Please click on the letter below to reach the section you desire. This dictionary is a work in progress, if you find that a word is missing or a definition wrong, please contact us so we can make the correction.
agal (noun): length of cord which is used to bind the kaffiyeh to the head of the wearer, usually several loops secure it. The kaffiyeh is the head covering of the tribesmen of the Tahari, a folded, squarish cloth.
ah-il (noun): a unit of measure, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, c. 18inches. analogous to the Earth cubit; 10 ah-il equal one ah-ral.
ahn (noun): the Gorean hour, of which there are 20 in a Gorean day, numbered consecutively. the tenth ahn being noon and the twentieth midnight. each ahn is comprised of 40 ehn (minutes) which are comprised of 80 ihn(seconds).
ah-ral (noun): a unit of measure equaling 10 ah-il, or approximately 180 inches.
Alars (noun): a nomadic wandering herdspeople which tend towards the blond haired and blue eyed. They arewell known for their skill with the axe and the Alar sword. Their Free women do not wear veils but rather simple ankle-length dresses, tied snugly. There are few slaves in the Alar camps because they are killed by Free women.
ale (noun): served in tankards or horns, it is one of the two favored drinks of the Torvaldslanders, the other being mead.
al-ka (noun): 1st letter of the Gorean Alphabet, corresponds the Earth letter "A".
All Comrades (noun): a warrior society of the Kaiila tribe of Red Savages, also called the Fighting Hearts, represented by a heart over a black horizontal line with a lance below it on the flanks of their kaiila.
amomona (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg word meaning baby or doll.
amphora (noun): two handled narrow necked vessel with a pointed base it is commonly buried overnight in the earth with only it's neck left above the surface. It is used to cool various beverages.
ankle rack (noun): device used to lock a girl's ankles in wooden stockage.
anklet, identificatory (noun): temporary metal anklet fastened about a captured Earth girl's ankle for transportation to Gor.
ant, marcher (noun): known in the jungles of Schendi as 'The Marchers'. They are aggressive carnivorous insects. Their name is derived from their, apparently seasonal, marches through the jungle in a single column, yards wide and pasangs in length. They may number in the millions, their path's widening to as much as 500 feet when they overtake, swarm over, and devour all flesh, living or dead, in their path.
anteater (noun): more than six varieties inhabit the rainforests of Schendi. The great spined anteater grows to 20 ft in length and feeds on white ants or termites breaking apart their towering nests of toughened clay with mighty claws then darting it's 4 foot saliva coated tongue, drawing thousands into it's narrow tubelike mouth.
applause (noun): on Gor performed by striking the right hand or fist against the left shoulder. Or upon occasion, the Warrior's applause, a spear struck upon the warrior's shield.
apricots (noun): fruit, possibly identical to the apricots of Earth.
ar (noun): a letter in the alphabet.
Ar (noun): largest city of 'known' Gor - has some 40 public gates.
Arani (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai
arctic gant eggs(noun): eggs of the migratory Arctic gant; when frozen, they are eaten like apples.
Aretai (noun): a major tribe of the Tahari, their vassal tribes are the Arani, Luraz, Ravir,i Tajuks, Tashid, Ti, and Zevar. Their war cry is 'Aretai Victorious!'.
Aria (adjective): of Ar
Armored gatch (noun): a marsupial mammal which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
Arrows, Flight and Sheaf (nouns): sheaf arrows are slightly over a yard long, the flight arrow is about forty inches in length. Both are metal piled and fletched with three half-feathers from the wings of the Vosk gulls. Both are used with the Gorean long bow.
Arrow, hunting (noun): an arrow with a long tapering point fastened firmly to the shaft to assist in easy removal from prey
Arrow, Torvaldsland war (noun): dark and more than a yard long, it's shaft is an inch thick. It is piled with iron and barbed. It's feathers of the black-tipped coasting gull are five inches long, set in the shaft on three sides.
Arrow, War (noun): used by the Red Savages, the head of this arrow has an angled, wider base that is not as securely connected to the shaft; if the shaft is pulled to attempt removal, the head is more likely to break off and remain in the wound.
Ar's Station (noun): an outpost of the Ubarate of Ar and trading station on the south bank of the Vosk.
Arthropod: (noun) found in the tunnels of the Priest-Kings these animals are large, perhaps eight feet long and a yard high, multi-legged, and segmented. body plates rustle like plastic armor, timid creatures. its eyes are on long stalks.
Askari (noun): inland word for solder/guardsman
Askari Hodari (noun): a salute to the honor of another warrior; in Ushindi it means 'Brave Warrior' or simply 'Warrior'.
Assassins, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who kill for pay; exists only in Ar; their caste color is black.
axe, great (Torvaldsland) (noun): a great, curved, single bladed axe of hardened iron with a blunt hammer-like head, it is carried in a leather loop hung from a broad leather belt worn from the left shoulder to the right hip.
axe, Kurii(noun): great, double-bladed iron axe some seven or eight feet in height. The blade, from tip to tip is two feet in width. The handle is made of carved, green needle wood, round and four inches in diameter
Bakers, Caste of: colors are yellow and brown.
Baleen Whale (noun): bluish white spotted whale, blunt fin.
Bakahs(noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars
bana (noun): jewelry, of precious metals and stones, worn by free persons.
bar (noun): struck in a certain pattern by an iron hammer. When heard, it signifies the divisions of the day in certain houses. May also serve as an alarm.
bara (command; lit. 'belly'): command where the slave foes to their bellies, their head to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position.
barbarian (noun): a native of the planet Earth; usually used in a derogatory sense in reference to slave girls from that planet .
bargemen, Cartius (noun): interrelated clans of fathers and sons, claiming Caste for themselves, who operate the barges that cross the Cartius River. The barges are constructed of layered timbers of Ka-la-na wood and are towed by teams of river tharlarion. Their passengers are bound for Turia.
bark cloth (noun): the inner bark of the pod tree dyed scarlet and plaited and pounded into a cloth akin to burlap but softer; it has a variety of uses including a rough wrap around the hips of a slave.
Barrens, the (noun): a vast tracts of rolling grasslands, lying east of the Thentis Mountains. They have extreme seasonal temperatures; bitterly cold winters and long, hot, dry summers. Their climate can also include booming thunderstorms and tornadoes and blizzards in which snow can drift as high as the mast of a light galley. The grasses, shorter at it's western edge, can reach a height of several feet as one moves further east.
bastinado (noun): a punishment not otherwise described, however the earth translation is a beating, especially with a stick or cudgel. The beating may be specifically to the soles of the feet.
ba-ta (noun): second letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'B'
Bazi plague (noun): a deadly, rapidly- spreading disease with no known cure; its symptoms include pustules which appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
Bazi tea (noun): an herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession.
Beast (noun): a Kuriian military formation consisting of two Hands (six Kur) and two Eyes (leader of a Hand), is called a Beast of Kur. It's military leader is a Blood.
beheading (noun): this ancient form of execution is seen as an option when the offender is of the same Home Stone; it consists of stripping, beating and beheading the offender and is considered a merciful death.
below-deck girl (noun): the term used for slave girls transported in the hold of a ship. They are held in individual cages and because of infestations of lice, all of their body hair is shaved. The term 'below-deck girl' is used derisively especially by those slave girls allowed to remain on deck in cages, who need not have shaved heads, though all slaves on a slaver ship are unclothed.
bina (noun, lit. 'slave beads'): slave jewelry, usually consisting of plain metals, colored string, wooden or cheap glass beads; sometimes used as a slave name
binding fiber (noun): stout twine made of strips of leather or of a fiber like hemp; a piece long enough to circle a slave girl's waist 2-3 times is often used as a belt for her slave tunic .
binding strap (noun): a strap 3/4" wide and 18" long commonly used for binding the wrists and/or ankles of prisoners and slaves .
bint (noun): small carnivorous freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; a large school of bints can strip a carcass in minutes; similar to the piranha of Earth .
biscuits (noun): a dried pressed biscuits described as baked in Kailiauk from Sa-Tarna flour.
black wine (noun): very strong coffee. traditionally served with colored sugars and powdered bosk milk in tiny cups.
blanket (position): when a blanket or cloak or covering of any sort is thrown over a slave girl she may not speak or rise; she must remain silent until the blanket is lifted by a free person.
blindfold, gorean(noun): consists of two rounded pieces of soft felt, three to four inches in diameter, and the binding which is several turns of a dark thick, folded cloth, tied behind the head. The rounded pieces fit over the eyes, held in place by the scarf or tie. It is not normally used in transportation, the slave hood being preferred in those instances.
Block Melodies (noun): melodies commonly used in slave markets in the display of merchandise.
Blood (noun): in Kuriian military organizations; a leader of a military unit of varying sizes and strengths depending on his rank; the smallest Unit led by a Blood is 'Kur' or 'Beast' followed by 'Band' 'March' and 'People' each unit a large multiple of the former.
blotanhunka (noun): the term for a war party leader of the red savages; he tends to be more experienced and mature, and exerts more control over the larger group.
Blubber Hammer (noun): wooden handled, stone head; used to pound the whale blubber to loosen the oil which is used in flat oval lamps.
Blue Flame (noun): controlled by the Priest-Kings seemingly emerging from the heavens this flash of energy literally burns it's victims to wisps of ash in an instant enveloping him in a fierce blue combustive mass.
Blue Sky Song (noun): a refrain from the Wagon Peoples which says in part 'though I die yet there will be the bosk the grass and sky'.
Blue-Sky Riders (noun): a warrior society of the Fleer Tribe of Red Savages represented by a semi circle curved blue line over a black horizontal line on the flanks of their kaiila.
body chain (noun): closely meshed length of chain about 5 feet in length which can be used in a variety of ways to bedeck or secure a slave. Some are decorated with semi-precious stones and wooden beads. Detachable lock and snap clips allow the chain to be transformed from slave jewelry to slave restraint.
bola (noun): weapon consisting of three long straps of leather, each about five feet long, each terminating in a leather sack, which contains, sewn inside, a heavy, round metal weight.
bondage knot (noun): a knot, tied by a slave girl in her hair on the right side of her face; it is a silent plea to her master that she be raped .
bond-maid (noun): the term for a slave girl used in Torvaldsland.
bond-maid circle (noun):a female who enters the circle, drawn in the dirt for example, is declaring herself a bond-maid by the laws of Torvaldsland. She may enter voluntarily or be thrown into it bound and naked.
bond-maid gruel (noun): see slave porridge
bones (noun): game; Each player, in turn, drops a bone, one of several in his supply. Each of the bones is carved to resemble an animal, such as an arctic gant, a northern bosk, a lart, a tabuk or sleen, and so on. The bone which remains upright is the winner. If both bones do not remain upright there is no winner on that throw. Similarly, if both bones should remain upright, they are dropped again. A bone which does not remain upright, if its opposing bone does remain upright, is placed in the stock of him whose bone remained upright. The game is finished when one of the two players is cleaned out of bones.
bosk (noun): an ox like creature. It is a huge, shambling animal with a thick, humped neck and long shaggy hair. It has a wide head and tiny red eyes, a temper to match that of a sleen, and two long, wicked horns that reach out from its head and suddenly curve forward to terminate in fearful points. Some of these horns, on the larger animals, measured from tip to tip, exceed the length of two spears.
bota (noun): a bag with a reclosable stopper or cork commonly made of verrskin leather; used to transport liquids and is often utilized by serving slave girls especially in the camps.
Bound by the Master's will (phrase): refers to a slave being commanded to hold position, as though bound, hands clasping opposite wrists until she is released.
bow, horn, of the Innuit (noun): bow formed with split pieces of tabuk horn, bound with sinew which is not effective beyond thirty yards, used in the land of the Innuit to hunt tabuk on the tundra.
bow, horn, of the Wagon Peoples (noun): favored by the Wagon peoples, it hangs from their saddles. It does not have the range or force of the more powerful long bow or cross bow, but it is a fearsome weapon at close range. The young men of the Wagon Peoples are not given a name until they have mastered the bow, the lance and the quiva.
bow, long (noun): the Gorean long bow is the height of a tall man. It has a flat back and a round belly and may be made of supple Ka-la-na wood. A proficient bow man should be able to loose 19 arrows in a Gorean ehn. It is not as popular among Goreans because of some impracticalities of use. It cannot be used from the saddle, and the warrior must be standing or kneeling to aim, making him a target. It is favored by the peasants who make them and is also known as the peasant bow.
bow, northern (noun): a short bow, with short, heavy arrows, heavily headed, it is accurate with a short range of a hundred and fifty yards. It somewhat resembles the Tuchuk bow of layered horn in it's accuracy and striking ability, which is about a hundred and fifty yards. It is useful for close combat on a ship, and can easily be fired through a thole port with the oar withdrawn.
bow, ship (noun): short stout maneuverable bow, easy to use in crowded quarters easy to fire across the bulwarks of galleys locked in combat.
bow, small (noun): used with great skill by the Red Savages from kaiila back. No Gorean weapon can match it's rate of fire. A skilled warrior can fire ten arrows into the air, the last leaving the bow before the first has returned to the earth. It is highly maneuverable and easy to conceal. It can easily be swept from one side of the kaiila to the other.
bracelets, hook (noun): leather cuffs with locks on them and snaps; they are soft and the snaps require no key. Some men enjoy them on their slaves; by means of the straps the girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs.
bracelets (command): basic pleasure slave position. The slave girl on command thrusts her hands behind her back wrists together in preparation to be braceleted.
bracelets, slave (noun): any of a variety of handcuff type restraints; used to restrain the wrists of slaves and others; usually metal.
brak bush (noun): a shrub whose leaves when chewed have a purgative effect, thought that the pitch and branches discourage the entry of bad luck into the house, which are nailed to the door during the last five days of the old year. (the last Waiting Hand).
Brand (noun): a mark burned into the flesh of animals and slaves to mark them as property specific brands include the kef (common kajira brand), Dina, Palm, mark of Treve, mark of Port Kar, mark of the Tahari, mark of Torvaldsland (a girl whose belly lies under the sword), and Tuchuk brand of the 4 bosk horns.
brand, bond-maid (noun): described as a half circle about an inch and a quarter in width, adjoined at it's right tip by a steep, diagnonal line an inch and a quarter in height. In the north, the bond-maid is reffered to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.
brand, merchant (noun): a tiny brand in the form of spreading bosk horns for any wishing to do business with the Wagon Peoples that allows their passage over the plains; the stigma connected with this brand is that it suggests that any approaching the wagons do so as slaves.
brand, passage(noun): a tiny brand in the form of spreading bosk horns found on the forearm of goreans, it's presence guaranteeing their safe passage, at certain seasons, across the plains of the Wagon People.
brand, penalty(noun): small 1/4 inch brands that mark a convicted liar, thief, traitor etc.
brand, thief's (noun): tiny 1/4 inch three-pronged brand worn on the cheek of those of the Caste of Thieves, who are found only in Port Kar.
branding rack (noun): a device to which a new slave girl is chained for branding; her hands are chained above her head, but the rest of her body is free to move, except for whichever thigh is to be branded, this being held motionless in a large vise.
bracelets (Command): A command whereby the girl immediately turns her head to the side and slips her wrists behind her back as if for binding.
bread, black (noun): A type of Gorean bread
bread, Sa-Tarna (noun): gorean bread made from Sa-Tarna grain, described as yellow, and since it is usually described as being cut in wedges, probably baked in a round flat pan.
breeding cell (noun): also called a breeding stall. A slave who is designated to be bred is taken there. Both kajira and kajirus are hooded and though they will never know the other's identity their coupling is public, observed by Masters and others.
breeding wine (noun): a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second wine.
bride price (noun): this fee is one paid by a Free Man to her family, for a Free Woman as he takes her as a Free Companion. If a man frees a slave, the slave's family is bound by honor to grant her to him without bride price.
Brundisium (noun): one of the largest and busiest ports of Gor and a commercial metropolis, it is 100 pasangs south of the Vosk Delta on the Thassa. The Genesian Road links it with other coastal cities.
Builders, Caste of (noun): the caste which includes architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, etc. the Builders are one of the five High Castes; their caste color is brown.
burnoose (noun): the loose, billowing outer robes favored by the men of the Tahari in caravan, it is invariably white in color, to reflect the rays of the sun. It's billowing, flowing movement aids in cooling the body, as it circulates over damp skin.
buttons (noun): a 'recent' innovation for slave attire, not used on the garments of Freepersons. Most garments are fastened with hooks, pins or brooches. Buttons are considered rather sensuous on Gor.
cage, plastic (noun): a means of exhibiting slave girls outside a slaver's establishment, suspended from the roof of the portico or in a tier of cages with a comely wench inside.
Camerius (noun): the third month of the Gorean calendar (in Ar and some other cities).
camisk (noun): simple, slave garment, about 18" wide: simple rectangle of cloth, containing in its center, a circular opening, worn like a poncho, belted with binding fiber or a light chain, flanks and brand are bared.
camisk, Turian (noun): a style of camisk worn by slaves in Turia. it consists of a piece of cloth shaped like an inverted 'T' with a beveled crossbar; it fastens behind the neck & falls before the wearer's body; the crossbar then passes between her legs & is then brought forward snugly at the hips; it is held in place by a single cord that binds it at the back of the neck, behind the back, & in front at the waist.
canjellne (verb): Gorean word for challenge.
capture knot (noun): a knot recognized for it's unique turnings as rope or binding fiber tied by a Warrior. usually used in the capture of a slave girl but also used on any likely foe.
capture scent (noun): like chloroform, it is used to sedate, emediately, a person who is forced to breath it.
Carnarium (noun): refuse pit outside the walls of Ar.
carpet plant (noun): a plant of the rain forest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.
cart (direction): a gorean compass point equivalent to south west; the river Cartius was so named because of it's direction from Ar southwest.
cart, leather-slung fee (noun): a public or rented 'coach' for transportation of passengers with seats facing each other. Its carriage is suspended by strong leather which causes a swaying, many times bringing on motion-sickness for passengers. Large hides are often suspended underneath to store items, as is a grease bucket for greasing the axles.
Cartius River (noun): broad, fast-flowing tributary that flows into the Vosk river far to the south and west of Ar. It is composed of three rivers, the Cartius Proper, Subequatorial Cartius, and Thassa Cartius.
Casmu Band (noun): a sub-group of the Yellow Kaiila Riders.
Caste Codes (noun): ethical teachings of Gor whose origins are lost in antiquity.
Caste Sanctuary (noun): similar to seeking Sanctuary in a church. in times of need a caste member can ask for sanctuary under another caste member's roof.
Caste, System (noun): rigid social structure which is conferred by birth on Goreans except for slaves, outlaws, and Initiates. There are 5 high castes (Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians, Warriors), privileged by their status to be privy to Double Knowledge, unlike the many lower castes (tradesmen, craftsmen, artisans, artists, etc.) who may know only First Knowledge. Governments are elected and administered by High Caste members only. The Caste is a source of life long pride and brotherhood. The welfare of the Caste takes precedent over individual members. It is possible to change caste, but it is rarely done. To lose Caste is the ultimate in dishonor.
cat's cradle (noun): a popular game. girls faced one another, kneeling, and, with string and their fingers, played an intricate cat's-cradle game. Northern girls, incidentally, were very skilled at this game.
chain luck (noun): the attempt to capture a slave girl without having a particular target in mind.
chalwar (noun): high tight vest of silk (normally red), with 2 - 4 hooks, leaving midriff bare; the sashed chalwar is a sashed, diaphanous trousered garment, full but gathered in, closely at the ankles.
chamber slave (noun): slave of the Priest Kings restricted to use within a particular chamber; these slaves cannot leave the chamber and are to serve the Freeperson living there fully.
Char (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.
chatka (noun): long narrow strip of black leather, fits over the curla in the front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the curla in the back, worn by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples.
Chocolate (noun): same as Earth chocolate. Originally brought over on a voyage of acquisition.
Chronometers (noun): (rare and valuable) variety of devices used to keep time; - (marked or calibrated) candles, sun dials, sand glasses, clepsydras, and oil clocks.
Cities of Dust (noun): the Gorean land of the dead, or underworld.
clad Kajir (phrase): among the Wagon Peoples, this phrase refers to slaves who wear four articles; the curla, chatka, kalmak and koora.
clock, Kaissa sand (noun): a device used for timing kaiisa moves, it has a spigot arrangement to enable the flow of sand. When it is open for one player, it is off for the other. Each player enables it, as his play is completed.
clock, oil (noun): mentioned as an example of the chronometer technology available on Gor.
clock, sand (noun): large, cylindrical and re-set at midnight, the twentieth ahn.
clock, water (noun): mentioned, but not described.
Code of the Warrior (noun): a creed characterized by a rudimentary chivalry emphasizing loyalty to the Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone; warrior's are expected to know and live by it's dictates.
coffle (noun): a method of chaining a line of slaves together for trekking; common methods are to link the slaves by the left ankle left wrist or throat. the line of slaves itself is sometimes called a 'slaver's necklace'.
Coin Girl (noun): a slave girl who, with a coin box and triangular flat bell chained around her neck, is sent out in the streets of a city to earn money from masters in return for her sexual use.
coin merchant (noun): terminology for all gorean bankers, ranging from the the fellow sitting on a rug in his booth on the street to the financial institutions on the 'Street of Coins'.
coffle (noun): a method of chaining a line of slaves together for trekking; common methods are to link the slaves by the left ankle, left wrist, or throat; also, the line of slaves itself.
collar (noun): any of several iron or steel devices that fit around the neck of a slave; in Torvaldsland, they are of iron, hinged, and fastened with a rivet.
collar, types (noun): there are many types of collars on Gor. to see a representation of them please refer to the silks and accessories area of this webpage.
Collaring Feast (noun): a private feast for a young tarnsman and his family and friends; held to celebrate the capture of his first slave girl; during it, the girl formally submits to him as his slave, then proceeds to serve him at the Feast and afterwards in his quarters.
Companionship Price (noun): the gift, in money or goods, given by a man to the father of the woman he wishes to take in Free Companionship.
con (conj.): Gorean term meaning "from".
contasta (adv.; lit. 'from the founding of'): means of determining chronology; equivalent to the Earth term AD (Anno Domini). Most often used as "Contasta Ar" (From the founding of Ar) supposedly the oldest Gorean city.
Contests of Arms (noun): gladiatorial contests where men fought to the death were banned in Ar when Kazrak of Port Kar became administrator of that city.
copper tarsk (noun): one of the many units of coinage. 10 tarsk bits equal one copper tarsk.
Cos (noun): 400 pasangs west of Port Kar, hundred pasangs north of Tyros, many terraces in which ta-grapes are grown, level fields to her west, lofty island, capital city - Telnus.
Cosian Wingfish (noun): tiny, delicate fish, blue, about the size of a tarn disk; has three or four slender spines in its dorsal fin, which are poisonous; it is capable of hurling itself from the water and, for brief distances, on its stiff pectoral fins, gliding through the air, to evade the smaller sea-tharlarions, which seem to be immune to the poison of the spines. Is also sometimes referred to as the songfish because, as a portion of its courtship rituals, the males and females thrust their heads from the water and utter a sort of whistling sound; is found only in the waters of Cos. Larger varieties are found farther out to sea. Is regarded as a great delicacy, its liver as the delicacy of delicacies.
Cosians (noun): gangs of youth in Ar who affect cosian garmets and haircuts.
Couching Law (law): Any free woman who couches with another`s slave, or readies for such, becomes, by law, the property of said slaves owner. An Arian law.
Council of Captains (noun): The governing body of the city of Port Kar.
coup (noun): the complicated ranking of battle exploits by the Red Savage tribes. The coup earned by an individual are reflected in the feathers and adornment to which he is entitled. Interestingly, killing the enemy ranks far beneath the besting of an enemy. A first warrior who strikes an armed enemy with an open hand is rewarded with the first coup; the 2nd and 3rd man to accomplish this would receive 2nd and 3rd coup. Killing an enemy with a bow and arrow from ambush might be counted as only a fifth or seventh coup. The counting or tallying of coup within the tribe determines his entitlement to certain advantages.
courage scar (noun): A facial marking of the warrior of the Wagon Peoples. This scar is the first one applied and without it no other scars can be applied. Each scar is placed by members of the Clan of Scar Makers. The can be read by each tribe of the Wagon Peoples as easily as one reads a newspaper. Each scar represents an act of courage and honor in the wearer's life. The Courage Scar is the highest and most important.
Cross Bow (noun): A rather unpopular Gorean weapon among warriors.
curla (noun): the red waist cord worn by slave-girls of the Wagon Peoples; supports the chatka.
Cur-lon Fiber (noun): fiber spun by the Swamp Spiders (Spider People) and used in the textile mills of Ar.
Curulean (noun): the most prestigious slave auction house in the city of Ar.
cylinder (noun): the primary architectural form of buildings in major Gorean cities; they are of varying heights and colors, flat-topped and cylindrical, connected by narrow, colorful bridges that arch between them.
cymbals (noun): There are various sorts similar to the ones found on Earth.
czehar (noun): eight strings, like a large flat oblong box; held across the lap when sitting, is played with a horn pick.
da (conj.): Gorean term for "here".
dance, placatory (noun): a dance intended to assuage the anger of a Master. It is usually free-form, depending on the situation.
dar (adj.): Gorean term for "holy".
Dar-Kosis (noun; lit. 'holy disease'): Holy disease , or Sacred Affliction, is a virulent wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroud like yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from there path: some of them volunteer to be placed in Darkosis pits where they are fed and given drink and are isolated. The disease is extremely contagious and those who contract it are regarded by the law as legally dead.
Dar-Kosis Pit (noun): a place where those afflicted with Dar-Kosis may voluntarily incarcerate themselves while they die. These huge pits have rudimentary shelter and a well. Once within, the sufferer may never leave. Food and necessities are thrown down from tarnback to help the diseased.
Dates (noun): fruit. a staple of the diet of the Tahari Tribesmen. sold in bricks.
deck cage (noun): small cages fastened to the deck of a ship to transport slaves not kept in hold.
deck stones (noun): white smooth soft stones used for sanding boards and decks on ships.
degradation stripe (noun): a 2" wide band shaved into the hair of men captured by talunas, or panther girls; it runs from the forehead to the nape of the neck.
delka (noun): 4th letter of the gorean alphabet - formed identically to the 4th letter of the greek letter "delta" - in gorean the delta of a river is referred to as it's "delka" - resemblance of a delta region to a cartographical triangle.
Delta Brigade (noun): a rebel group which quietly fought Cosians with 'resistance' tactics during their occupation of Ar. Their trademark was a bloody 'delka' mark often slashed into the skin of their victims.
dice (noun): many forms of dice games exist on Gor, ranging from those played with a single die to five dice. Various symbols are usually painted on their surfaces. Some are sold in sealed boxes bearing their cities imprint.
dina (noun): a small, short stemmed flower indigenous to hillsides; sometimes called the 'slave flower', it is often used as a design for slave brands; sometimes used as a slave name .
display chain (noun): slave girls who are sold in groups are put into a chain which may be fastened taut at either end; the girls are spaced on the chain so that they don't crowd together and be more easily displayed.
display slave (noun): a slave girl whose primary purpose is for the display of her beauty to reflect the affluence of her master. often chained in coffle with other display slaves behind the palanquin or other transport of her master.
dock eel (noun): a black freshwater fish, 4' long & weighing 8-10 lbs.; carnivorous; they inhabit the shallow waters around the dock and wharves of river ports.
Double Knowledge (noun): the two forms of knowledge provided on Gor; the simpler knowledge is taught to the lower castes, the more esoteric knowledge is taught to the higher castes.
double leashing (noun): a method of slave control. Either two collars with leashes are affixed to her neck, or a collar with a leash on opposite sides is used.
Drum, Red Hunters (noun): large heavy handled, disklike. Frame made of wood, cover of Tabuk hide, struck on frame with stick, giving the drum an old resonance sound.
Dust Legs (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.
Duty of the Twelve Joys (noun): Muls (slaves to the Priest-Kings) wash completely 12 times a day, this is known as the duty of the twelve joys.
eel (noun): a voracious animal which can maim or kill a slave in moments. Some varieties are edible and considered a gorean delicacy. Varieties include: river eel, black eel, and spotted eel.
Ehn (noun): the Gorean minute, of which there are 40 in an ahn (hour); it consists of 80 ihn (seconds).
en (adj.): Gorean term for "first ".
energy bulb (noun): Gorean source of light, similar to the light bulb of earth.
En'Kara (noun; lit. 'first turning'): the first month of the Gorean calendar, which is the Gorean new year; roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of March . The month of Vernal Equinox - En`Kara or The First Kara; full expression; En`Kara - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Turning of the Central Fire.
En'Var (noun; lit. 'first resting'): the fourth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the summer solstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of June . En`Var -The First Resting; full expression; En`Var - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Resting of the Central Fire.
Equinox, autumnal (noun): (lit. The Second Turning of the Central Fire ); the month of Autumnal Equinox is Se`Kara or The Second Kara; also called Se`Kara Lar-Torvis.
Equinox, vernal (noun): (lit. The First Turning of the Central Fire); the month of Vernal Equinox is En'Kara or the First Kara; also called En`Kara Lar-Torvis.
eta (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'E' (?); sometimes used as a name for slave girls.
exile, ritual of (noun): a man being exiled for whatever reason is publicly refused bread and salt, and is then ordered to leave the city by sundown under penalty of death. The exiled one may not come within ten pasangs of the city from that day forward.
exotic (noun): a slave male or female bred for special purposes producing quaint or unusual purposes; an example is the passion slave.
Eye (rank): in the Kuriian military organization the leader of a Hand consisting of six beasts is called an 'Eye'.
face strip (verb): to remove the veil(s) worn by a free woman; to do so usually means that she is to be enslaved.
Fair of En'Kara (holiday); one of four great fairs held in the shadow of the Sardar range in the first month of the Gorean year.
Falarian (noun): an exquisite, rare, fabulously expensive wine, it's cost would purchase a city. It's existence is only rumored among collectors.
falarina (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.
fan palm (noun): found in the jungles of Schendi more than 20 feet high which spreads it's leaves in the form of an opened fan; an excellent source of water; as much as a liter at the base of each leaf's cupped stem.
Feast of Tola (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Nuptial Flight of the Mother.
Feast of Tolam (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Deposition of the First Egg.
Feast of Tolama (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Hatching of the First Egg.
Fetters (slave bracelets of Torvaldsland): consist of curved, hinged bands of black iron, three quarters of an inch in width and a quarter inch in thickness. On one of each of the two curved pieces consituting a bracelet there is a welded ring; the two welded rings are joined by a single link, about an inch in width, counting both sides, each of which is about a quarter of an inch in diameter, and three inches long.
field slave (noun): one who works outdoors, usually gardening, fetching wood or water, etc. She is commonly dressed in plain, sturdy slave tunics. Her hair is shorn.
Fighting Hearts (noun): see All Comrades
finch, whistling (noun): flighted bird found at the ground level of the rainforest it is insectivorous.
fire maker (noun): a small device consisting of a small reservoir of tharlarion oil, a wick, a thumb activated, ratcheted steel wheel, and a splinter of flint; not unlike an old-fashioned cigarette lighter.
fire-maker, cylindrical (noun): a small silverish tube used for igniting cooking fires. When the cap is removed, and the implement inside is exposed to the air, it glows a fiery red.
first girl (noun): slave appointed by the Master to oversee other usually younger or less experienced girls; she rules when FreePersons are not present as the Master, but she is subject to his total authority.
First Knowledge (noun): the education available to the lower castes, such as the Peasants; it is practical, if occasionally deliberately erroneous (i.e. it purports that Gor is a flat disk).
First Spear (noun): the designated leader of a unit of spearmen.
First Sword (noun): the leader of the Guards in a given City or House.
Fisherman (noun): he who fights with net and trident (arena fighters).
flahdah (noun): flat-topped umbrellas on crooked sticks, not more than 20 feet high, they are narrow branched with lanceolate leaves.
Flame Death (noun): a form of capital punishment imposed by the Priest-Kings and triggered from the Sardar; in it, the victim seems to spontaneously erupt in blue flames.
flame opals (noun): reddish and blue in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.
flaminium (noun): scarlet, large budded, five petaled flower.
fleer (noun): large, hook billed bird which hunts at night.
Fleer (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens.
fleer, long-billed (noun): a bird inhabitant of the emergent level of the rainforest.
fleer, prairie (noun): yellow bird with long wings and a sharp bill; sometimes called the 'maize bird' or 'corn bird' from the belief that it is usually the first bird to find food.
Flower Tree: (noun) lovely dangling loops of interwoven blossoms which hang from curved branches. Trees are bred so that the clustered flowers emerge in subtle delicate patterns of shades and hues.
flute girl (noun): a slave trained in the art of music, specifically the playing of the double flute. They perform at various functions and are available for sexual use by those free men of their audience.
flute, double (noun): a wind instrument.
Foot (noun); a unit of measurement equal to 10 horts, or 12 1/2 Earth inches; Merchant Foot/Gorean Foot - metal rod kept at the Sardar (same as the Stone).
fora (noun): chain; plural is fori (chains)
Forest Sleen (noun): double fanged, six legged mammal, 20' in length, 1100 lbs. in weight.
fountain, higher bowl (noun): the portion of the public fountains from which free persons drink. There is a lower level is available for the use of animals and slaves.
fountain, lower bowl (noun): a portion of public fountains allotted for the watering of animals and slaves. Slaves caught drinking from the upper bowl face punishment by the magistrates of the city.
four chains (noun): method of chaining a girl used frequently in taverns of Port Kar.
four-strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely descent in preparation to land.
Frame of Humiliation (noun): wooden frame to which the condemned person is tied before it is set adrift in the Vosk River, so that he may die of exposure and/or dehydration, if he is not eaten by tharlarion or other carnivorous reptiles
Free Companion (noun): spouse; consort
Free Companionship (noun): the Gorean equivalent of marriage; must be renewed annually
Free Islands (noun): also known as exchange islands, they are administered as Free Ports by the Merchants. Included are Teletus, Tabor, and Scagnar. Others were Farnacium, Hulneth and Asperiche. In the south are Anango and Ianda, and in the far north, Hunger and Skjern, west of Torvaldsland. These islands, and free ports on the coast such as Lydius and Helmutsport, Schendi and Bazi make possible the commerce between Cos and Tyros and cities of the mainland.
Free Ports (noun): the 4 free ports maintained on the Thassa north and south of the gorean equator are Lydius, Helmutsport, Schend, and Bazi.
Freewomen, enslavement of (noun): all women on Gor are subject to the dominance and order of men. Free women may lose their status, if strict rules of dress and decorum are not followed. Lacivious dress or behavior usually results in a sentence of slavery.
frevet (noun): small quick mammal, an insectivore that is kept in some homes for insect control.
Frobicain (noun): drug used for transportation during acquisition.
fruit tindel (noun): a bird? which inhabits the rain forests of the Schendi area
Fulvians (noun): foothills of the Voltai Mountains, northeast of Ar. The villa district of Ar is found here.
game of favors (noun): a game played by Free Woman at the Carnival where each woman is given ten scarves and must run about asking for the men to accept her favor; the goal to be the first to get rid of the scarves and run back.
gant, artic (noun): migratory bird; nest in the mountains of the Hrimgar and in steep, rocky outcroppings, called bird cliffs. The egg of the artic gant when frozen are eaten like apples.
gant, jungle (noun): a bird, related to the marsh gant, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
gant, marsh (noun): a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl, broad-billed and broad winged. long legged with a piping cry.
garbage death (noun): the death for a slave where a slave is bound naked, and thrown to canal urts, as in Port Kar.
garden, walled (noun): term used for the place highborn Free women are raised in until a suitable suitor is found.
giani (noun): a large mammal of solitary habits which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi
gieron (noun): a drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; in combination with sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague.
gim, horned (noun): a small owl like bird, c. 4 oz.. in weight, which inhabits the forests of northern Gor.
gim, lang (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
gim, yellow (noun): a bird, related to the horned gim, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
gint (noun): a tiny (6") freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; it has bulbous eyes & flipper like fins; is amphibious, having both lungs & gills; is capable of walking on its pectoral fins; often found in the company of tharlarion, feeding off the scraps of their kills.
gint, giant (noun): a large cousin of the gint found in western Gor, similar in appearance, but with a 4-spined dorsal fin; is also amphibious and capable of walking on its pectoral fins.
girl catch (noun): female slave is placed in an enclosure - hands bound behind back, hooded, belled (common bells at collar, wrist, and ankles) guide bell (with particular note) attached at left hip - men are added to enclosure - hooded or blindfolded (hunters and quarry are not permitted to see each other) - girl cannot remain still for more than a certain interval - usually a few ihn - controlled by referee and his whip - game or one of its rounds end when girl is caught - victor's prize: use of the slave.
girl-capture chain (noun): short chain used specifically to capture without serious damage; similar to the garrote in use but with chain in place of thin wire.
girl yoke (noun): (commonly called the Northern Yoke) a narrow piece of wood c. 5' long with holes drilled in the middle and at each end; to secure a girl in this yoke, a thong is tied around one wrist, the end of the thong then being passed through the hole in one end of the yoke; the thong is then passed through the middle hole of the yoke, wrapped around the girl's neck 2 times, then passed back out through the same hole, after which it is passed through the hole at the other end of the yoke, so that her other wrist may be tied to the yoke; 'shorter (2 1/2' long) versions are sometimes used while the girl is serving her master's pleasure; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.
girth cloth (noun): feed sacks, made of rough cloth are cut into strips, hemmed and sewn together to create a cloth ten feet long and one yard wide, This cloth is used to wrap newly hatched tharlarions as they emerge from the hot sand.
gitch (noun): biting insect; description is vague, although it is used near mention of roaches.
gladius (noun): a short double-edged Gorean sword.
glana (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.
Glass of the Builders (noun): telescope.
Glaves (noun): lighter poles; bladed; used to cut through rushes and sedge.
Golden Beetle: (noun) about the size of a rhinoceros, glowing eyes, two multiply hooked, tubular, hollow pincer like extensions that met at the tips perhaps a yard beyond its body. They seemed clearly some aberrant mutation of its jaw, its antennae, unlike those of Priest-Kings, were very short. They curved and were tipped with a fluff of golden hair. Most strangely perhaps were several long, golden strands, almost a mane, which extended from the creature's head over its domed, golden back and fell almost to the floor behind it. The back itself seemed divided into two thick casings which might once, ages before, have been horny wings, but now the tissues had, at the points of touching together, fused in such a way as to form what was for all practical purposes a thick, immobile golden shell.
golden eating prong (noun): an eating utensil used in Turia, it has a single tine.
golden hith (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.
golden slash (noun): a golden sash or scarf tied around the forehead of an assassin, this is the symbol that he is a messenger only, and not to be detained in any way.
gor (noun): lit meaning "Home Stone".
grasshopper, red (noun): beyond color, this insect is described as weighing around 4 ounces.
Great Theatre (noun): technically "The Theatre of Pentilicus Tallux"- over 100 yards in width, some 20 yards in depth - lent itself to large-scale productions - circus' and specticles - stage can easily accomadate 1000 actors.
grub borer (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
grunt (noun): a large, carnivorous, salt-water fish which inhabits Thassa; is often attracted by the blood of a wounded creature; similar to the shark of Earth.
grunt, blue (noun): a small, voracious, carnivorous freshwater fish, related to the Thassa grunt; like its larger cousin, it is attracted by blood.
grunt, great speckled (noun): a fish inhabiting the Thassa and caught as food for sailors.
grunt, white-bellied (noun): a large game fish which haunts the plankton beds in the Polar North to feed on parsit fish. It's eggs are considered a rare delicacy.
guernon monkey (noun) found in the jungle along the Ua river; recognized by their chattering sound.
gull, coasting (noun): found in Torvaldsland is this broad winged bird with black tips on its wings and tail feathers, similar to the Vosk gull. It's feathers are used on the war arrows of Torvladsland.
gull, Schendi (noun): inhabiting the area around Schendi on the Thassa, they nest on land at night.
gull, vosk (noun): a gull of the Vosk Delta and Vosk River, it apparently has a loud or insistent cry, which is imitated by the rence people as a means of surreptitious communication at night. It's feathers are used on sheaf arrows.
gunni (noun): training devices used by arena fighters which consist of lead weights with handles, each weighing about the same as a sledge hammer. They are held during training for muscle strengthening.
Gur (noun): a thin, white honey like liquid secreted in the Nest by a large, gray domesticated arthropod which feeds on Sim plants; when fermented in the social stomachs of somnolent Priest-Kings, it is ritually fed to the Mother of the Nest on the Feast of Tola.
Gur Carriers (noun): mutated Muls who can climb walls and who gather the fermented Gur for the Feast of Tola.
haik (noun): a loose, dark, head to toe garb of the Tahari. There is a small lace or mesh covered aperture for the wearer to look through, yet still be concealed.
Hail (interjection): greeting for Freepersons that is usually reserved for recognized experts or champions in a particular field, from sword fighting to game playing.
hair position (command): in this position a girl stands, crouching slightly behind the Master and deeply bows her head. From this position, she may be led, for example, or moved to another position or simply, controlled.
hand (noun): the Gorean week, consisting of five days.
Hand, Kur (noun): name of a military unit in Kurii which consists of six Blood.
hand signs, Red Savage (noun): A mode of communication common to all the tribes of the Barren, sign is simple, easy to learn and adequate for relaying information.
handle tie (noun): a girl's ankles are ties together with 12 inches between them and her wrists are bound before her with a lengthy tether; this tether is then drawn between her legs and tied about her neck forming a 'handle' that a Free Person can use to lead her.
Harl ring (noun): a form of slave chain which consists of an ankle ring with a welded ring in back and a yard of in front; the chains terminates in a locking device which can be attached to another Harl ring, around a post, or to itself in order the secure the slave who wears it.
Harpoon, light (noun): used with a beaded throwing board, foreshaft of bone with a bone head and point.
Harpoon, long (noun): 8' in length, 2 1/2" in diameter, major shaft of wood, foreshaft of bone.
har-ta (command): faster!
Harriga (noun): A Bosk Wagon (used by the Wagon People).
haruspex (noun): soothsayer; omen taker.
heel position (command): the slave follows the Master at his heel. Slightly behind and to his left or right, depending on which side is his weapon hand. The distance behind varies. A coffle of girls being led through a city, may follow inches behind, while in an open field, she may be 5 to 10 feet following.
helmet, assassin's (noun): black helmet sometimes marked with the golden slash of the messenger.
helmet, captain's (noun): a helmet made identifiable by the crest of sleen fur at the top.
helmet, common (noun): a plain helmet similar to the Greek helmets with a Y-shaped opening for eyes nose and mouth and cushioned with rolls of leather.
helmet, northern (noun): conical shaped with a nose guard that can slip up and down; about the neck it usually has chain mail dangling from rings.
helmet, Wagon Peoples (noun): conical iron helmet fur-rimmed a net of colorful chains dangling before the face to protect leaving only an opening for the eyes.
herlit (noun): Gorean eagle, having a wingspan of 6-8 feet; is carnivorous, and has yellow feathers tipped with black; also called 'Sun-Striker' or 'out-of-the-sun-it-strikes', from its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it; inhabits the Barrens.
Hesius (noun): the planet Jupiter; named for a legendary hero of Ar - month of Hesius was named for him - second month of the year in Ar - follows the 1st passage hand - new year begins with the vernal equinox.
High Caste (noun): upper caste system of Gor specifically the Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians and Warriors. They are allowed Second Knowledge.
high-harness position (noun): a display position in which a kneeling slave is braceleted and leashed and commanded to hold her head very high exposing her neck.
high tharlarion (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs; carnivorous.
hinti (noun, plural): small, flea like insects; unlike fleas, they are not parasites.
hith (noun): many-banded gorean python.
hith, golden (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.
Ho (noun): gorean word, a common prefix indicating a lineage.
Hogarthe tree (noun): a tree of the Barrens named for one of the early explorers of the area. They tend to grow on the banks of small streams or muddy, sluggish rivers. similar to poplar trees of Earth.
homan (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
Home Stone (noun): 1) a stone, often circular and flat, that is sacred to each dwelling, and is to be defended ferociously by even the meanest peasant; placed in center of dwelling; carved with family sign - symbol of sovereignty, territory; 2) a similar stone that represents the soul of a city; to be without a Home Stone is to lack citizenship; Home Stones of villages were placed in the market; Home Stones of cities were placed on top of the highest tower.
hook billed gort (noun): a carnivorous hunting bird of the rain forests inland of Schendi; preys on ground urts.
hook knife (noun): a common knife with a curved blade used in slave competitions or hand-to-hand combat
hopa (adj): red savage term meaning pretty or attractive.
Hope of Tina (noun): melody of Cos - an expression of the yearning, or hope, of a young girl that she may be so beautiful, and so feminine, and marvelous, that she will prove acceptable as a slave.
Horn Bow (noun): weapon; small, for use from the saddle, lacks the range and power of the Gorean longbow or crossbow; still, at close range, with considerable force, firing rapidly, arrow after arrow, it is a fearsome weapon.
horn, signal (noun): curved, bronze signal horns used by the men of Torvaldsland for communication, primarily between ships. There are about 40 codes of sound signals, such as, 'Attack,' 'Heave to,' 'Regroup,' and 'Communication desired'.
hort (noun): a measure of distance equal to 1- 1/4 inches.
hortator (noun): also known as a keleustes; on an oared ship, the man responsible for beating time for rowers on a copper drum or wooden block.
hou (phrase): a form of greeting for Red Savages.
house marshal (noun): a position within a free woman's home responsible for security and/or travel.
house slave (noun): one whose primary duties are inside the residence. Duties range from personal serving girls to kettle and mat girls.
house veil (noun): the next-to-last veil worn by free women, esp. when in the company of men not of her own family; worn over the pride veil, and under the street veil upon leaving the house.
huda (noun): a measurement equaling 5 tefa; a tefa equals six tef and a tef equals a handful with five fingers closed.
Hunjer Whale (noun): black, cylindrical, toothed whale.
Hunters Catch (noun): slave garb made of netting.
hunting sleen (noun): the hunting sleen is a hunter of men. It is 20 feet in length and weighs eleven hundred pounds. This domesticated forest sleen is double-fanged and six-footed. It's tail tends to switch back and forth, getting rigid, as it hunts, it's ears flatten against it's head just prior to it's final 'charge' attack on it's prey.
hurt (noun): a domesticated marsupial raised in large numbers in the environs of several of Gor's northern cities. raised for wool.
hydria (noun): described as a high handled water vessel, something similar is used by slave girls to dip paga from simmering kettles.
ice house (noun): a place Goreans can go to purchase ice during the summer, although most Goreans cannot afford this luxury. the ice is cut from ponds in the winter and is stored under saw dust until use.
ice wagon (noun): a wagon specifically built to transport ice from ice houses to the residents of those Goreans wealthy enough to afford ice for the summer.
Iglu (noun): Innuit word; meaning dwelling or house.
Ihn (noun): the Gorean second, of which there are 80 in an ehn (minute) slightly less than an earth second.
Immunity of the herald (custom): a tradition that an individual bearing a message between warring parties is immune from enslavement.
Impalement (verb): the impalement of a person on the pole lance or spear with the dying body raised for all to view.
ina (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
Inititates, Caste of (noun): the representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society; the Initiates are one of the five High Castes, and are the religious branch of the government; their caste color is white. Initiates never eat meat or beans nor ever touch women. Their heads are shaved.
initiatory whipping (noun): the beating, usually of about 10 strokes, which a slave girl receives upon being brought into a new household, to remind her that she is a slave and under discipline.
Intimacy Veil (noun): quite diaphanous; opacity is a function of how many times it is wrapped about the face.
Innuit (noun): means "The People", live in the Polar Basin, live in scattered isolated communities, found refuge at the world's end. Their language is also called "Innuit".
insulae (noun): on the whole, tenements.
iron belt (noun): commonly consisting of a horizontal metal bar or strap that snugly encircles a girl's waist with a vertical component attached to the front of this horizontal bar with a hinge. The vertical component is then swung up between a slave's legs and all are fastened at the small of the back with a padlock. Locked around a girl, it ensures that she will not be sexually used by any, save the one with the key.
Iron Master (noun): one who is skilled at piercing ears and noses, branding, and affixing collars to slaves.
iron pens (noun): the subterranean retention facilities in a Slaver's house where slaves are kept for training and prior to sale.
Isanna (noun): the Little Knife Band of the Kaiila Tribe of the Red Savages.
Isbu Band (noun): a sub-group of the All Comrades.
Itancanka (noun): Kaiila and Dust Leg word meaning Master.
ivory-billed woodpecker (noun): bird found in the lower canopies of the rainforests near Schendi.
jard (noun): a small, yellow winged scavenger bird of the rain forest inland of Schendi.
Jarl (noun): the title for a leader of warriors in Torvaldsland; also, the title by which all free men of Torvaldsland are addressed by slaves.
jit monkey (noun): a simian mammal which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
justice wagon (noun): a form of execution which involved tar and tallow, the contents from a wagon's grease bucket, and fire.
kaffiyeh (noun): a head covering of the tribesmen of the Tahari, it is a squarish cloth, folded into a trangle, and placed over the head, two points at the side of the shoulders, one in back to protect the back of the neck. It is bound to he head by several loops of cord, the agal.
Kaiila (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is related to that of the Dust Legs.
kaiila, desert (noun): also known as sand kaiila; this omnivorous animal is related to the southern kaiila and similar in most aspects barring pelt color and rearing of young; pelt color is tawny or black and young are suckled for a length of time. The men of the Tahari Desert use this mount.
kaiila Milk, Sand (noun): reddish and salty, high in ferrous sulfate.
Kaiila River (noun): a river in the Barrens, it has two branches known as the North Kaiila River and the South Kaiila River. The Snake River is a tributary of the North Kaiila River. These rivers mark important boundaries in the territories of the Isanna, Napoktan, Wismahi, Isbu and Casmu bands of the Kaiila tribe.
kaiila, southern (noun): large (20-22 hands) carnivorous mammal with long neck and silky fur; its eyes have 3 lids; is viviparous has incredible stamina (capable of covering 600 in a day) and can be domesticated for riding in spite of its vicious temper. It has a rich gold to black. The kaiila is a mammal, but there is no suckling of the young, who begin hunt within hours of birth. These are the mounts of the Wagon Peoples.
kail (direction): directional division of a gorean map.
Kailiauk (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; their language is a dialect of Kaiila.
kailiauk, Barrens, herds of (noun): gigantic, dangerous beast that stands 20-25 hands at the shoulder and weighing as much as 4,000 lbs, they migrate across the Barrens in massive herds, hunted by Red Savages and those who trade in their hides. They have a trident horn.
Kailiauk, city of (noun): town on the Frontier of The Barrens, NE of Fort Haskins. It is a major trade center for the purchase, processing and selling of kailiauk hides taken from the massive herds which traverse The Barrens. It is also a slave trade center, dealing primarily in barbarian girls which are sold at various points along the perimeter.
kailiauk, forest (noun): four-legged wide-headed, lumbering, stocky ruminants, described as short-trunked and tawny. The males have 3 trident-like horns, with brown and reddish bars on the haunches. The males are 400 to 500 Gorean stone (1600-2000lbs) and are 10 hands at the shoulder. The females are 8 hands and weigh 300 - 400 Gorean stone (1200-1600 lbs). Their horns and tooled hides are major exports of the port of Schendi.
kailiauk, prairie (noun): short-trunked, stocky, awkward ruminant of the plains. Their color is tawny with haunches marked in red and brown bars. Their wide heads bear a trident horn. They instinctively circle when resting, their she's and young protected within.
Kaissa (noun; lit. 'the game'): Gorean for "Game:" It is a general term, but when used without qualification, it stands for only one game. The game board, has red and yellow squares, with ten ranks and ten files, giving it a hundred squares. The pieces, twenty to a side, red and yellow, representing Spearmen, Tarnsmen, the Riders of the High Tharlarion, and so on. The object of the game is the capture of the opponent's Home Stone. Capturing of individual pieces and continuations take place much as in chess.
kajira (noun): slave girl; pl. kajirae.
kajira canjellne (phrase): Gorean term meaning literally 'slave challenge'; one Gorean challenges another to combat the winner taking the slave as prize.
kajirii (noun): serves as the plural designation for kajirus, and also is the proper term for the plural when speaking of both slave genders.
kajirus (noun): male slave; pl. kajiri.
Kajuralia (noun; lit. 'holiday of slaves'): a festival, similar to the Feast of Fools, is which slaves trade places with their masters and have much freedom to play tricks on free persons; celebrated in most cities on the last day of the 12th Passage Hand, but in Ar and some other cities on the last day of the 5th month, the day before the Love Feast.
Ka-la-na (noun): 1) a tree with very strong yellow wood, used for making bows; 2) a very potent dry red wine, made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree.
Kal-da (noun): alcoholic beverage made of ka-la-na wine diluted with citrus juices and mixed with strong spices, and served hot.
kalika (noun): six strings, is flat-bridged, its strings are adjusted by small wooden cranks, sound box is hemospheric, neck rather long, is plucked.
kalmak (noun): vest of black leather worn by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples.
kamba (noun): word from the inland language meaning rope.
Kamba River (noun): empties directly into the Thassa outside the Harbor of Schendi. It leads into the rainforest.
kan-lara (noun): slave brand.
kanda (noun): plant: the roots of the kanda plant, which grows largely in the desert regions on Gor, are extremely toxic, but, suprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favored by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where the leaf is more abundant.
kara (noun): turning
Karl Whale (noun): four fluked baleen whale.
Kashani (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.
kaska (noun): a small hand drum.
Kassars (noun): The Blood People. Their shield is red and their standard is that of a scarlet, three-weighted bola, which hands from a lance. The symbolic representation of a bola, three circles joined at the center by lines is used to mark their bosk and slaves.
Kassau (noun): a town at the northern bank of the forest, it is a town of wood. The town is surrounded by a wall, with two gates, one large, facing the inlet, leading in from Thassa, the other small, leading to the forest behind the town. The main business of Kassau is trade, lumber and fishing, particularly parsit fish from the plankton banks north of the town. Lumber, particularly ka-la-na and tem-wood are traded to the North, which is virtually treeless. Kassau is the seat of the High Initiate of the North.
Kataii (noun): Tribe is Black - shield is yellow - bow is yellow - standard is that of a yellow bow, bound across a black lance. brand is that of a bow, facing to the left.
katch (noun): foliated leafy vegetable.
Kavars (noun): a major tribe of the Tahari; their vassal tribes are the Ta'Kara, Bakahs, Char, and Kashani; their war cry is 'Kavars Supreme!'
kef (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet, analogous with the Earth letter 'K'; the first letter of the Gorean words for male and female slaves, and hence often used as a brand.
Keleustes (noun): time-beater for oarsmen (on marsh barges the count given to oarsman is given by mouth by the OarsMaster)
kennel (noun): a small, concrete room, usu. 3'x3'x4', having an iron grill for a door, in which a slave girl may be confined at night.
kes (noun): a shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage.
kes (noun): short tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the Wagon Peoples.
kettle-and-mat girl (noun): a slave girl whose function is divided between household tasks and sexual servitude.
ki (adv.): no, not; also indicates a negative (ex. 'la ki kajira' - I am not a slave girl).
Kinyanpi (noun): warrior tarnsmen of the Red Savages, they are also called, 'The Flighted Ones'.
kirtle (noun): the garb of a slave girl of the Torvald thin white woolen garment ankle-length with a deep plunging neckline.
klim (noun): directional division of a Gorean map.
knee walk, simple (noun): a slave travels on knees, without standing, to fetch items or tend to duties.
knee walk, Turian (noun): mentioned, but not described except that it is sometimes used by slave dancers.
Kneel to the Whip (position): this command orders a slave to kneel, bowing her head to her knees, her wrists crossed under her as though bound. The position is intended to expose her back to the whip.
knife, snow (noun): large curved tabuk-bone, saw-toothed knife, used to cut into the snow to make snow blocks as for building iglu's in the Innuit country of the far north.
knife, turf (noun): wooden-bladed, saw-edged, paddle-like tool, used by Red Savages to cut and saw sod. When the handle is held in the right hand and the blade is supported with the left, it may be used as a shovel.
koda (noun): Dust Leg word meaning friend.
kodakiciyapi (noun): Dust Leg word meaning peace, friendship.
kola (noun): Kaiila word meaning friend.
kol-ar (noun): The Gorean word for collar.
koora (noun): strip of red fabric worn as a headband by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples.
Ko-Ro-Ba (noun): village market (archiac gorean); cap. a major city-state, often referred to as the 'Towers of the Morning'.
kort (noun): A large, brownish-skinned, thick-rinded, sphere-shaped vegetable - usually 6" in width. The interior is yellowish and fibrous, and heavily seeded; a rinded fruit of the Tahari; served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg.
kosis (noun): disease.
Kur (noun; lit. 'beast'; pl. kurii; a corruption of their name for themselves): a large (8-9') furred, mammal having 4 legs, which can stand upright or on all fours; each paw has 6 multiply jointed digits with retractable claws and an opposing thumb, so that it can grip; it has 2 rows of teeth; they are incredibly strong and ferocious, and are carnivorous, even to eating humans.
kurdah (noun): a small, light, semi-circular tent, c. 3' in diameter and 4' high, carried by a pack kaiila, in which women (slave or free) may ride; the frame is of tem-wood and is covered with layers of white rep cloth; used mainly in the Tahari.
kurt (noun): A stout whip, with a long handle, which might be wielded with two hands, and five dangling, soft, wide lashing surfaces, each about a yard long.
La (phrase,fem): I am; you are.
Lake Ngao (noun): Lake of Schendi ... meaning "Shield".
Lake Shaba (noun): located in the NE corner of the Schendi rain forest, it is the source of the great river Ua.
Lake Ushindi (noun): Lake of Schendi ...meaning "victory".
Lance, Kailla (noun): black, cut from the poles of young tem trees. They may be bent almost double, like finely tempered steel, before they break. A loose loop of boskhide, wound twice about the right fist, helps to retain the weapon in hand-to-hand combat. It is seldom thrown. Carried in the right fist, easily, and are flexible and light, used for thrusting. They an be almost as swift and delicate in their address as a saber.
lance, tharlarion (noun): weapon designed for use from the rider's mount on a high tharlarion, it is longer and heavier than the kaiila lance, for example.
Language, The (noun): the fierce, sweet, liquid speech of a native Gorean.
lar (adj.): central
larl (noun): a tawny leopard like beast indigenous to the Voltai and several of Gor ranges.
larl, black (noun): predominately nocturnal larl which is sable coated and maned both male and female.
larl, red (noun): predominately day hunting larl which is tawny-red coated and has no mane in either male or female.
larl, white (noun): seen in icy mountains of the Sardar they are the largest of the big cats standing 8 feet; upper canines extending below their jaws very similar to saber-toothed tiger; long tails are tufted at the ends.
larma, applelike (noun): single-seeded applelike fruit; a variation of the succulent juicy larma with a single seed; commonly called pit fruit.
larma (noun): succulent fruit,sometimes sliced and fried, and served with browned honey sauce; offering a larma, real or imagined, by a slave girl to her master is a silent plea for the girl to be raped.
Lar-Torvis (noun; lit. 'central fire'): the sun
lart, snow (noun): a small 4-legged mammal, about 10 inches high, weighing between 8 and 12 pounds. The snow lart has two stomachs and hunts in summer, filling the second stomach in the fall to last the animal through winter. It's pelt is snowy white and thick. They are found in the Polar North.
Last Spear (noun): the last hunter in a band of hunters in the Voltai Ranges to thrown his spear; this spearman is the weakest of the party and will if all spears have not killed the prey and it attacks be the one sacrificed to allow his fellows to escape.
last veil (noun): the innermost of the five veils worn by free women; it is worn under the veil of the citizeness, and is often very sheer.
Laura (noun): east and north of Ko-ro-ba about two hundred pasangs inland from the sea called Thassa on the Laurius River; it is a small trading city, a river port, whose buildings are made largely of wood. It is a clearinghouse for a various goods, a mercantile town.
Laurius River (noun): winding, long, gentle, slow river two hundred pasangs inland from the coast of the Thassa. The free port of Lydius is found at it's mouth. The river is not as broad or brisk as the Vosk River farther to the south. It is located below Ko-ro-ba and above Ar and flows in a generally westerly direction.
leading position (noun; used as a command): posture of a slave girl, bending forward at the waist, with her head at a master's hip, so that he may grab her hair and guide her where he wishes her to go.
leech, marsh (noun): described as rubbery about 4 inches long; it attaches itself to plants in the marsh or float free in the water, waiting for warm blooded animals. They fasten themselves to their victim to suck blood until, satiated, they detach. They can be removed with fire or salt. They are edible.
leech plant (noun): strikes like a cobra, fastening two hollow thorns into its victim, the chemical responses of the bladder-like pods produce a mechanical pumping action, and the blood is sucked into the plant to nourish it.
leem (noun): small artic rodent, 5 - 10 oz. in weight, hibernates in winter.
Legs, Dust (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.
leg spreader (noun): devices of various complexity designed to keep a slave girl's legs spread while being used sexually by her master(s); sometimes used on male captives as an indication of humiliation; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.
lelt (noun): a small (5-7") blind fish with fern like filaments at either side of the head which are its sensory organs; white, with long fins, it swims slowly, and is the main food of the salt shark; inhabits the brine pits such as those at Klima in the Tahari.
lesha (command; lit. 'leash'): A command where the slave turns from the FreePerson, turning her head to the left for ease in leashing and snapping her wrists behind her back as if for slave cuffs.
liana vine (noun): a rain forest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water.
lice, tarn (noun): marble sized parasites that infest wild tarns.
lit, common (noun): a bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.
lit, crested (noun): a bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.
lit, needle-tailed (noun): a bird found in the emergent (highest level) of rainforests in the Schendi area.
lo (phrase; masc.): I am; you are
Lo Sardar (phrase; masc.): I am a Priest King
Lock Gag (noun): leather and metal; curved metal bars rounded, about a quarter inch in diameter; fitted to the individual girl by ratchet and pawl arraingment; locks behind neck, leaving the hands of the slave free for duties.
Long Bow (noun): Weapon; height of a tall man; its back is flat (facing away from bowman); its belly is half rounded (facing bowman); inch and one half wide/inch and a quarter thick at center. - point blank range: fire through a 4" beam - 200 yards: can pin a man to a wall - 400 yards: can kill a bosk - rate of fire: 19 arrows in a gorean Ehn (80 earth seconds) - used in a standing/kneeling position - impractical in close quarters - cannot be kept set/loaded - weapon of peasants
long ship (noun): a swift, maneuverable ship having 2 rudders, 1 removable lateen rigged mast, and a keel-to-beam ratio of 8:1; often used in military actions; some are fitted as ram ships.
longhouse, Torvaldsland (noun): the hall of the Torvaldslander is about 120 Gorean feet in length, with walls formed of turf and stone, some more than eight feet in thickness. It is heated by a fire in it's center, burning in a rounded pit. It's ceiling, supported by posts is about 6 feet in height. At one end is a cooking area and along each side, stones mark sections off into sleeping quarters, furs strewn over an dirt floor. Scattered throughout are tables and benches. The center of the hall proper is about twelve feet in width.
loot pit (noun): a holding place for captured free women awaiting collars and branding during the military occupation of a city.
Love Feast (noun): common name for the 5th Passage Hand, occurring in late summer, which time is the greatest period for the sale of slaves, esp. slave girls.
love furs (noun): soft furs spread thickly on the floor at the foot of a master's sleeping couch, on which a slave girl is most often raped.
Love War (noun): The Wagon Peoples compete against the Warriors
of Turia
on the Plain of Stakes during the Second Passage Hand (May 15th-19th) in
mid-spring, participating in various challenges and ceremonial combats. For Turians, the
contest is to win ownership of a slave of the Wagon Peoples. The Four Tribes compete to
win high born Turian free women, which will be turned into slaves of the wagons.
Luck Girl (noun): a slave girl who acts as mascot onboard ship; her use is usually reserved for the captain of the ship, but she may be shared with the crew, usually as a disciplinary measure.
lung fish (noun): also called gints; small fish found near half-submerged roots of shore trees or sunning on the back of tharlarion.
Luraz (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
lure girl (noun): slaves who are set out by their master's to entice men for the purposes of empressing as crewmen or in work gangs. While the man is delightfully distracted, her master's men accost him and hustle him away.
Lydius (noun): free port administered by Merchants, at the mouth of the Laurius where it empties into the Thassa. Goods, primarily rough goods like tools, crude metal and cloth are shipped from this port to many islands and coastal cities.
Lydria (noun): water vessel - high handled for dipping.
mamba (noun): large, predatory river tharlarion which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; they have long, log like bodies, with short, powerful legs & a long snout & tail.
Mamba People (noun): tharlarion people; human flesh eaters.
manumission (noun): the documented, legal freeing of a slave.
March (noun): Kurii Military expression; refers to 12 bands and their officers; consists of 2100- 2200 animals.
Margin of Desolation (noun): an area north of Ar that was made into a wilderness thousands of pasangs deep. Wells were poisoned, and fields burned and salted to prevent the approach of armies from the north. It was allowed to re-vegetate and re-populate.
marine saurian (noun): fish-like predator with long, toothed snouts that are silent and aggressive; sailors fear them as they do the long-bodied sharks.
marine saurian, reptilian (noun): reptilian-like scavengers found in the Thassa, more than 20 ft in length, it has a long neck and small head with rows of small teeth. Its appendages are like broad paddles.
Market of Semris (noun): a small town south and somewhat east of Samnium, it is famed for its markets for tarsks, four-legged and two-legged. The town square is described as neat and well maintained, set with flat stones intricately fitted together.
marking stick (noun): a writing implement rather like a pen.
marsh moccasin (noun): narrow, dark, 5' long (approx) poisonous; not common.
marsh sharks (noun): eel like, long bodied, nine gilled.
matok (noun): a Priest-King term, it refers to an inhabitant of the Nest which is in the Nest but not of the Nest.
maza (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg term meaning metal.
mazasa (phrase): translation: copper
mazasapa (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg term meaning black metal; translated loosely into iron.
Mead (noun): made with fermented honey, water, spices - favored over hot paga in the north.
Meat Catch (noun): - slaves kneeling, abreast, hands bound behind their backs - bits of meat thrown, one after another - a catch 2 pts for the master - a missed piece can be scrambled for upon their bellies - 1 pt for the master of the slave who obtains it.
melon (noun): fruit; Yellowish red-striped spheres.
Merchants, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who deal in merchandise and trading; their caste colors are white and gold.
merchant kaissa (noun): refers to the standardized version of kaissa played at fairs and tournaments.
message tube (noun): a capped tube affixed to a slave's collar by a small thong which can hold messages for her to transport.
metaglana (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.
milk, bosk (noun): milk from the bosk, a staple of life for the Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. In some areas, it is available in powdered form.
milk, kaiila (noun): used by the peoples of the Tahari as verr milk is used elsewhere, it is reddish with a salty strong taste due to the content of ferrous sulfate.
milk, verr (noun): sometimes sold in open markets from a brass container, carried on a strap and served in tiny brass cups.
mindar (noun): a short winged, yellow & red bird of the rain forests inland of Schendi; with its sharp bill, it digs in the bark of flower trees for larvae.
mint stick (noun): a confection served in a bowl on a tray set for blackwine service, otherwise not described.
mitakoda (noun): Dust Leg term meaning my friend.
mitakola (noun): Kaiila word meaning my friend.
Moon, Prison (noun): of the three moons orbiting Gor, the name given to one of the two smaller ones.
moons, Gorean -(noun): three moons shine on the planet, Gor, one large and two small ones, described as full, beautiful, and 'hurtling through' the clouds. They are said to have a biological effect on females, who are sometimes chained beneath them. It is suggested that the waxing and waning of the cycles of the moon correlate with the sexual cycles of the female.
moons, Red Savage (noun): the moons as they mark the seasons of Red Savage life. Among them are the winter moons of Waniyetuwi and Wanicokanwi, as well as the Istawicayanzanwi or Sore-Eye Moon. The moon of the Returning Gants or Magaksicaagliwi heralds early spring followed by Wozupiwi, the Planting Moon. Kantwasi is the moon when the plums are red. The moon in which the tabuk rut (Takiyuhawi) is also called the Canpasapawi, the moon when the chokecherries are ripe. The Canwapegiwiw is the moon when the leaves become brown followed by the Corn-Harvest Moon which is called either the Wayuksapiwi or Canwapekasnawi, the moon when the wind shakes off the leaves. The autumnal equinox occurs in Canwapegiwi.
Mul (noun): designates a human slave (in the nest but not of the nest);Slaves of the Priest-Kings wear purple and both sexes are shaved, for sanitary reasons. A Muls tunic is inscribed with much information with scent marks as is by means of the tunic that Priest-Kings recognize them.
mul cases (noun): transparent plastic tube in which a mul sleeps.
Mul-Fungus (noun): bland, pale, whitish, fibrous vegetable like matter.
mul-pellets (noun): a vitamin supplement for muls.
Mul-Torch (noun): light used by Muls who raise Fungus in darkened chambers commonly called "Workers of the Fungus-Trays"
Musicians, Caste of: czehar players have the most prestige; next follow the flutists and then the players of the kalika; the players of the drums come next; and the farthest fellow down the list is the man who keeps the bag of miscellaneous instruments, playing them and parceling them out to others as needed - are never enslaved; they may be exiled, tortured, or slain - it is said, that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free.
nadu (command; lit. 'kneel): The position where the slave kneels, thighs parted, resting back on her heels, head up and eyes down, hands lightly resting on her thighs with palms lowered.
Napoktan (noun): the Bracelets Band of the Kaiila Tribe of the Red Savages.
needle fly (noun): also known as sting flies, these originate in the delta and similar places. Its sting is extremely painful but it is usually not dangerous unless inflicted in great numbers.
needle tree (noun): a tree of the Thentis region, whose oil is used in perfumes.
needle-tailed lit (noun): a bird found in the highest level of the rain forest.
Nest (noun): the colony and home of the Priest-Kings in the Sardar; the ruler of the Nest is the Mother from whose eggs the Priest-Kings are hatched.
Nest Trust (noun): a term which means more than 'friendship' to the Priest-Kings. It is described as a communal notion, a reliance on the practices and traditions of an institution, accepting them and living in terms of them.
nestle position (noun): The command in which the girl nestles within the crook of the FreePerson's arm.
Ngao (noun): Lake of Schendi .... meaning Shield (long and oval shaped).
Northern Shark (noun): cold water shark.
notched stick (noun): musical instrument played by sliding a polished tem-wood stick across its surface.
nu (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
nuts (noun): fruit; ingredient for vulo stew.
nykus (noun): victory; from the Greek nike.
Nyoka (noun) River of Schendi ....meaning serpent.
oar dance (noun): a feat of agility performed by the rovers of Torvaldsland, that of leaping from moving oar to moving oar of the Serpent ships of the Torvald.
obeisance position (position): a position of extreme deference which is described as a slave deeply bowing her head from the basic pleasure slave position, often flattening her palms against the floor and leaning forward to lick and kiss the boots of a Free person.
Octavii (noun): ranked as first and second, these individuals are deputy commissioners in the records office of a city.
Official Stone (noun): a solid metal cylinder that is kept near Sardar. Four times a year on a set day during the fairs cities have the chance to test it against the standard stone.
olakota (noun): Kaiila word meaning peace.
olive, red (noun): from the groves of Tyros, not otherwise described.
Olni River (noun): a tributary of the Vosk River which stretches northeast from it's confluence with the Vosk at Lara. Lara, Vonda, Port Olni and Ti are the cities forming the Salerian Confederation, all of which lie on the Olni River.
Omen Year (noun): a season, rather than a year, calculated by the Wagon Peoples into three phases. The first phase is called the 'Passing of Turia', in the fall; the 'Wintering', which takes place north of Turia and south of the Cartius River, and, finally the 'Return to Turia' in the spring (also called 'Season of Little Grass'). The omens are taken near Turia by the haruspexes, mostly readers of bosk blood and verr livers. Depending on their determination an 'Ubar San' might be chosen, the Ubar of all the Peoples.
omnion (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
onion (noun): same as the earth vegetable.
one-strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely for climbing steeply.
opals, common (noun): milky in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.
opals, flame (noun): reddish and blue in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.
open-legged tie (noun): right wrist is tied to right ankle, and left wrist to left ankle, with about six or seven inches of slack between wrist and ankle. It is not good for general security but is it a good and familiar slave tie. One advantage of this is that a girl may kneel comfortably for hours.
Or (noun): a unit of ten warriors of the Wagon Peoples.
Oralu (noun): a unit of a thousand warriors of the Wagon Peoples.
Orlu (noun): a unit of a hundred warriors of the Wagon Peoples.
ost (noun): tiny snake, about 12" long, bright orange in color; its venom causes extremely painful death within seconds; the ost of the rain forests inland of Schendi are red with black stripes.
ost, rainforest (noun): a snake of the rainforests inland of Schendi are red with black stripes.
oysters (noun): from the delta of the Vosk.
Paddle mittens (noun): standard mittens with two thumbs, when one side is worn, can be turned to the other side.
paga (noun; abbr. of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, lit. 'pleasure of the life daughter'): paga, a strong, fermented drink brewed from the yellow grains of Gors staple crop, Sa-Tarna, or Life Daughter.
paga attendant (noun): a male employee of a paga tavern, who supervises the serving of paga by slave girls, and collects payment for the paga and the use of the slave girls.
paga tavern (noun): an establishment where food and alcoholic beverages, esp. paga, are sold; in addition, the use of the serving slave is included in the price of the paga bought.
pagar (noun): pleasure
pagar kajira (noun): pleasure slave
palm tree (noun): More than 1500 varieties of palm trees exist in the rainforest one of which is the Fan Palm more than 20 ft high and spreads it leaves in the form of a an opened fan it is an excellent source of pure water as much as one liter of water being found almost as though cupped at the base of each leaf's stem.
palm wine (noun): drink mentioned briefly; no description available.
panga (noun): two-foot-long heavy curve-bladed bush knife.
Panther Girl (forest girl) (noun): runaway women who live in the forest without free men, taking as slave any man who enters their domain and eventually selling him. Those of the northern forests dress in the teeth and skins of forest panthers which they slay with their spears and bows.
panther, jungle (noun): Less dangerous to man than the northern variety inhabitant of the rainforest.
Parade of Slaves (noun): a presentation of beauty and attractions in which the slaves present themselves one by one usually accompanied by music for the inspection of the guests. Commonly takes place in paga taverns and brothels but may take place elsewhere. Free women are usually not present.
Paravaci (noun): The Rich People, richest of the Wagon Dwellers. Their shield is black and their standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk its value incalculable. Their brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle.
parfleche (noun): kailiauk hide is prepared in sheets, cut almost as thin as paper, dried in the prairie sun and layered to form a flat, leather envelope which is sealed with a seam of hardened fat. Used to store food, such as kailiauk meat.
parrot (noun): A bird found in the emergent level of the rainforest some varieties are also found in the level of the canopies of the rainforest.
Parsit Current (noun): main eastward current above the Polar Basin.
parsit fish (noun): a small narrow silvery fish having brown stripes.
Pasang (noun): measure of distance equaling .7 miles
pasang stone (noun): a stone set up along roads to mark distance to and from certain destinations.
Passage Hand (noun): the 5 day period between Gorean months, which consist of 5 5- day weeks
Passion Slave (noun): female of the human kind, but bred like a beast for it's beauty and it's passion. It is an animal, bred for the pleasure of men, bred for the pleasure of a master.
Peasants, Caste of (noun): the basic caste of Gor; they regard themselves as the "Ox on Which the Home Stone Rests"
pemmican (noun): strips of dried kailiauk meat pounded into a powder and mixed with fruit, such as chokeberries, is fixed in kailiauk fat and shaped into round, flat cakes. Provides portable protein and energy source.
Pentilicus Tallux (noun): a renowned poet of the Ar of one hundred years ago, the Great Theater in Ar is named for him. It has a huge stage which can accommodate a thousand actors.
People (noun): a division of the Kur military, it is composed of twelve smaller units, the March.
peppers (noun): same as the earth vegetable. spicy.
Physicians, Caste of (noun): the caste which practices the healing arts; the Physicians are one of the five High Castes which make up the Gorean government; their caste color is green.
pierced-ear girl (noun): a common Turian custom which became popular after the fall of Turia to the Wagon Peoples; such a girl is permanently marked as the most abject of slaves.
pith (noun): stem of the rence plant; edible; most common staple in rence growers diet; edible both raw and cooked.
Plains of Turia (noun): the southern prairies of Gor, described as a broad grassland, from the Thassa and the Ta-Thassa Mountains to the southern foothills of the Voltai Range. Called the Land of the Wagon Peoples, their holdings extend in the north to the Cartius River.
Player (noun): a member of a caste like society who plays Kaissa professionally; their caste colors are red and yellow. The members of this caste are highly regarded on gor as is the game in general, too, they are given much leeway as are Musicians and poets it being considered bad taste to harm one of that caste.
Pleasure Garden (noun): an area in which wealthy Gorean men keep their slave girls; roughly akin to the harem of the Arab countries of Earth.
pleasure rack (noun): a device, ranging in complexity from a grid of ropes in a wooden frame to a moveable, adjustable frame with chains, for the display and sexual use of slave girls and captive free women.
pleasure silk (noun): sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slave girls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.
Pleasure Slave (noun): a slave girl whose main function is sexual servitude to her master; traditionally, she kneels with her knees spread wide, and her hands either resting on her thighs or, in some cities, crossed behind her, ready for binding.
plum (noun): same as the earth fruit.
Poets, Caste of (noun): One of the low castes. On Gor the singer or poet is regarded as a craftsman who makes strong sayings he has his role to play in the social structure celebrating battles and histories singing of heroes and cities but also he is expected to sing of living and of love and joy not merely of arms and glory; and too it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death lest they should forget that they are men..
poison (noun): the use of poison of Gor is generally considered not worthy of men. It is against the Code of Warriors. It is thought of as a weapon of women.
Polar North (noun): lower snowfall than most of the lower latitudes; most of land a tundra, treeless plain; summer: covered with mosses, shrubs, and lichens; winter, spring, and fall: desolate, bleak, frozen barren alien landscape; 240 different types of plants grow in the Gorean Artic within 500 pasangs of the Pole.
porcupine, long-tailed (noun): animal of the canopy level of the rainforest.
Port Kar (noun): facing the gleaming Thassa by way of the Tamber Gulf, is the crowded, squalid, malignant city at the mouth of the Vosk Delta called Port Kar. It is sometimes referred to as the Tarn of the Sea. It is the only city on Gor that recognizes a Caste of Thieves, and it is the only city on Gor actually built by slaves under the whip of their Masters. The city is a mass of holdings, each almost a fortress, all crossed and divided by hundreds of canals.Port Kar is ruled by a several conflicting Ubars, and, under them, the Council of Captains who are responsible for maintaining and managing the great arsenal, as well as the fleets of Port Kar. Her name is a synonym in Gorean for cruelty and piracy.
Port Olni (noun): city located on the North bank of the Olni River. A member of the Salerian Confederation.
pot girl (noun): a slave girl whose main function is cooking and other menial tasks; used disparagingly
Prayer Ring (noun): ring with several tiny knobs on it - has circular knob (like the golden circle at the termination of the Initiates staff) notifies that one cycle of prayer has been completed.
Pride (noun): a military unit consisting of 100 Warriors.
pride veil (noun): the third veil worn by free women; worn under the house veil and over the veil of the citizeness.
Priest-King (noun): intelligent insects who are the true rulers of Gor
Prison Moon (noun): of the three moons orbiting Gor, the name given to one of the two smaller ones.
Prition (noun): title of a treatise on bondage written by Clearchus of Cos.
profalarina (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.
prostrate (noun): the slave kneels, bows her head, leans forwward and touches her forehead to the floor, stretches her arms out before her with palms face down and fingers spread.
quala (noun): small, dun colored, 3 toed mammal with a stiff, brushy mane of black hair; pl. qualae.
Quarrel (noun): small arrow of the crossbow; initial velocity is the better part of a pasang per second.
Quiva (noun): balanced saddle knife, about a foot in length, double edged; it tapers to a daggerlike point; is regarded, on the whole, as more of a missile weapon than a hand knife; are wrought in the smithies of Ar.
RainForest (noun): Surrounds the marshes of Schendi: has 3 ecological zones/tiers/levels marked by tree height; highest - emergents - 125' - 200' second - canopy - 60' - 125' Gorean (main ceiling, dominates one's vision from air) first - floor; ground zone - below 60' Gorean
ram berries (noun): small, succulent berries
ram ship (noun): war galley, having up to 3 banks of oars as well as masts and sails; named for the battering rams on the prow
rarius (noun; pl. rarii): warrior
Raviri (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
ravishment lamp (noun): a small tharlarion- oil lamp, found in the chamber of a master; its soft glow is sufficient to illuminate a slave girl as she is raped
Red Hunters (noun): the peoples who inhabit the Gorean arctic; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the Eskimos of Earth.
red salt (noun): red from ferrous oxide in its composition, which is called the "Red Salt of Kasra," after its port of embarkation, at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen
Red Savages (noun): the peoples to inhabit the plains area (Barrens) of Gor; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the American Indians of Earth
red-silk girl (noun): A slave girl who is not a virgin, or, as is said on Gor, her body has been 'opened by men'.
reins, kaiila (noun): a light rein, plaited with 10 to 12 strips of dyed leather. Each strip is cut with knives to be thinner than a thread, but the combination is very strong and durable. Used by the Tribesmen of the Tahari.
rence (noun): a tufted, reed like plant that grows in the marshes; used for making paper;from the stem comes reed boats, sails, mats, cords and a kind of fibrous cloth - pith is edible; staple in rence growers diet edible both raw and cooked.
rence beer (noun): steeped, boiled and fermented from crushed seeds and the whitish pith of the rence plant.
rence, caste of (noun): Growers of the Rence.
rence islands (noun): small; seldom more than 200 - 250 feet.
rence paper (noun): paper created from rence of which there are 8 grades.
rence paste (noun): wet; when fried on a flat stone it makes a kind of cake, often sprinkled with rence seeds.
rence, pith of (noun): edible part of the rence plant, either raw or cooked. Rence pith and fish are the dietary staples of the rence growers. Also sometimes used for caulking.
rence, root of (noun): used to make wooden tools and utensils that can be carved from it also used for fuel.
rence, stem of (noun): used to make reed boats sails mats cords and a fibrous cloth.
rennel (noun): a crablike poisonous desert insect.
rep (noun): a fiber plant similar to cotton; whitish fibrous matter, found in the seed pods of a small reddish woody bush.
repcloth (noun): rough fabric woven from the fibers of the rep plant.
river shark (noun): a narrow, black, vicious, carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin, which inhabits the rivers of Gor
Revels, Master of (noun): a city's Master of Entertainment.
rim (adj): east directional division of a gorean map.
ring lock (noun): there are many varieties of these locks, one being the combination padlock with numbers of rotating disks which, when aligned properly, allow the lock to open.
ring-necked waders (noun) bird found along the river of the ground zone of the rain forest.
river shark (noun): a narrow black vicious carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin which inhabits the rivers of Gor.
Robes of Concealment (noun): the mode of dress favored by free women in some of the larger city states (i.e. Ar, Ko-ro-ba, Turia, etc.); it consists of one or more hooded robes of heavy brocade, or other opaque fabric, plus up to five face veils
rock spider -(noun): an inhabitant of the rainforests lower level this brown or black spider camouflages itself by tucking legs under its body to look like a rock hence its name; it is approximately one foot in diameter and will catch small rodents or birds in its web.
ror (adj): northeast directional division of a gorean map.
round ship (noun): heavy cargo & passenger ships, having up to 3 banks of 10 oars to a side; not as swift or maneuverable as ram- ships, having a keel-to-beam ratio of 6:1; has 2 rudders, and 2 permanent, lateen rigged masts; carries a crew of 20-25 free men, plus up to 200 oar slaves.
run (command): When this command is given, the slave runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.
Rushes and Sedge (noun): wild rence plants.
sa (noun): life
Sacred Place (noun): the name given to a place located in the Sardar Mountains. It is considered taboo.
Sa-eela (noun): one of the most sensual and erotic of slave dances; it consists of five distinct portions; belongs to the class of slave dance known as Lure Dances of the Love- Starved Slave girl.
sa-fora (noun): Chain Daughter or Daughter of the chain.
sajel (noun): a drug which causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body; in combination with gieron, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague
salamander (noun): an inhabitant of the brine pits of the salt mines of the Tahari, they are white and blind with long stemlike legs with fern-like filaments which are feather gills.
Salerian Confederation (noun): an alliance of 4 cities, Ti, Port Olni, Lara, and Vonda, formed to rid the Olni River of pirates and to protect inland shipping.
salt shark (noun): a long bodied (12' or more) carnivorous fish having gills situated under the jaw, several rows of triangular teeth, a sickle- like tail, and a sail like dorsal fin; inhabits brine pits such as those of the klima.
sa-fora (noun; lit. 'chain daughter'): slave girl
salt, red (noun): some of the salt mines in the Tahari Desert Waste area of Klima, deliver a salt, famed on Gor, that is red in color from deposits of ferrous oxide. It is called the Red Salt of Kasra, after it's port of embarkation at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen.
salt, white (noun): mined by the slaves who manage to live through a punishing march over the white hot crusts of salt of the Tahari Wastes to Klima, for example. Salt, mined from the Tahari makes up 20% of the salt used in various products of Gor. The forced marches to Klima can only be done in the fall, winter, or spring when the surface temperature of the salt crusts reach 160 degree's Farenheit and the air temperature ranges from 120 to 140 degree's. The mining, harvesting, sifting, purifying and packaging process turn out nine qualities of salt which are shipped all over Gor.
salt, yellow (noun): references to yellow salt as 'of the south' and on a table exist, but no other description has been found.
Samnium (noun): two hundred pasangs east and south of Brundisium, a walled city, spared the savageries of war with Cos, because of her alliance with them.
san (adj.): one; fem. sana
sa'ng-fori (noun; lit. 'without chains'): freedom
sapa (adjective): Kailla or Dust Leg term meaning black.
sar (noun): king
Sardar (noun): priest-kings, large (c. 8 ft. tall) intelligent insects who are the true rulers of Gor; the mountain range where the Priest- Kings live.
Sardar Fairs (noun): huge fairs held 4 times each year at the foot of the Sardar Mountains; they coincide with the equinoxes and solstices (En'Kara, En'Var, Se'Kara, & Se'Var);for the duration of the Fair, the area is neutral territory: no one may be enslaved at the Fair (though slaves captured elsewhere may be sold), no blood may be spilled; serves as a trading point for information and merchandise; Each Gorean, whether male or female, is expected to see the Sardar Mountains, in honor of the Priest-Kings, at least once in his life prior to his 25th year.
Sa-Tarna (noun; lit. 'life daughter'): yellow grain, the staple crop of Gor.
Sa-Tassna (noun; lit. 'life mother'): meat
scarlet rug (noun): a submission rug used in Tharna on which a free woman naked and bound with yellow cords must submit as slave to her master first hearing him recite a ritual poem then yielding physically.
Schendi (noun): Gorean City; population approx 1 million.
scorpion (noun): found in the canopy level of the rainforest.
Scribes, Caste of (noun): the caste concerned with history, accounting, record keeping, etc.; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government; their caste color is blue.
se (adj.): second
sea sleen (noun): long sleek mammal with flippers and six legs and double fanged jaws can weigh as much as 1000 pounds.. and as much as 20 feet in length hunted by the Red Hunters for food and pelt.
sea sleen, black (noun): one of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
sea sleen, brown (noun): one of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
sea sleen, flat-nosed (noun): one of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
sea sleen, rogue (noun): rare broader headed more dangerous variety of sea sleen found in the Polar North.
sea sleen, tufted (noun): one of the four main types of sea sleen found in the polar North.
sea sleen, white-spotted (noun): its rich fur is used for cloaks.
Second Knowledge (noun): the education available to the higher castes; it is more esoteric, and includes knowledge of Earth. Lower Castes, are permitted only the First Knowledge.
second slave (phrase): referring to the serving of black wine, it indicates that the consumer prefers to drink it without sugar or milk; from the fact that the sugar and milk are placed in the cup by one slave before the beverage is poured into the cup by a second slave.
second wine (noun): see breeding wine
seduction slave (noun): a kajirus used to seduce a Free Woman into violating the couch law and becoming slave.
Se'Kara (noun; lit. 'second turning'): the seventh month of the Gorean calendar, roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of September;full expression: Se`Kara - Lar - Torvis;Literally means:The Second Turning of the Central Fire.
Se`Var (noun; lit. 'second resting'): The Second Resting; full expression: Se`Var - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The Second Resting of the Central Fire.
Selnar (noun): the third month of the Gorean calendar (in Ko-ro-ba and some other cities)
semnium (noun): a public building which houses the high council, or governing body.
sereem diamonds (noun): red, sparking, white-flecked stones of great value.
shark, marsh (noun): long bodied, nine-gilled inhabitant of the rence island areas of the marsh, they are almost eel-like.
shark, river (noun): a narrow black vicious carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin which inhabits the rivers of Gor.
shark, salt (noun): a long-bodied (12' or more) carnivorous fish having gills situated under the jaw several rows of triangular teeth a sickle-like tail and a sail-like dorsal fin; inhabits brine pits such as those of the Tahari.
shelter trench (noun): to escape the blistering heat of the Tahari, where temperatures can reach 175 degree's Farenheit, a trench, 4 or 5 feet deep and 18 inches wide is dug. Temperatures are 50 degrees cooler 1 or two feet below the surface of the desert. The trench is drawn perpendicular to the path of the sun, so it provides the maximum shade for the longest period of time.
she-quadrupled, modality of (noun): an instruction whereby the slave performs her regular duties upon hands and knees without the benefit of the use of her hands. In this mode she may not rise to her feet and may use only her mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.
she-sleen position (noun): Also known as 'assuming the modality of the she-quadruped.' In this position the slave falls to her hands and knees her head down on the floor her hindquarters upthrust for viewing and/or her Master's pleasure.
she-urts (noun): short for 'she-urts of the wharves' homeless free girls - runaways vagabonds orphans etc. - who live near the canals in port cities surviving by scavenging begging stealing and sleeping with paga attendants; they sleep wherever they find space and usually wear a brief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment.
Shield, Round: (noun) The round shield, concentric overlapping layers of hardened leather riveted together and bound with hoops of brass, fitted with the double sling for carrying on the left arm. Normally the Gorean shield is painted boldly and has infixed in it some device for identifying the bearer's city.
Shield, Turian: (noun) the metal embossments on their oval shields, unlike the rounded shields of most Gorean cities.
shipping collar (noun): a loose, generic collar worn by slaves when being shipped as cargo
shu (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet which is probably oriental in origin.
side-block girl (noun): a slave girl sold for a fixed price from the side block of a slave auction house instead of auctioned from the main block; used disparagingly.
sidge (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
Sign of the Hammer (noun): the sign of Thor, made by holding up a clenched fist. In Torvaldsland, spiritual allegiance is to ancient gods, such as Odin and Thor.
signature knot (noun): a complex knot whose tying is known only to the one who invented it.
silk slave (noun): a male pleasure slave; usually in attendance on a free woman
Silver Tubes: (noun) charged, cylindrical weapons, manually operated; incorporated principles much like the "Flame Death Mechanism"
sim plant (noun): a rambling, tangled vine like plant with huge, rolling leaves, raised in the pasture chambers of the Nest
sip root (noun): a bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine
sirik (noun): light chain favored for female slaves, consists of a Turian type collar, to which a light gleaming chain is attached, which falls to the floor, about 10 - 12 inches longer than is required to reach from the collar to the ankles; to this chain, at the natural fall of the wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain is attached a set of linked ankle rings, which, when locked upon the ankles lift a portion of the chain from the floor. An incredibly beautiful thing, used to enhance the beauty of the slave. The bracelets and ankle rings can be removed, and used separately, which permits the sirik to function as a slave leash.
Sirik, Work: (noun) resembles the common sirik but the wrists, to permit work, are granted about a yard of chain.
slave belly (noun): the area of the abdomen around the navel; so called because only slave girls expose their navels
slave box (noun): About four feet long and three feet wide, with a depth of perhaps eighteen inches. It was of steel and opened from the top. In the lid, at each, there was a circle, about five inches in diameter, of penny-sized holes. It was locked shut, secured by two flat, steel bars, perpendicular to its long axis, padlocked, in front, in place.
slave bracelets (noun): manacles; there are 3 links between the wrist rings
slave dance (noun): any of the sensuous and lascivious dances performed by slave girls to entertain their masters. The dancing of a slave is a thousand times more sensuous than that of a free woman because of the incredible meanings involved the additional richness which this furnishes the explosive significance of this comprehension that she who dances is owned and theoretically could be owned by you.
slave girtle (noun): a length of cord tied about a girl to mold a slave tunic to her form and enhance her curves, able to be crisscrossed about the body.
slave goad (noun): Rather like the tarn goad, except that it is designed to be used as an instrument for the control of human beings rather than tarns .Unlike the tarn goad which has a simple on-off switch in the handle, the slave goad works with both a switch and a dial, and the intensity of the charge administered can be varied from an infliction which is only distinctly unpleasant to one which is instantly lethal. The slave goad, unknown in most Gorean cities, is almost never used except by professional slavers, probably because of the great expense involved.
slave harness (noun): a slave garment or bond not otherwise described.
slave heat (noun): the intense need and passion of a slave girl
slave hobble (noun): Consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right handed girl, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When a girl kneels, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable.
slave hood (noun): parts of the hood; the leather ball, the strap attached at the front of it, and the belt, with its double loop, on the outside, held in place by the belt loops, at its opening. Some hoods are little more than sacks, of canvas or leather, with drawstrings. A small padlock, passes through two rings, the buckle ring and one of the small rings, sewn in the belt.
slave lips (noun): The action whereby a slave purses her lips as if for kissing and remains that way until either kissed or released from the command. An excellent way to silent a slave.
slave mat (noun): a corse mat to which area a slave girl may be ordered for discipline or rape; the girl may not leave the mat unless permitted by her master.
slave oval (noun): a method of chain a slave girl consisting of a hinged iron loop which locks around her waist, with two sliding wrist- rings and a welded ring in the middle of the back
slave perfume (noun): perfumes designed to be worn by slave girls; they are heavier and more sensual than those designed for free women.
slave pole (noun): imaginary pole that 'transfixes' a dancing girl by which she is 'held' during her dance.
slave porridge (noun): a cold, unsweetened mixture of water and Sa-Tarna meal, on which slaves are fed; in Torvaldsland, it is called 'bond-maid gruel', and often is mixed with pieces of chopped parsit fish.
slave rape (noun): Either disciplinary or not, it is when a Master uses a slave in full manner, drawing from her every moment of helpless submission either by cruelty or not.
slave ring (noun): a heavy iron ring c. 1' in diameter to which a slave may be secured for security discipline or any other reason; often found in floors interior & exterior walls (either 1' or 3' above the ground) attached to the foot of a master's sleeping couch, etc.
slave sack (noun): a sack used primarily to transport slaves that ties off on at one end.
slave stake (noun): about four and one half feet in length and four inches in width, cut from wood. At it's top, about two inches from the end, a groove an inch deep is cut. A long leather tether is attached to a slave's neck and affixed to the stake. It is used for securing a slave for the night, for example.
slave steel (noun): generic term for collars chains siriks etc. worn by slaves.
slave strap (noun): heavy strap or belt which buckles behind the wearer's back; in front there is a metal plate with a welded ring through which passes the 4 hort (5 inches) chain of a pair of slave bracelets; designed to keep the wearer's hand before his body.
slave trap (noun): a trap of powerful steel that is lined by sharp teeth which snap shut on the slave's leg and locks closed until opened by a key. The trap is locked, unlike an animal trap to prevent it being pried open by strong hands.
slave tunic (noun): a simple, sleeveless, pullover tunic of brown cloth, slit deeply at the hips with narrow shoulder straps, little more than strings .Some have a disrobing loop at the shoulder.
slave veil (noun): a small triangle of diaphanous yellow silk, worn across the bridge of the nose where, beautifully, its porous, yellow sheen broke to the left and right. Considered a mockery, as it reveals as much as it conceals; adds a touch of subtlety and mystery.
slave wagon (noun): a flat-bedded barred wagon like a large cage with a door in the rear in which many slaves may be transported at one time their ankles chained to a bar that runs down the center of the floor; tarpaulins are often used to cover the cage & hide the cargo.
slave whistle (noun): used in issuing signals summoning slaves and so on.
slave wine (noun: a black, bitter beverage that acts as a contraceptive; its effect is instantaneous and lasts for well over a month; can be counter-acted with a another, sweet tasting beverage.
Slavers, Caste of (noun): the sub caste of the Merchants, one who deals in human merchandise; their caste colors are blue and yellow.
Slaver's Caress (noun): The act of plying leather upon the slave's flesh unexpectedly to force her to reveal her sexual nature.
slee (noun): a rodent which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
Sleen (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens
sleen knife (noun): knife carried, sheathed, at the waist of Panther Girls.
sleen, forest (noun): It is long, up to 20 feet, sinuous, black or brown in color. It resembles a lizard, except it is furred and mammalian. In its attack frenzy it is one of the most dangerous animals on Gor.
sleen, gray (noun): said to be Gor's finest tracker, this six legged sleen is a furred mammal with silver gray fur. It has an agile, sinuous body, thick as a drum and is 14-15 feet long. The gray sleen has a broad triangular head and a huge jaw with two rows of fangs and a dark tongue. It's widely set eyes have slit-like pupils. As is true for all sleens, it has six legs. This breed is relentless and tenacious. It can follow a scent that is weeks old for a thousand pasangs.
sleen, hunting (noun): the hunting sleen is a hunter of men. It is 20 feet in length and weighs eleven hundred pounds. This domesticated forest sleen is double-fanged and six-footed. It's tail tends to switch back and forth, getting rigid, as it hunts, it's ears flatten against it's head just prior to it's final 'charge' attack on it's prey.
sleen, prairie (noun): the prairie sleen is tawny in color, and are smaller than the forest sleen, but quite as unpredictable and vicious. Domesticated prairie sleen are used for hunting and nocturnal herd sleen are used as shepherds and sentinels. They are released from their cages with the falling of darkness, responding only to the voice of their master.
sleen, sea (noun): aquatic mammal that inhabits the polar seas, following the parsit current in search of their main food source, the parsit fish. There are four main types: black sleen, brown sleen, tusked sleen, flat-nosed sleen. Some remain under the ice year round, mostly dormant but rising every quarter of an Ahn or so to breathe through cracks in the ice.
sleen, snow (noun): inhabits the northern regions. Always white in color.
sleeping mat, chronometric (noun): mat with power switch and chronometric temperature device which may be set to have the mat turn cold before the first light as one has little inclination to remain in a freezing bed. The mat is rolled up or folded back after each use.
Slime Worm (noun): functioned as a sewerage device within the Priest King nest, it scavages the kills of the Golden Beetle.
Snake, whip (noun): heavy coil, laced with wire and flecks of iron, used primarily on male captive/slaves.
Snow Knife (noun): large curved bone, saw-toothed knife, used to cut into the snow to make snow blocks.
Snowlart (noun): 10" high, weight 10 - 12 lbs, mammalian, 4 legs, dual stomached, hunts in the sun, feeds on bird eggs, preys on the leem.
sorp (noun): a shellfish, common esp. in the Vosk river, similar to an oyster; like an oyster, it manufactures pearls.
Spear, Gorean: (noun) about seven feet in height, heavy, stout, with a tapering bronze head some eighteen inches in length. It is a terrible weapon and, abetted by the somewhat lighter gravity of Gor, when cast with considerable force, can pierce a shield at close quarters or bury its head a foot deep in solid wood.
Spider People (noun): man-sized arachnids which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar; they can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens; they spin Curlon Fiber which is used in the textile mills of Ar.
Stabilization Serums (noun): a series of medical injections which, among other things, retards the aging process.
stimulation cage (noun): an ornate, fairly roomy cage, furnished comfortably with fabrics of all kinds, furs, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, etc. in which a naked slave girl in training may be housed; its purpose is to awaken her senses, esp. the tactile senses, to everything in the world around her, so that she may be more pleasing to masters; in addition, it is just too short for her to stand upright, so that her head is always inclined in a gesture of submission.
Stone (noun): a unit of measurement equal to 4 Earth pounds; The Official Stone is a solid metal cylinder that iskept near Sardar; 4 times a year at each fair, cities on a given day can test their own stone against the "standard".
Stones (noun): a guessing game in which one player must guess whether the number of stones held in the fist of the second player is odd or even.
story skin (noun): an artifact of the red savages. a series of drawings and pictographs on a skin used to tell a story,the beginning of the story is at the center of the skin reading it in a slow spiral outward by turning the skin.
stranger (noun): In the Gorean language, the word for stranger and enemy are the same.
Street of Brands {noun): the city or area in a given city where slavers conduct their business.
Street of Coins (noun): the street or area in a given city where banking and other financial transactions take place.
Street of the Writhing Slave (noun): dark narrow street not far from the wharves in Victoria where most renters and dealers in coin girls keep their kennels.
street veil (noun): the outermost veil worn by free women; worn over the house veil when leaving the house.
strigil (noun): usually made of metal in a narrow, spatulate form. Used at bathing to scrap excess oils and dirt from pores.
submission mat (noun): a mat on which a girl kneels to submit.
sugars, Gorean (noun): although the flavors of the sugars are not revealed, there are several colors. White and yellow are described, and other quotes speak of gorean sugars, and in particular four gorean sugars.
sul (noun): the sul is a large, thick skinned, starchy, yellow fleshed, root vegetable.a tuberous vegetable similar to the potato,often served sliced and fried in butter and salted.
sul paga (noun): alcoholic beverage made from suls.
sula (command; lit. 'back'): Position where the slave moves to rest upon her back, arms at her sides, legs parted.
sullage (noun): a common Gorean soup consisting of three standard ingredients and, it is siad, whatever else may be found, saving only the rocks of the feild. The principal ingredients of Sullage are the golden Sul, the starchy, golden brown vine borne fruit of the golden leaved sul plant; the curled, red, ovate leaves of the Tur-Pah, a tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees; and the salty, blue secondary roots of the Kes shrub, a small, deeply rooted plant which grows best in sandy soil.
Sungate: (noun) gate in most major walled cities of Gor opened at dawn and closed at dusk.
Sun Lances (noun): a warrior society of the Sleen tribe of Red Savages.
Swamp Spiders (noun): man-sized arachnids (Spider People) which inhabit the swampland near the city of Ar; they can communicate in human speech via the mechanical translators they wear around their abdomens; they spin Curlon Fiber which is used in the textile mills of Ar.
Sword Brother (noun): this is a part of the kinship of Warriors no matter what City one belongs to. If a Warrior sheds the blood of another Warrior, they are considered sword brothers unless the blood on the weapons are formally repudiated.
sword, long (Torvaldsland) (noun): carried in it's own belt looped over the left shoulder which is the common gorean practice.
Symbol of Priest Kings (noun): golden circle, has no beginning - no end, the symbol of eternity.
ta (preposition): to; as in Ta-Sardar-Gor 'to the Priest-Kings of Gor'
tabor (noun): small hand drum; it's drumhead is made of verrskin. The tension is adjusted by tightening or loosening small pegs around it's perimeter.
Tabor, island of (noun): the island in the Thassa south of Teletus.
tabuk! (exposition): this tarn command is used by the tarnsman on long flights, and does not want to free the bird to find prey. When he spots a tabuk or other animal, he cries, 'Tabuk!' and this is the signal for the tarn to hunt. The bird makes it's kill and feeds and the flight resumes with the tarnsman in the saddle.
tabuk, common (noun): a kind of antelope, yellow in color with a single horn found in many area's of Gor. It travels in fleet footed herds and haunts the ka-la-na thickets of the planet occasionally venturing daintily into the meadows in search of berries and salt. It's meat is used as food by men (often as tabuk steak) and animals. It is a favorite prey of Tarns.
tabuk, northern (noun): massive tawny and swift is much larger than its smaller southern variety; standing ten hands at the shoulders. They have a single spiralling ivory horn, which at it's base can be 2 1/2 inches in diameter and over a yard in length. The Red Hunters are irrecovably tired to the tabuk for sustenance and the devices of daily living much like the Wagon Peoples and the bosk, and the Red Savages and the kailiauk.
tabuk, prairie (noun): described as tawny and gazelle-like with a single horn, it responds to threat by scurrying away or lying down. Presumably this reponse is useful because of the high grass of the Barrens as most predators depend on vision to detect and locate it's prey.
ta-grape (noun) : A Gorean grape from which Ta_wine is made , usually associated with the terraces of Cos but not limited to such they being grown in various locales in similar latitude.
Tahari Tribes (noun): Kavars & Aretai and their Vassal Tribes: The Char, The Kashani, The Ta`Kara, The Raviri, The Tashid, The Lunaz, and The Bakahs.
Tajuks (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
Ta'Kara (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.
Tal (noun): a common gorean greeting often accompanied with a salute performed by raising the right hand to shoulder level, palm inward.
talender (noun): delicate and yellow petaled, a fragrant meadow flower; when worn in a slave girl's hair, it is a symbol of deep submission and emotional attachment to her owner. It is also the symbol of love and is worn during FreeCompanionship rituals.
talmit (noun): headband
talmit, kajira (noun): headband worn by work slaves; it can denote girls with authority over other slaves.
talu (noun): a unit a measure equaling 2 gallons.
taluna (noun; lit. 'panther girl'): a free woman who lives as a hunter in small tribes of 15-100 members; they roam the northern forests of Gor.
tarn (noun): crested hawk-like bird large enough to be saddled and flown, it is used in battle and in racing and is bred for swiftness and aggressiveness.
tarn cot (noun): building in which domesticated tarns are housed.
tarn cot, faction (noun): a tarn cot for use by numerous owners involved in a faction.
tarn death (noun): each limb of a person is attached by rope or chain to different tarns and the person is flown aloft then torn apart.
tarn disk, copper (noun): a unit of currency.
tarn disk, gold (noun): a unit of currency of the highest value on Gor; also made in double- weight; many cities on Gor mint their own money but the gold tarn disk of Ar is the standard for much of Gor.
tarn drums (noun): drums used in a march during war; the signals are used to control flying tarn armies.
tarn goad (noun): an electrical device much like a cattle prod used for controlling tarns; is c. 20 inches long.
tarn keeper (noun): one that oversees tarn handling.
Tarn Keepers, Caste of (noun): Those working and training tarns.
tarn ship (noun): a type of ram-ship being long and narrow with a shallow draft a straight keel a single lateen-rigged mast and a single bank of oars; at the prow below the waterline is a ram shaped like a tarn's head; it also carries light catapults shearing blades and other weaponry.
tarn whistle (noun): tarns on the planet Gor are trained to respond to the shrill, piercing call of the tarn whistle or tarn call; a means of summoning.
tarn wire (noun): razor wire strung between the walls of a city to protect it from aerial attack.
tarna (noun): daughter; as in Sa-Tarna 'Life Daughter'.
Tarnburg (noun): a city in the southern, more civilized, ranges of the Voltai, it is essentially a mountain fortress located two hundred pasangs to the north and east of Hochburg.
tarntauros (noun): a legendary creature which is half man and half tarn.
tarsk (noun): fat, grunting, brindled, shaggy-maned, hoofed, flat-snorted, rooting, short-legged quadruped, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail. In the wild, it is viciously aggressive. A common source of meat, and is often roasted whole. Market of Semris is famed for it's tarsk markets.
tarsk bit (noun): a large coin worth from 1/10 to 1/4 of a copper tarsk depending on the city which mints the coin.
tarsk, copper (noun): a copper coin.
tarsk, giant (noun): presumably similar to the common tarsk, however it stands 10 hands at the shoulder and is hunted with lances from tarnback.
tarsk, silver (noun): a coin considered to be of much value by most goreans. It is worth 100 copper tarks in most cities. Ten silver tarks is the equivalent of one gold piece of one of the high cities. Many gold pieces are standardized against the golden tarn disk of Ar.
Ta-Sardar-Gor (phrase: lit. 'To the Priest-Kings of Gor'): a libation which varies in formality from the simple statement, loudly proclaimed to a ritual in which a few grains of meal colored salt and a few drops of wine are placed in a fire.
Ta-Sardar-Var (noun): directional division of a Gorean map.
Tashid (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
Tassa powder (noun): a reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious
tassna (noun): mother; as in Sa-Tassna 'Life-Mother'.
tasta (noun): Stick candy, soft rounded succulent candies, usually covered with a coating of syrup or fudge, rather in the nature of the caramel apple, but much smaller, and, like a caramel apple, mounted on sticks. The candy is prepared and then the stick, from the bottom, is thrust up, deeply, into it.
ta-teera (noun): a one-piece sleeveless short slave garment, torn here and there; also called a slave rag.
Ta-Thassa (phrase; lit. 'to the sea'): ritual phrase invoked during a libation offering of wine oil and salt made to Thassa.
Ta-Thassa Mountains (noun): a mountain range in the southern hemisphere of Gor, it marks the southern border of the rainforest between it and the southern prairies. It's western border is the shores of the Thassa.
tatrix (noun): a Gorean word for a female ruler.
Tau (noun): letter of the Gorean alphabet.
ta-wine (noun): wines from the ta-grape grown on the terraces of Cos. The color is not described, but the grape is purple.
Tef (noun): a unit of measure, consisting of a handful with the five fingers closed, not open of whatever produce (such as dates) is being weighed; 6 tefs equal one tefa.
Tefa (noun): 1) a unit of measure equaling 6 tefs, or handfuls; 5 tefas equal 1 hada; 2) a small basket.
telekint (noun): a plant of the Tahari, its roots mashed and mixed with water provide a red dye.
tem (noun): a tree which produces a black wood that is very strong.
Temus (noun): A brewer of paga in Ar, it's paga packaged in bottles.
teslik (noun): a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine.
Tetrapoli (noun): means "Four Cities" - "Four Towns" in gorean.
tharlarion (noun): one of several types of large reptiles, some of which have been domesticated, it's fat is rendered to provide lamp.
tharlarion boots (noun): high boots of soft leather worn by riders of high tharlarion to protect their legs from the abrasive hides of their mounts.
tharlarion, broad (noun): sluggish tharlarion used as draft animals; herbivorous.
tharlarion, high (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs; carnivorous.
tharlarion, land (noun): land dwelling tharlarion used for towing. The land tharlarion can swim, though not as efficiently as the river tharlarion.
tharlarion, marsh (noun): inhabitants of the marshes that comprise the delta of the Vosk; similar to crocodile.
tharlarion, racing (noun): these high tharlarions are bred and registered for racing. Unlike the animals used as cavalry, these are chosen from 'medium class' tharlarion, being smaller and ligher.
tharlarion, river (1) (noun): extremely large, herbivorous, web-footed lizards used by bargemen of the Cartius River to pull barges.
tharlarion, river (2) (noun): crocodile-type animal; implied to be carnivorous and very similar to the marsh tharlarion.
tharlarion, rock (noun): a small reptile of the Tahari
tharlarion saddle (noun): constructed with the leather seat mounted on a hydraulic fitting which floats in a thick lubricant. This saddle is made to absorb shock with the added ability of the seat always being parallel to the ground.
tharlarion, water; tiny (noun): described as not much more than 'teeth and tail', this tiny scavenger follows in the wake of the larger water tharlarion and is not more than 6 inches long. It inhabits the marshes.
Tharna (noun) city: major - ruled by a Tatrix; Caste of Poets are outlawed in Tharna; If a man is within the city of Tharna for more than 10 hrs- It means one is made welcome in Tharna and this means one is sent to the Great Farms to be a Field Slave, to cultivate the soil of Tharna in chains till one dies.
Tharna Tie (noun): ankles crossed and bound, the head tied down, fastened by a short tether running back to ankles, hands tied behind the back (can be used with chains, collar, etc).
Thassa (noun): the sea
Thentis (noun): located in the Thentis Mountains, it is renowned for raising tarn flocks and growing blackwine beans.
thief's scar (noun): a tiny, three-pronged brand burned onto the upper right cheekbone of the Caste of Thieves. Port Kar the only City to recognize this Caste.
Thieves, Caste of (noun): Those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.; exists only in Port Kar.
thrall (noun): a male slave in Torvaldsland.
throat strap (noun): the throat strap is used to guide the tarn in flight via six leather streamers or reins. They are attached to it and strung through a metal ring on the forward part of the saddle. These straps, when pulled by the tarnsman, will exert pressure on a corresponding ring on the throat strap, hence communicating to the tarn which way to move.
throwing stick (noun): a buoyant curved stick used in the marshes to hunt and kill birds.
Ti (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
tibit (noun): a small, thin legged bird which lives on tiny mollusks found on the shores of Thassa.
tile dance (noun): dance performed on red tiles. It commonly signifies the restlessness of a love-starved slave girl.
tindel, fruit (noun): brightly plumaged bird living in the second level of the rainforest near Schendi.
toos (noun): a crab like organism with overlapping plating; inhabits the Nest and scavenges on discarded fungus spores
tor (noun): light; as in Tor-Tu-Gor 'Light Upon the Home Stone'.
Tor Shrub (noun): bright shrub or shrub of light: - abundance of bright flowers; - yellow or white - does not grow above a man's waist.
Tor-tu-Gor (noun): Light Upon the Home Stone (more common expression for the sun).
torturers, clan of (noun): found only among the Wagon Peoples, they are trained as carefully as scribes or physicians in the arts of detaining life. Though some are famous for services rendered to Initiates and Ubars, they are always hooded. The hood is removed only when the sentence is death, so that only condemned men have seen what lies beneath it.
Torvald, steam of (noun): a warm current, pasangs wide, it moves eastward to the coast of Torvaldsland and then north. It's warm temperature enables communication and re-supply of between the various small farms and communities of this bleak area. Those of Torvaldsland regard the stream as a gift of Thor, bestowed upon Torvald, legendary hero of the land, in exchange for a ring of gold.
Torvaldsland (noun): cruel, harsh, rocky land located NW of the Hrimgar Mountains, above the Northern Forests and below the Polar Plain with which it shares the shores of the Arctic Sea. There are many inlets, cliffs and mountains and little arable land. Good soil is rare and highly prized. The Torvaldslanders are seamen, travelling in their oared Serpent ships in search of parsit fish. Their men, fierce and aggresive warriors, prefer the great axe as their weapon.
torvis (noun): fire; as in Lar-Torvis 'The Central Fire'.
tospit (noun): a small, wrinkled yellowish white peach like fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush, patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the western Cartius. They are bitter but edible.
Tower Slave (noun): a state slave girl in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic; traditionally, she kneels with her knees together & with her wrists crossed in front of her, as if for binding.
Tower Slave Position (position): The position in which a slave kneels back on her heels, thighs closed, wrists crossed before her, head up and eyes lowered.
Treve (noun): warlike city; city rich in plunder, lofty, inaccessible and impregnable as a tarn's nest - known as the "Tarn of the Voltai" located somewhere in the Voltai Range; alleged to lie above Ar about 700 pasangs toward the Sardar/
Trident (noun): 3 pronged fish spear, used by the arena fighters called Fishermen;
tu (phrase): you are.
Tuchuk (noun): Dreaded - shield is small, round, and black - carries lance, horn bow, coiled rope of braided bosk hide, and a three weighted bola - skillful and vain - Tuchuk standard, the sign of the four bosk horns. Set in such manner as to somewhat resemble the letter "H," is about an an inch high.
tufted fisher (noun): a water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi
tumit (noun): large flightless bird, about the size of an ostrich, having an 18'-long hooked beak; carnivorous.
tun (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
tun (noun): directional division of a Gorean map.
Turia (noun): a major city-state of Gor situated south of the equator on the plains of Turia. Turia is said to be named for the Tur tree, especially one found near a stream. Turia counts it years from summer solstice to summer solstice. It's wealth and opulence is well known and the city is often referred to as the 'Ar of the south'. At the time of Tarl Cabot's first visit inside the walled, nine-gated stronghold, she had never been conquered. For hundreds of years, she had maintained an uneasy trade relationship with the inhabitants of the plains, the nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. Sacked and conquered by Kamchak, the eventual Ubar San of the Wagon Peoples, she was ultimately spared, her Home Stone untouched out of sentiment.
Turmus (noun): last major port on the Vosk before the marshes.
Tur-Pah: (noun) : a Tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees.
turtle, Vosk (noun): can grow to be gigantic, these animals are carnivorous, aggressive and persistent. Can be difficult to kill.
two strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely to climb steadily and to the right.
Tyros (noun): 400 pasangs west of Port Kar - hundred pasangs south of Cos - famed for vart caves - trained varts (bat-like creatures) size of small dog used for weapons - rugged island with mountains - capital city - Kasra.
Ua River (noun): River of Schendi meaning "Flower River"
ubar (noun): war chief
ubar san (noun, lit. 'one ubar'): war chief chosen to be supreme commander of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples
ubara (noun): the Free Companion (consort) of a ubar
ubarate (noun): the territory governed by a ubar
Ugly Acts (noun): term for heterosexual sex used by the Sames, also known as the Waniyanpi, a collective slave community of the Red Savages. Sex is monitored by their owners and is performed, en masse, on an appointed day, the male and female slaves being hooded and brought to a maize field for breeding.
Ul (noun): Ul - giant pterodactyl (native to the swamps in the delta of the Vosk River). normally the only creature that dares to outline itself against the sky, in the area.
Ulo (noun): Innuit word for "woman's knife." semi-circular blade, fixed in a wooden handle, not suited for carving, used primarily for cutting meat and sinew.
umbrella bird (noun): bird that lives in the lower canopies of rainforest near Schendi.
Umiak (noun): large skin boat, 20' in length, 5' in it's beam, used in the polar sea, made of driftwood and long bows of bone.
urt (noun): a small, silken furred rodent akin to the Earth rat; it has three rows of teeth, two tusks, and two horns
Urt (Giant) (noun):- fat, sleek and white; three rows of needle like white teeth, two horns, tusks like flat crescents curved from its jaw; another two horns, similar to the first, modifications of the bony tissue forming the upper ridge of the eye socket
urt, canal (noun): rapid moving water mammal living along canals; particularly found in Port Kar.
urt, gliding (noun): animal living in the canopies of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
urt, ground (noun): a small rodent which inhabits the floor of the rain forests inland of Schendi.
urt, leaf (noun): a small tree dwelling rodent, having 4 toes, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
urt people (noun): the urt people are narrow-shouldered and narrow-chested, measuring only three and a half feet tall when upright with a narrow, elongated face and rather large, ovoid eyes. They have long, thin arms and short, spindly legs along with a bent-over gai,t often bringing the knuckles to the ground, and commonly kept inconspicuously among the large, migratory urt packs.
Urt Soldiers (noun): a warrior society of the Yellow Knife tribe of Red Savages.
urt, tree (noun): a small tree climbing rodent found in the rain forests inland of Schendi
use discipline (noun): a punishment which avows the free man's prerogative to sexually use a house-owned girl as discipline.
use-master (noun): a master that is given temporary use of a girl by her owner.
use-name (noun): a practice, apparently supported by First Knowledge, which is followed by members of lower castes. Their 'real' name is held privately. Their 'use-name' is public knowledge. The belief is that public knowledge of their real name allows someone to have power over them.
Ushindi (noun): Lake of Schendi; means Victory.
Ushindi Fisher (noun): long legged, wading bird.
Val (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.
vangis (noun): type of produce sold at market; detailed description unavailable.
Var (phrase): meaning 'turning'; also signifies north of the Gorean compass; as in Ta-Sardar-Var.
vart (noun): Vart - small sharp-toothed winged mammal, carnivorous, which commonly flies in flocks.
vart, brown (noun): carnivorous animals that rest clinging upside down on branches.
vart, jungle (noun): a relative of the northern vart, it inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.
Vask (noun): signifies south on a Gorean compass.
veck (phrase): stand.
veil (noun): a covering or coverings for the face, worn by free women in many city states; up to five are worn see also house veil, last veil, pride veil, street veil, veil of the citizeness, intimacy veil.
veil of the citizeness (noun): the second of the veils worn by free women; worn under the pride veil and over the last veil.
veminium (noun): a bluish wildflower - commonly found on the lower ranges of the Thentis mountains; used in perfumes.
veminium, desert (noun): small gorean flower, grows at the edge of the Tahari, has a purplish flower.
veminium oil (noun): by-product of Veminium petals being boiled in water; a scented oil used in middle to upper-class homes to rinse hands before and after eating.
verr (noun): a mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai Mountains; wild, agile, ill tempered, with long hair and spiraling horns; source of a form of wool; it milk is potable, as well as being used for cheese.
Victoria (noun): port town located on the Vosk River, one of the founding members and headquarters of the Vosk League. Known as a haven for pirates, and for it's slave markets.
viktel (noun): triumph
Viktel Aria (noun): a military road, the phrase translates as 'Triumph of Ar', or, 'Ar's Triumph'. In it's more northern lengths it is called the Vosk Road and it's northern terminus is Ar's Station.
vint (noun): tiny, sand-colored insects found in the Tahari Desert.
virgin bell (noun): single bell sometimes worn on a Free Woman's left ankle to announce her availability to swains.
Voltai Range (noun): mountain range of Gor; also known as the Red Mountains.
Vosk Delta (noun): at the mouth of the Vosk River, where it empties into the Tamber Gulf and the Thassa beyond, is a marshland thousands of square pasangs deep of estuarial wilderness. The marshes can be traversed in small rush crafts through hundreds of shallow, constantly shifting channels. The delta is inhabited, particularly in the east, by communities of rence growers who eke out a living harvesting rence. The Vosk Delta is trackless and treacherous, and the habitat of the marsh tharlarion and the predatory Ul. The entire area is claimed by Port Kar which lies within it, some hundred pasangs from it's northwestern edge.
Vosk League (noun): 19 members - Turmuj, Ven, Tetrapoli, Port Cos, Tafa, Victoria, Fina Ragnar's Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort's Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred's Landing, and White Water.
Vosk River (noun): Gor's mightiest river, flowing thousands of pasangs in a slightly southwesterly direction from it's source in the Voltai Range to the marshes of the Vosk Delta, the Tamber Gulf, and on the the Thassa, it rampages across most of known Gor, over forty pasangs broad.
Voyages of Acquisition (noun): voyages made to Earth by the Priest-Kings to gather biological samples; this perhaps accounts for the similarity in many animals, as well as in language and culture, between Earth and Gor.
vulo (noun): a tawny colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs
wader, yellow-legged (noun): a variety of water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rainforests inland of Schendi.
wagmeza (noun): Red Savage word for maize.
wagmu (noun): Red Savage word for corn.
Wagon Peoples (noun): four nomadic tribes that wander the Plains of Turia with their immense herds of bosk.
Waiting Hand (noun): the 5 day period between the 12th Passage Hand and the beginning of the New Year, which begins on the Vernal Equinox.
walk: (command) When this command is given, the slave turns in a graceful pirouette, her hair swinging. She then walks, gliding across the room, her feet hardly seeming to leave the floor, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hip out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her head is up and her eyes are lowered.
walking chains (noun): adjustable chains fastened on the ankles of a slave girl to train her to walk with the length of stride preferred by her master.
Waniyanpi (noun; lit. tame cattle): also known as 'The Sames', a community of slaves who exist in the domains of the Kaiila Tribes. They are owned collectively by the tribes within the lands they inhabit. They grow produce and furnish labor when required. They subscribe to a unisex ethos, bound by 'The Teaching' a cult-like dogma of 'sameness' which says that males, females, animals, vegetables, minerals and abstract concepts are all equal to one. Among the many oddities is their aversion to heterosexual sex. They breed publically, though anonymously, monitored by their owners at specified times. Homosexuality is tolerated.
Warrior Societies (noun): societies within the tribes of the Red Savages that have many functions. They keep order in the camps and on treks, function as guards and police, keep the tribes apprised as to the movements of the kailiauk, and help to organize and police tribal hunts.They provide institutions through which merit can be recognized and rewarded, traditions can be maintained and renewed. Their rivalries provide an outlet for inter-tribal aggressions. Within the society itself, the members profit from the values of alliance, camaraderie, and friendship. Each society has its own medicines and histories.
Warriors, Caste of (noun): the caste which includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen; one of the five High Castes which make up Gorean government, and as such the military branch of the government; their caste color is red.
Warriors, Code of (noun): emphasizes loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the home stone. Part of the Warriors Code is to surrender the office of War Chief or Ubar once the crises has passed in his judgment.
washing booth (noun): similar to showers, these use chemicals to cleanse muls in the Nest of the Priest Kings; they are placed within apartments and about the Nest.
wasnaphodi (noun): Kailla or Dust Leg term meaning pimples.
Weight (noun): a unit of measurement equal to 10 Stone, or 40 Earth pounds; weight and stone are standardized by Merchant Law - only common body of Law.
wergild (noun): a ransom or bribe. A man who is an outlaw can redeem himself by paying a wergild to the official who sets it. Once paid he is 'pardoned' no longer an outlaw.
whale, baleen (noun): bluish white spotted whale with a blunt fin, hunted by the Red Hunters.
whale, Hunjer (noun): toothed whale hunted by the Red Hunters.
whale, Karl (noun): four-fluked baleen whale hunted by the Red Hunters.
Whip Knife (noun): delicate weapon, used with elegance and finesse, unique to Port Kar.
Whip of the Furs (noun): a method of disciplining slave girls by rape rather than by flogging; esp. popular in Torvaldsland
whipping position: (command) In this position the slave first assumes the Nadu position, though with her arms crossed in front of her. She then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed to the whip.
White Water (noun): city located on the norther shore of the Vosk east of Tancred's Landing.
Wicayuhe (noun): Kaiila and Dust Leg word meaning Master.
wicincala (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg word meaning girl.
wihinpaspa (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg word meaning lodge-pin or tent-pin.
wingfish (noun): tiny blue salt-water fish, about the size of a tarn disk when curled in ones hand, with 4 poisonous spines on its dorsal fin; it is capable of hurling itself from the water and, for brief distances, on its stiff pectoral fins, gliding through the air, usually to evade the smaller sea-tharlarions, which seem to be immune to the poisonous spines; found in the waters off Port Kar; its liver is considered a delicacy in Turia.
Woodsmen, Caste of (noun): known also as Caste of Carrier's of Wood, individuals in this Caste are often very large and can frequently be seen carrying burdens of wood. This Caste, with the Caste of Charcoal Makers, provides fuel for the cities.
wopeton (phrase): red savage term meaning Trader or Merchant.
work chain (noun): work gangs ostensibly free but often 'conscripted' or 'drafted'. They are free labor but not slave. The chains are identified by color as depending on their purpose, such as 'black', 'red', or 'yellow'.
work slave (noun): a category of slaves consisting of field slaves, stable slaves, etc. These females are considered, like kettle and mat girls, to be low slaves.
Year Keepers (noun): those that keep in memory the year names for the Wagon Peoples sometimes on thousand consecutive names.
zad (noun): a large broad-winged black and white bird with a long, narrow, yellowish, hooked beak found in the Tahari; they scavenge on carrion.
zad, jungle (noun): a less aggressive cousin of the Tahari zad; small, yellow-winged, scavenging birds with long, yellowish, slightly curved beaks; found in the rainforest inland of Schendi.
zadit (noun): a small, tawny-feathered, sharp- billed bird of the Tahari. It is insectivorous, feeding on sand flies and other similar insects. They often land on kaiila and spend long periods hunting the sand flies that infest the host animal.
zar (noun): A board game of the Tahari. The board is marked like a Kaissa board, but the pieces - 9 per player, and called 'pebbles', are placed at the intersections of the lines. Movement is somewhat like that of checkers, but without capturing of pieces. The object of the game is to effect a complete exchange of the original placement of the pieces.
Zarlit Fly (noun): about two feet long, with four large, translucent wings, with a span of about a yard. It has large, pad like feet on which, when it alights, it can rest on the water, or pick its way delicately across the surface. Most of them are purple. Their appearance is rather formidable and are harmless, at least to humans.
zeder (noun): a small, sleen-like, carnivorous mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi especially along the Ua River. It grows to about 2 feet in length, and weighs 8-10 lbs. It is diurna,l can swim very well, and builds a stick and mud nest in the branches of a tree where it spends the night.
Zever (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.
zills (noun): finger cymbals.