Starting Wealth: 30,000 3722 left Nanomods: Pore Cleaners (500) Tooth Cleaners (1000) Virtual Implant + Software: VII Standard Computer: 8800 (LAI-09 bought with points as ally) -Avatar Character (Female) AR (100) HUD Soft (250) Mugshot (400) Dirtshot (300, 5 mo. supscription paid) RepStat (200) Meme Engine (800) Target Tracking (200) Social Presence (400) VR Interface: Full Lifelike (5000) Gear: Laser Listening Device (600) One Spool of Cufftape (10) Handheld Biometric Scanner (1000) Chemscanner (1000) 6 Self-Destruct Capable Nanobugs (1200) RDF (Medium Range) (500) -Target Tracking Software (20 targets) Electrolaser w/Recog Pad + Smartgrip (1300) -2 spare B cells (3) Pistol, 10mm w/Recog Pad + Smartgrip (1210) -Gestalt Tagged ammo (400 rounds) (150) -AP Gestalt Tagged ammo (200 rounds) (2255) Arachnoweave Armor (200) Reality: Small Computer (Cheap, High-Cap): 150 -Five Casual outfits (250) -Two formal outfits (500)