Eric Watson
(200 Points)
Male; Age 29; 5'10", 155 lbs.
ST: 11 [10] IQ: 13 [30] Speed: 6.50
DX: 14 [45] HT: 12 [20] Move: 6
Dodge: 6 Parry: 8  


Fit [5] (HT: +1; Fatigue Loss: Normal; Fatigue Recovery: Double Rate); Alertness +2 [10]; Patron (USCMC) (9 or less) [25]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Absolute Direction [5]; Absolute Timing [5]; Acute Vision +4 [8] (Vision: 19); Fearlessness +1 [2] (Fright Check: 14).


Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20]; Bloodlust [-10]; Code of Honor (USCMC) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Corps) [-10].


Constantly quotes books; Insults opponents; Recurring dream/nightmare in hypersleep; Collects souvenirs from opponents; Careful. [-5]


Administration-11 [½]; Armoury/TL6 (Small Arms)-12 [1]; Armoury/TL6 (Sniper Rifle)-14 [4]; Battlesuit-12 [½]; Brawling-13 [½] (Parry: 8); Camouflage-16 [6]; Climbing-14 [2]; Computer Ops-14 [2]; Demolition/TL6-11 [½]; Driving/TL6 (Tracked)-12 [½]; Driving/TL6 (Wheeled)-12 [½]; Electronics Operation/TL6 (Communications)-15 [6]; Electronics Operation/TL6 (Sensors)-14 [4]; Engineer/TL6 (Combat)-11 [1]; Escape-12 [1]; Explosive Ordnance Disposal-10 [½]; First Aid/TL6-13 [1]; Forward Observer/TL6-14 [4]; Gunner/TL6 (AT Infantry)-14 [½]; Gunner/TL6 (Missile)-14 [½]; Guns/TL6 (Flamethrower)-15 [½]; Guns/TL6 (Grenade Launcher)-15 [½]; Guns/TL6 (Light Automatic)-17 [2]; Guns/TL6 (Pistol)-15 [½]; Guns/TL6 (Sniper Rifle)-17 [2]; Hiking-10 [½]; Intelligence Analysis-14 [6]; Jumping-13 [½]; Knife-13 [½] (Parry: 5); Leadership-11 [½]; Mechanic/TL6 (APC)-11 [½]; Mechanic/TL6 (Starship)-11 [½]; No-Landing Extraction-13 [2]; Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Warfare/TL6-12 [1]; Orienteering-14 [4]; Parachuting-14 [1]; Savoir-Faire (Military)-12 [½]; Scrounging-12 [½]; Soldier/TL6-13 [2]; Spacer (M/A)-11 [½]; Spear-12 [½] (Parry: 6); Stealth-14 [2]; Survival (Arctic)-12 [1]; Survival (Desert)-12 [1]; Survival (Jungle)-12 [1]; Survival (Mountains)-12 [1]; Swimming-13 [½]; Tactics/TL6-14 [6]; Throwing-13 [2]; Traps/TL6-12 [1]; Vacc Suit-13 [1]; Xenology-10 [½].


Eric Watson was born to shoot. From an early age his hand-eye coordination was exceptional, so much so that he was offered several chances to join competitive shooting groups.

Until, that is, the Rebellion began on his home colony of AX-954, commonly called 'Hlidskialf'- Odin's throne in the realm of Asgard. It was a medium-sized world, with a thriving civilian population.

The Rebels were crazed, it turned out later. Infected with a bloodborne pathogen that disrupted chemical processes in the brain. It drove them to violence and madness. They had taken up posts in the Colonial Admin building, and were holding the local Weyland-Yutani rep hostage, along with several other government workers.

The local police had no sniper, and it would be weeks before a USCMC detachment could arrive. Eric took up his rifle, and reported to the Chief as a 'milita enlistee'- BS to justify the assignment of a civilian to snipe a crazed madman.

One shot later, the leader of the rebels was down, enabling the local boys to storm in and take the others down. Eric was a hero.

Three weeks after that the USCMC finally arrived, and Eric decided to enlist on the spot, since he had just turned 19, and also found his calling in life.

It's been a wild 10 years in the Corps since then- Eric has turned down 2 promotions so far, having decided to serve as long as he can as a combat sniper, and to do so as a PFC. His feeling is that being a sniper is putting his skills to their best use, and why let them promote him and stop him from doing what he is best at?

He's fought Xenos once, on LC-515. Three of them only, thank god. They'd been in some sort of cargo module on a derelict ship, and had gotten loose when the local dockmaster tried to examine the boxes. His squad arrived a week later and managed to kill the bugs with only one loss and two wounded. Granted, there were only three... and no Queen.