male slaves of Torvaldsland, called thralls, are dressed in.

Men in the fields wore short tunics of white wool; some carried hoes; their hair was close cropped; about their throats had been hammered bands of black iron, with a welded ring attached.
Marauders of Gor, page 82


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Turian Camisk

A form of camisk unlike the standard camisk. It is shaped like an inverted 'T', fastens at the back of the neck, passes through the girl's legs and then is tied about her waist. It is much more snug than the standard camisk and often covered the brand area.<>

The single garment of these women was the Turian Camisk. I do not know particularly why it is called a camisk, save that it is a simple garment for a female slave.The common camisk is a single piece of cloth, about eighteen inches wide, thrown over the girls head and worn like a poncho. It usually falls a a bit above the knees in front and back and is belted with a cord our chain. The Turian camisk, on the other hand, if it were to be laid out on the floor, would appear somewhat like an inverted "T" in which the bar of the "T": would be beveled on each side. It is fastened with a single cord. The cord binds the girl at three points, behind the neck, behind the back, and in front at the waist. The garment itself, as might be supposed, fastens behind the girls neck passes before her, passes between her legs, and is then lifted and, folding the two side of the T`s bar about her hips, ties in front. The Turian camisk, unlike the common camisk, will cover the girls brand; on the other hand, unlike the common camisk, it leaves the back uncovered and can be tied, and is, snugly, the better to disclose the girls beauty.
Nomads of Gor, page 90


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Chains and Other Accessories


Dancing Chains

This chain arrangement is used with certain dancing styles. The slave is fastened within bracelets to which very light gleaming chain is attached, the chain is looped up through a loop in her collar. There is much that can be done with this arrangement. The chain passes freely within the loop.

The girl in the long, light chain smiled at me. She, at any rate was pleased by my response. A wrist ring was fastened on her right wrist. The long, slender, gleaming chain was fastened to this and, looping down and up, ascending gracefully to a wide chain ring on her collar, through which it freely passed, thence decending, looping down, and ascending, looping up, gracefully, to the left wrist ring. If she were to stand quietly, the palms of her hands on her thighs, the lower portions of the chain, those two dangling loops, would have been about at the level of her knees, just a little higher.
Kajira of Gor, page 143


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Four Chains

This type of chaining is more complicated than most. The slave wears ankle and wrist rings to which two chains are attached. The ankles and wrists joined together by eighteen inches of chain each and then the left ankle joined to the left wrist, the right ankle to the right wrist. It is possible to move and serve within this chain arrangement.

His girls served nude and chained. Each ankle and wrist ring had two staples. Each girl's wrists were joined by about eighteen inches of chain and similarly for her ankles. Further each girl's left wrist was chained to her ankle and her right wrist to her right ankle. This arrangement, lovely on a girl, produces the "four chains," from which the establishment took its name. The four-chain chaining arrangement, of course, and variations upon it, is well known upon gor. Four other paga taverns in Port Kar alone used it.
Captive of Gor,  page 42


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Iron Belt

The iron belt is the Gorean version of a chastity belt. It consists of a piece of metal encircling the waist and a secondary piece which swings up between the legs and is padlocked in back.

I felt then the encircling clasp of metal closed about my waist, and then, swinging up between my legs, another piece of metal. These things were fastened into place, the right side, and the lower portion, hasp like, over the staple on the left side of the apparatus. The whole then, was secured behind my back with a padlock. Once again, I wore an iron belt.
Mercenaries of Gor, page 99


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A chain system with a collar from which flows a chain down to the slave's feet, off of this chain are chains with terminations for the ankles and wrists of the slave.

Then, when I was absolutely naked, a golden collar, to which a chain was attached, with wrist rings and ankle rings, was brought. It was a chaining system of that sort called a sirik. My chin was thrust up and I felt the golden collar locked about my throoat. Almost as the same time my wrists, held closely together before me, were locked helplessly in the wrist rings. In another instant, my ankles, held, were helplessly in the ankle rings. A chain then ran from my collar to the chain on my wrist rings and from thence, the same chain, to the chain on my ankle rings. My ankle rings chain was about twelve inches in length, and my wrist chain was about six inches in length. The central chain, where it dangled down from the wrist rings, lay on the floor before the throne, before it looped up to where it was closed about the central link of the ankle ring chain.
Kajira of Gor, pages185-186


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Slave Bracelets

Light, restraining bracelets which lock when snapped closed. Perfectly capable of holding a female slave captive, some are made stronger for use with male slaves though most use manacles for males.

Unresisting, the girl extended her wrists, and the soldier snapped slave bracelets on them--light, restraining bracelets of gold and blue stones that might have served as jewlery if it had not been for their function.
Tarnsman of Gor, page 102


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Work Sirik

Much like the standard sirik with the exception that the wrists are granted about a yard of chain instead of the normal twelve inches, to permit ease in working.

The chain she wore was a work sirik. It resembles the common sirik but the wrists, to permit work, are granted about a yard of chain. Like the common sirik, it is a lovely chain, Women are beautiful in it.
Kajira of Gor, page 145


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Beauty Accessories



Cheap jewlery and beads used most often to adorn slaves.<>

The most exact translation of 'bina' would probably be "slave beads".
Kajira of Gor, page 82


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There are many varieties and shades of slave makeup but most are of dark colors, barbaric, meant to enhance every feature.<>

I waited my turn before the mirror and applied the cosmetics of the Gorean slave girl. I knew well how to do this, for I had been trained.
Captive of Gor, page 322


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Slave Bells

Small bells which are used in bracelets, anklets, threaded through hair, or attached in other ways to slaves. Their sound in a barbaric sensual melody.<>

The sound was tiny, rich, sensuous. They were slave bells. They would draw men to my body. I moved slightly. I felt them stir on my body and on the loops that held them. So slight a movement made them sound!
Kajira of Gor, page 84


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Slave Perfume

Rich, heavy, normally musky perfumes, created so as to enflame the senses of a Man. Sometimes the perfumes are created especially for one particular slave.<>

A rich master will often have individual purfumes specially blended and matched to the slave nature of his various girls. All are slaves, completely, but each girl, collared, imbonded, is deliciously different. Some slave purfumes are right for some slaves, and others not.
Tribesmen of Gor, page 230


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Slave Veil

A small veil, a mockery of a Freewoman's veil. Diaphonous, it covers the nose and mouth of the slave and is primarily used in the Tahari and for certain dances.<>

Angrily Alyena, the former Miss Priscilla Blake-Allen of Earth, took the tiny, triangular yellow veil, utterly diaphonous and held it before her face, covering the lower portion of her face. The veil was drawn back and she held it at her ears. The light silk was held across the bridge of her nose, where, beautifully, its porous, yellow sheen broke to the left and right. Her mouth, angry, was visible behind the veil. It, too, covered her chin. (and later) The slave veil is a mockery, in its way. It reveals as much as conceals, yet it adds a touch of subtlety, mystery; slave veils were made to be torn away, the lips of the master then crushing those of the slave.
Tribesmen of Gor, pages 69-70


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