Thank You...

Thank you Master...


for understanding that im not perfect but that i come closer to perfection through my service to You

for loving me even when i fall, caring for me no matter how badly i lose my way and always knowing that i will find my way back

for teaching me.. constantly.. in everything You do, in every way You react, in showing me how to please You

for punishing me when i do something wrong for though i do not love to be punished it shows that You care enough to do so

for treating me gently when i need it .. there are times when i long for Your strength but i am only a woman and sometimes i crave gentleness as well

for sharing Your life with me, everything i learn about You makes me only love You more, for i love all of You and care for everything about You, regardless of what it is

for allowing me to play .. i cannot always be serious Master, i am a woman and a child and yearn to share both sides with You

for showing me how to channel my anger .. yes i do get angry and i cannot help it but now i know that by sharing my problems the anger will fade

for loving my sexuality in all its facets .. You showed me that nothing is dirty if it gives pleasure, that i am a sexual creature and that it is acceptable to be so

for Your patience .. i accept that i am a difficult slave at times, that i can get out of hand or forget myself but You know me and draw me back each time easily replacing my will with Your own

for Your strength, without that i would be nothing .. Your strength buoys me when i think i can go no further

for showing me how to trust once again .. ive been hurt so many times that trust came hard to me, Your persistence taught me loyalty and trust once again

for not giving up .. sometimes it seemed i would never learn, but You were always there when the lessons finally hit home, ready to hear what it is i finally realised

for holding me when im afraid .. it can be so frightening sometimes, Master, and i can feel so very lost without the warmth of Your arms anchoring me once again

for protecting me .. not only from others but also from myself



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copyright nyx silvermyst 1999