BASICS Player: Jedi425 Name: Janus Porvalski Level: 13 Experience: 78001 Race: Cyborg Human Class: Fast 2, Psionic Warrior 2, Soldier 9 Starting Occupation: Military Age: Unknown, Weight: 179 lbs, Height: 5 ft 10 in Encumbrance: None ABILITY SCORES Str: (11) [+0] - 3 points Dex: (16) [+3] - 5 points (+1 at lv. 4) Con: (16) [+3] - 8 points (+1 at lv. 8) Int: (15) [+2] - 6 points (+1 at lv. 12) Wis: (10) [+0] - 2 points Cha: (12) [+1] - 4 points SAVING THROWS Fortitude: +7 Reflex: +6 Willpower: +3 COMBAT Vitality Points: 79/79 Wound Points: 16/16 Attack Bonus: +8/3 (M/R: [+8/3]/[+11/6]) Defense: +12 Speed: 35 Feet (+5 Fast Talent) EQUIPMENT AND ITEMS Cybernetics(4): -Advanced Arm Prosthetic x2 -Internal weapon mount (right arm): Bushman IIDW 82.5 .41 [2d8 dmg, crit 20, R.I. 55, 32 round variable magazine.) (1/2 MONAD variant THV ammo (+1 vs Armor, +1 dmg, BT 9)), (1/2 Glaser (-2 vs Armor, +2 damage, BT 1)) -Anti-Shock Implant -Night-Vision Optics -Data Archive Desired equipment: -Hands-free comms gear -Paired Arcus 98C-DA pistols w/13 round clipss (equally loaded with the same two types of ammo that I indicated above.) (Also add laser sights and concealed holsters) -Detcord/Semtex/Detonators and Demolitions toools -Light or Medium Armor (with no less than +4 max. Dex bonus) SKILLS (16/8) Rank Ability Misc TOTAL Balance: 5 +3 0 +8 Drive: 10 +3 0 +13 Escape Artist: 9 +3 0 +12 Know.(tactics): 9 +2 5 +16 Demolitions: 14 +2 1 +17 Pilot: 11 +3 0 +14 Ride: 8 +3 0 +11 Spot: 10 +0 0 +10 Tumble: 7 +2 0 +9 Jump: 8 +0 0 +8 Navigate: 5 +2 0 +7 Cross-Class: Search: 7 +2 0 +9 Languages: Russian Polish French English FEATS (6 Standard, 3 fast/psi, 3 soldier) Class/Occupation: -Personal Firearms Prof. -Simple Weapons Prof. Standard: -Ultra Immune System -Jack of All Trades -Combat Reflexes -Dodge -Point Blank Shot -Shot on the Run Fast: -Two Weapon Fighting -Weapon Finesse -Mobility Soldier: -Improved T.W.F. -Advanced T.W.F. -Advanced Firearms Prof. PSIONICS (1pp per day) -Biofeedback (1pp, gain DR 2/-) -Call Weaponry (1, call weapon as per table)