Aranith, the Lightblade (last name Terrila, secret to all but himself) Level 6 Human (male) Fighter 2 / Sorcerer 4 Chaotic Neutral EXP: 15000/21000 Gold: 335 GP, 2 SP ---- Abilities (28 Point Buy, +1 at Lvl. 4): STR: 11 (0) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 11 (0) WIS: 10 (0) CHA: 16 (+3) ---- HP: 35/35 AC: 14 (10 base +2 DEX +2 Armor) Speed: 30 ft. FORT: +6 (+4 Base +2 CON) REF: +3 (+1 Base +2 DEX) WILL: +4 (+4 Base +0 WIS) BAB: +4 Melee: +4 (+0 STR) Ranged: +6 (+2 DEX) INIT: +6 (+2 DEX, +4 Misc.) ---------- Feats: All Simple/Martial Weapons All Armor and Shield Summon Familiar Improved Initiatve Weapon Finesse (Rapier) Point Blank Shot (+1 ATK and DMG on 30 ft ranged attacks) Precise shot (Fire into melee w/out -4 penalty) Improved Counterspell Reactive Counterspell ---------- Languages: Common Elven (Skill points) Orc (Skill points) ---------- Skills (Max Ranks 9/6): *= cross class Alchemy +8 (Rank 8, INT +0) Bluff +3 (Rank 0, CHA +3) Climb +0 (Rank 0, STR +0) Craft +0 (Rank 0, INT +0) Concentration +10 (Rank 8, CON +2) *Diplomacy +3 (Rank 0, CHA +3) *Gather Information +3 (Rank 0, CHA +3) Handle Animal +3 (Rank 0, CHA +3) Intimidate +3 (Rank 0, CHA +3) Jump +2 (Rank 0, DEX +2) Knowledge (Arcana) +9 (Rank 9, INT +0) *Perform (Storytelling) +5 (Rank 2, CHA +3) Profession (Soldier) +5 (Rank 5, WIS +0) Ride +6 (Rank 4, DEX +2) Scry +5 (Rank 5, INT +0) *Search +0 (Rank 0, INT +0) Spellcraft +9 (Rank 9, INT +0) *Spot +0 (Rank 0, WIS +0) Swim +0 (Rank 0, STR +0) Tumble +1 (Rank 1, DEX +0) ---------- MAGIC: Spells per day: 6/6/3 Bonus Spells (CHA): 0/1/1/1 Total Spells per day: 6/7/4/- ------ Spells Known: 6/4/2 Level 0 (6): -Ghost Sound -Detect Magic -Read Magic -Light -Mage Hand -Quick Boost Level 1 (4): -Change Self -Color Spray -Mage Armor -Magic Missile Level 2 (2): -Bull's Strength -Cure Moderate Wounds ---------- Equipment: Worn: Traveler's Outfit Leather Armor (+2 AC,) Spell Component Pouch Tindertwigs (5) Weapons: (see below) Weapons: Rapier (1d6, 18-20x2 Crit, Piercing, 3 lbs) SEE BELOW: Unremarkable Rapier 'Arkand' The common and unremarkable appearance of this rapier caused the party to almost leave it behind, fortunately Aranith's arcane blood drew him to the blade immediately. Found in the lair of two particularly aggressive owlbears, it probably belonged to one of the previous dinners of the two monsters. Special: This magical weapon grants its wielder a +2 competence to all attack rolls with this weapon, if they are able to cast arcane spells. The blade is also able to penetrate rudimentary damage resistance of creatures (penetrates DR +1) due to its magical nature. Finally, any arcane magic user can store a single 1st level spell or two cantrips in the blade that can be later released as a standard action (without the necessary spell casting, so this action does not incur an attack of opportunity). The spell(s) stored in the blade can also be released when the blade strikes an opponent (and the spell will only affect that opponent) as a free action. Note: Aranith has a penchant for flare, and often will use his powers to make the blade light up, hence his name, the Lightblade. ATTACK BONUS: +8 (due to Finesse and Magic) Dagger, silvered (in boot: 1d4, 19-20x2 Crit, 1 lbs) ATTACK BONUS: +4 Longbow (1d8 (+1 within 30 ft.), x3 Crit, Piercing, 3 lbs) *20 Arrows (3 lbs) ATTACK BONUS: +6 (+7 within 30 ft.) Light Horse + Military Saddle (+2 Ride to stay on, bears mark of Cormyr) Saddlebags (5 cubic feet) containing: Rations (10 days, 10 lbs) Bedroll (1 lbs) Flask of Oil (1, 1 lbs) Common Lamp Waterskin (4 lbs) Torch Tindertwigs (5) 20 Arrows (3 lbs) Backpack, containing: Spare Spell Component Pouch Inkpen (3) Chalk Parchment (2) Flint/Steel Candle Winter Blanket Flask of Oil (1, 1 lbs) Flask of Acid (5) Flask, empty (2) Torch (2) Rations (10 days, 10 lbs) Waterskin (4 lbs) ---------- Height - 5'9" Weight - 170 lbs Age - 25 Biography: Born to a family in Elversult, on the Dragon Coast, Aranith was the son of Elaria (Expert) and Kand (Bard) Terrila. Kand, unknown to his wife, had done some work for the Harpers on several occasions (and may have been an agent, but no one is telling.) They were killed while Aranith was still an infant. Persons unknown to him sent him to live with a family in Cormyr, and as far as Aranith is concerned, they were his family. Though they never did explain to him his name, or the dagger his father left him. Aranith does not know his adopted parents were not his blood family. Aranith began his considerably mundane (at least, early on) adventuring life as a soldier in the military forces of Cormyr. He was a lowly soldier, and often spent the times he was not on duty dreaming of the day when he might command a force himself, or perhaps even join the Purple Dragon Knights. All that changed one day. His patrol was ambushed by a gang of orcs, along Cormyr's eastern border. They killed many of the enemy, but sheer numbers proved to be the winning element in this battle, and Aranith was left as one of only 3 survivors. They were faced with the ordeal of making their way past the enemy, and decided that one of them would have to play the part of the distraction. They drew straws. Aranith's fellow soldier, a man named Rath, was the one chosen. He ran into the enemy camp, and drew many of them away, but some remained. Now they had to fight. Aranith and his lone partner Drant took on the remaining orcs. Several fell, but one knocked Aranith's spear away, and threw him to the ground. Aranith saw Drant fall, and reached for his weapon, but it was so far away... Until, that is, it flew into his outstretched hand! This spooked the orcs, and some ran. The remaining orcs were small in number, and Aranith was able to escape, though not without damage. He was healed by clerics of Tymora, who agreed to keep secret his identity. Aranith had awakened a power within himself, and it frightened him, severely. It was Magic, and it was rare. So he ran away. Deserted. He sent a letter to the homes of Rath and Drant, telling their familes what had happened and that he owed them his life. Someday, he hopes to repay them. For reasons unknown to Aranith, neither family has informed the Crown of his survival. Now he wanders Faerun, searching for others like himself, and trying to understand and control the power he holds. He has made his way to Baldur's Gate, hoping to find some measure of peace in a world that fears him. For he is Magic, and Magic is rare. Not so rare, though, that adventurers don't know it's value. So he finds himself a valued member of an intrepid band, vital to their survival, as not everyone can wield the forces at his disposal. Physical appearance: Slender, tanned, dark hair and blue eyes. Bears scars on arms and chest from combat in Cormyr, and during his wanderings. Typically wears a worn cloak, soft boots, and a vest, all of which serve to conceal his leather armor. Personality: Withdrawn, almost paranoid, as he has not seen a lot of acceptance from people. His abilities frighten them. Worries that his powers might grow out of control, making him a threat. Hence, he is reluctant to open up to anyone.