Korin DuVir Level 5 Human (male) Cleric 5 Chaotic Good EXP: 10000/15000 Gold: 1317 ---- Abilities (36 Point Buy, +1 at Lvl. 4): STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 16 (+3) CHA: 13 (+1) ---- HP: 31/31 AC: 18 (10 base +2 DEX +5 Armor +1 Bracers) Speed: 30 ft. FORT: +7 (+4 Base +2 CON +1 Cloak) REF: +4 (+1 Base +2 DEX +1 Cloak) WILL: +8 (+4 Base +3 WIS +1 Cloak) BAB: +3 Melee: +4 (+1 STR) Ranged: +5 (+2 DEX) INIT: +2 (+2 DEX) ---------- Feats: Simple Weapons Armor Prof. Combat Casting Endurance Eschew Materials ---------- Languages: Common Elven ---------- Skills (Max Ranks 9/6): *= cross class Bluff +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1) Climb +1 (Rank 0, STR +1) Concentration +7 (Rank 5, CON +2) *Diplomacy +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1) *Gather Information +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1) *Handle Animal +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1) Heal +11 (Rank 8, WIS +3) *Intimidate +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1) *Jump +2 (Rank 0, DEX +2) Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (Rank 5, INT +1) Knowledge (History) +4 (Rank 3, INT +1) Knowledge (Religion) +6 (Rank 5, INT +1) *Search +1 (Rank 0, INT +1) Spellcraft +9 (Rank 6, WIS +3) *Spot +3 (Rank 0, WIS +3) *Swim +1 (Rank 0, STR +1) ---------- MAGIC: Spell DC: 16 Spells per day: 5/3+1/2+1/1+1 Bonus Spells (WIS): 1/1/1 Total Spells per day: 5/4+1/3+1/2+1 Domains: Travel/Healing Domain Spells Prepared: 1st- CL Wounds 2nd- CM Wounds 3rd- Fly ------ Spells Known: All clerical spells Levels 1-3 ---------- Equipment: Worn: Traveler's Outfit Chain Shirt +1 (AC 5, Check -1, Arcane Fail 20%, DEX +4, 25 lbs) Cloak of Resistance +1 Ring of Sustenance Bracers of Armor +1 Spell Component Pouch Healer's Kit Holy Symbol, Wood Holy Water X2 Tindertwigs (5) Whistle Wand: Cure Light Wounds (fully charged) Weapons: (see below) Weapons: Masterwork Heavy Mace (1d8, x2 Crit, 8 lbs) ATTACK BONUS: +5 Dagger, silvered (in boot: 1d4, 19-20x2 Crit, 1 lbs) ATTACK BONUS: +4 Light Crossbow (1d8, 19-20x2 Crit, 80ft Range, 4 lbs) *50 bolts (standard) ATTACK BONUS: +5 Light Horse + Military Saddle (+2 Ride to stay on) Saddlebags (5 cubic feet) containing: Rations (10 days, 10 lbs) Bedroll (1 lbs) Flask of Oil (1, 1 lbs) Common Lamp Waterskin (4 lbs) Torch Tindertwigs (5) 20 Bolts (3 lbs) Backpack, containing: Inkpen (3) Chalk Parchment (2) Flint/Steel Candle Winter Blanket Flask of Oil (1, 1 lbs) Flask of Acid (5) Flask, empty (2) Torch (2) Rations (10 days, 10 lbs) Waterskin (4 lbs) Healer's Kit Holy Symbol, Silver Unguent of Timelessness x2 ---------- Height - 5'8" Weight - 187 lbs Age - 27 Biography: Born in poverty, raised in poverty. Korin's childhood was one of privation. With both parents dead from plague by his teen years, Korin was forced to wander, doing anything he could to survive. One day, as though casting aside his fears and doubts, he reached into himself, and found divine power within. Following no church or teachings other than his own, he now wanders about, helping those who are like he was. He has come to this forest, this lodge, because of a dream he has had. In it, Korin was bathed in light. He felt a presence there, and it seemed to tell him, without words, that it was the one responsible for his power. Korin may have found a god at last. He now waits to join the Hunt, hoping it will lead him to some sort of spiritual reward.