There should be a control panel for a sound file just above this text and below the StarCraft picture, if you do not see the control panel or you can't hear the music then either you don't want movies playing on your computer (probably because its old or not a Mac) or you don't have the right plug-in, if you don't have the right plug-in then your browser should have brought this to your attention letting you get the plug-in yourself, or try turning the volume up.

Greetings to all who read this.

I am one of the last remaining Xel'Naga. I was not foolish enough to go gallivanting around the universe in the hope of evolving other species. Instead a few of us got together and rebelled. The result of this was to be made an outcast by my own people. So now what I do instead is to go gallivanting around the universe and record all worthy species.

What I mean by worthy is that I will record species who show signs of sentience.

I have been allocated this galaxy known by some as the milky way, so that is how we the Xel'Naga shall refer to it as. Other survivors of the Xel'Naga have been recording species from other galaxies. Hopefully soon we shall all be together again and indulge ourselves of the knowledge gathered about other species in other galaxies.

Made With An Apple Macintosh Performa 7500. Yes I know it's a little old but it is mine.

Best viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.5. Resolution 640 X 480 with thousands of colours or better. The next page will start Java. Although I do see this in Internet Explorer, I just haven't gone into too much trouble making this website completely compatible with it, so all of those using Internet Explorer its just tough luck if there's something not working properly, you'll just have to tell me about it and I will find the energy to fix it, perhaps. Use this form to tell me about it.

This form is to tell me about any problems you have with this website (no personal problems please).

You are the Counter to access this database.

All things in this website is copyrighted, rights reserved and trademarks of Blizzard. I acknowledge this and I am actually writing a letter asking for written consent for this website to be put on the web, (there wasn't anything in the user licence I'm just being careful) and the only reason all this garbage some prefer to call a disclaimer is here is because I haven't given you the letter yet or you have got it and haven't replied so REPLY QUICKLY PLEASE. Just to let you know no-one else actually knows about this website yet so if anyone does find it, it is purely coincidental and proves someone is looking for more of my glorious work. There are features I wish to put on this website but haven't done so yet as it has taken me about a year to get this website this far.