Rumour Alert!
Latest Update: January 16, 2000
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Rumour Category New
7x09 - Signs and Wonders | |
7x10 - Sein Und Zeit (1 of 2) | |
7x11 - Closure (2 of 2) | ![]() |
7x12 - X-Cops |
7x13 - First Person Shooter | ![]() |
7x14 - Theef | ![]() |
7x?? - Night of the Living Dead | |
New For Season Seven:
The new season of the X-Files will feature a totally re-edited title sequence, utilizing the graphical look seen in the season premiere teasers (slate gray background, clean black text). A montage of footage (both moving shots and still frames) from the previous seasons are included as well as footage from the feature film. The hallway scene (ending before the bee sting) precedes Chris Carter's "created by" credit and concludes with the mutated alien lunging toward the screen. Mark Snow has re-recorded and updated his music as well. It is being called "visually stunning". It hasn't been implemented yet, but one was made. Okay, well this sounds great but I still love the original so I'm not sold yet, althogh brownie points go to whoever decided to include the almost-kiss from Fight the Future.
A new tagline is also being considered to replace "The Truth is Out There". Umm...why? Is the truth no longer out there? Well, apparently in conjunction with the brand spanking new intro they have decided to gradually (or not so gradually...who knows?) use the tagline, "The Truth Must Be Told".
7x09 "Signs and Wonders"
Air Date: January 23, 2000
Written by: Jeff Bell
Directed by: Kim Manners
It's about a fire and brimstone church, the Church of God With Signs and Wonders, that is one of those snake handling churches. Apparently there's lots of snakes. Lots and lots of snakes.
Small town preacher's daughter gets herself in the family way without a ring on her finger. This starts lots and lots of trouble.
At one point Scully has her hand shoved in a box filled with snakes for some reason and in the end Mulder refers to her as something to the effect of a "righteous babe" for remaining unbitten and unfrazzled.
Air Date: February 6, 2000
Written by: Frank Spotnitz and Chris Carter
Directed by: Michael Watkins
This episode has to do with parents suspected of child abduction.
The title is German for "Being and Time". In effect, "Sein Und Zeit" offers a sequence of increasingly fundamental analyses of our existence: (1) our everyday being-in-the-world; (2) the fundamental structures of our being-in-the-world (understanding and mood); (3) the fundamental structure of our Being as care (and Angst ); (4) the themes of death, guilt and possible authenticity; (5) finally, the disclosure of the sense of our Being as temporality (and the related theme of the historicality of our existence).
This episode deals heavily with issues surrounding Samantha. There's even a Santa Claus killer named Ed Truelove involved that has done a number of murders in this two parter that Mulder hopes ala Paper Hearts might lead to some clues about Samantha. Well, there's a twist. A big one. Now please remember that this comes from the original draft of part 1 and God knows after Two Fathers/One Son and Biogenesis those things can change dramatically. However, in the original script, Mulder's Mom dies. And it appears to be suicide.
Cast (besides Mulder and Scully) includes Mitch Pileggi (Skinner) and Rebecca Toolan (Teena Mulder). Scully does the autopsy on Mulder's mom and discovers that she had a rare, disfiguring form of cancer called Padgett's. Scully thinks this is why she did it. Mulder thinks his mother was trying to tell him something related to the kidnapping as she left a message on his answering machine. It appears that it may come out that she was murdered.
Set Description: (From Spoilerville -- Daniel Wood)
The shoot was taking place at a Denny's restaurant by the intersection of Sepulveda and Burbank -- two major streets. We pulled off the freeway and practically ran into all the equipment and cops and trucks that were parked on the road. Needless to say, we were freaking out. Across the street was a parking lot surrounded by a fence, apparently normally used for a limo service or rental cars or something similar. It was the base camp -- we saw a couple of Star Waggons (no typo <g>) and other trailers there. At this point we weren't sure if it was a first- or second-unit shoot, so Peggy told me some things to look for on the trailers to see if they were David's and Gillian's. [SNIP!] Having found the site, we drove off a little ways to get some food for Peggy and I, then tried to find parking in the area. We wound up having to walk a short ways, but it wasn't a problem. We walked up Sepulveda on the side that the Denny's was on. The Denny's was situated in such a way that it was surrounded by two little motels -- a Best Western and another outfit that appeared to be local (not a chain). The Denny's faced the street, of course, and had parking on either side of it that was shared with the motels. Then, beyond the parking were the motels, typical cheap two-storys. However, they were quite attractive -- there were tons of palm trees around that gave the whole area a very nice look. We walked up on the right side of the Denny's, which is where most of the activity seemed to be going on. It was obvious they were filming inside at that point, and had lights set up outside and a trailer parked behind the restaurant with equipment all around it. [SNIP!] They began shooting the scene outside. Mulder is outside the restaurant in the parking lot, while Scully is inside. "Action, Gillian!" On the first take, Scully walks out the front door and around the front of the restaurant towards Mulder, while Mulder is simultaneously wandering forward a few steps, gazing up at the sky. Scully approaches from behind him, and when she arrives Mulder turns over his left shoulder and appears to give her a kiss. I swear on my life that's what it looked like. Then Scully wraps her arms around Mulder from behind and hugs him for a few seconds, then breaks away and they cut. We were about to die. We were completely having fits. Just freaking out. Of course, we didn't know if that was actually scripted ("It CAN'T be," we decided), or if someone had screwed something up and they just improvised for fun (and to screw with our minds <g>). When they got in their places to shoot it again, NO ONE was breathing. Just waiting to see if they'd repeat the same thing. Scully walks out the front door and around to Mulder, coming up on his right side and slightly behind him, standing close as always. They're both staring up at the sky and stay that way for quite some time, apparently conversing. Then Mulder bends over and puts his hands on his knees, as he does when he's in pain (emotional or physical -- think the teaser of Redux II. Not that much, but the same sort of movement). He straightens up, Scully puts her hand on his back and then walks off. Cut. They film this scene six or seven times at least. It was beautiful -- their faces in silhouette against the backlights, looking up at the night sky. Once Gillian apparently steps on a grate that shifts under her, making a very audible noise and causing David to turn around, thus ruining the take. But all the other times it was just the same -- and we're all dying wondering what's going on. It looks absolutely beautiful with lots of potential 'shippiness. I cannot *wait* to see this episode. They begin to rearrange everything, putting up barriers here and lighting there, making it harder for us to see what's going on. While they were doing the final preparations we determined that the man David had been talking to (and whom he resumed his conversation with) was indeed Mitch -- Arlene was standing right next to him, and the three of them stood in a circle talking. We finally decided that Arlene was working that night, and Mitch had come over to watch and be with her and talk to his friends. Incredibly sweet. David and Mitch and Arlene talked for quite awhile, before they shook hands and Mitch and Arlene walked off to leave. Peggy and I shouted "Hi, Mitch!" across the street at him, but I don't know that he heard us. They began filming what turned out to be the final scene that night. After the first take it became apparent that it was the same scene we saw before, less the walking, with different lighting and camera angles. David and Gillian were lit from underneath, gazing up at the sky. It was incredibly striking -- just fabulously beautiful. I could have watched that forever.They filmed that perhaps five or six times, then wrapped for the night. Gillian walked back across the street one final time, and Becky said, "We don't know what you were just filming, but it looked beautiful." She had a lollipop in her mouth and gave us this big smile and said "Thank you!" Common wisdom is that she's sucking lollipops all the time because she's trying to quit smoking. Good girl! |
"Closure" (2 of 2)
Air Date: February 13, 1999
Written by: Frank Spotnitz and Chris Carter
Directed by: Kim Manners
Conclusion to Sein Und Zeit.
Air Date: February 20, 1999
Written by: Vince Gilligan
Directed by: Michael Watkins
Mulder and Scully are chasing a "claw monster" when they accidentally run into and join forces with a rookie cop being taped for the television series, COPS, who is following the same leads. It will include blanked-out expletives that don't get by the censors, gun-and-run footage, and apparently Scully HATES the camera. Current difficulties include finding a way to let everyone know who is tuning in to the X-Files that it hasn't been preempted by the COPS show while still making it look like COPS. They're planning on trying to copy the COPS music, title sequence and legends. The whole premise will take place with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
Air Date: February 27, 2000
Written by: William Gibson and Tom Maddox
Directed by: Chris Carter
Information in Entertainment Weekly's internet section has revealed the following about William Gibson's projected second episode: "...his newest, as-yet-untitled X-Files effort. To be aired this season, it's 'about testosterone', says Gibson. 'It's about why computer games are such boys' things.' The episode takes place in a videogame design studio that's struggling to meet a deadline on a Final Fantasy VII-type project when the programmers begin dying off. The culprit? An avenging angel - Lara Croft gone bad - who's using virtual reality to even the score."
(From Spoilerville) Fans of the fifth season's Kill Switch will be happy to learn cyberpunk author William Gibson will be coming down the pike. "It's not a sequel; it's a completely different story. I'm not sure when in the season that will be, but there will be another William Gibson episode."
This confirmed comedy episode will include the Lone Gunmen.
7x?? "Night of the Living Dead"
Air Date: not scheduled
This could also be the episode in which Stephen King puts forth his second effort for the X-Files (lets hope it does better than last season five's disappointing thriller, Chinga) which both Chris Carter and King have been dropping hints about for quite some time. I'll just be happy if Scully and Mulder are actually physically in the same place at some point in this episode. This episode will not be a continuation or sequel to Chinga.
The plot of this episode includes Mulder and Scully finding themselves in "zombieville" with no way out. It is apparently Stephen King's homage to director George A. Romero's 1968 horror classic, Night of the Living Dead.
Unless this episode has already been written, it was unlikely that it will go through. As many of you may already know, Stephen King was hit by a van outside his home in California and has suffered serious injuries and a long recovery has been predicted. Additionally, due to his accident, production has slowed on the movie based on his series, The Green Mile, starring Tom Hanks. I would imagine if he has any energy left to spare it would be devoted to that project. If this episode does come to fruition, I would expect to see it in the new year, but don't hold your breath.
A reliable source has provided summaries of two episode scripts bought by Ten Thirteen Productions from Robert Williams. One episode has to do with Gypsies. Williams had an alternate ending in which Mulder died, but 1013 isn't using that (of course). The other episode is about this town where the roles are in reversal, like the men take on the women's habits and vice-versa for the women. It's funny, because Mulder starts taking bubble baths, and Scully gets addicted to sunflower seeds. Neither episode is guaranteed to be made but are interesting enough concepts to toy around with.
George Clooney is returning to the world of television, but it won't be the same show that launched him into super-stardom. Clooney left NBC's blockbuster ER in February to focus on his movie career. Clooney is heading over to the set of The X-Files. David Duchovny recently played the ER hunk in a game of basketball and convinced him to play a role in a script that Duchovny wrote with creator Chris Carter.
Rob Bowman is not set to direct any of the first 8 episodes of season seven, but apparently he is still a producer. David Amann is an Executive Story Editor and Jeff Bell is the only writer listed so far as signed with Fox and 1013. Vince Gilligan is now a co-executive producer while John Shiban has moved up to the position of producer.
Apparently 1013 and Chris Carter were so impressed with Bryan Spicer's work on Three of a Kind that they've scheduled him to direct another episode of season seven X-Files as well as at least two episodes of Chris Carter's new project: Harsh Realm.
It has been confirmed that while this almost definately will be the final season for the X-Files for David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson's contract is valid through an eighth season. It is doubtful that they would kill off Mulder in the season seven finale (wouldn't that just be like shooting yourself in the foot!) I suppose to allow Scully to have a new partner for a variety of reasons, but most notably this wouldn't work because David has expressed interest in participating in X-Files movies after the series has ended ala Star Trek (although I apologize for the reference <g>). Nothing has been confirmed, decided, written out, worked on, etc, so until the finale nears, and maybe even beyond that...TRUST NO ONE!
Judging from the time they have left themselves, there will be approximately eleven season seven episodes shot before the Christmas hiatus. The last of which (7x11) has been designated as the episode Bryan Spicer will direct after his success at Three of a Kind. Chris Carter is only planning on directing one episode before the hiatus (and it isn't going to be the premiere) and Rob Bowman is planning fewer episodes this year than ever, if any at all. Most likely picking up the slack will be Michael Watkins, who is planning on taking on more episodes, and the continuing writing support of David Amann and Jeff Bell (Rain King, Milagro). The newcomer this year looks like Chip Johannessen, who was signed on to the X-Files staff after the end of Millennium was confirmed.
(From an interview with Rob Bowman) "Next season, we're going to find out Krycek has somehow blackmailed Skinner (Mitch Pillegi). He must know something about Skinner, that is, for Skinner to agree to go along with him. Skinner promised Mulder and Scully that he'd never side against them again, but something happens between he and Krycek. Skinner definitely has a deep connection to CSM, too. He supposedly noticed what's behind these two from the very beginning when CSM sent Krycek as Mulder's new partner (Sleepless). I can't tell you what the resolution is, but Skinner is the man who plays the people underneath. If you need a certain thing is very important in your life, he'll find that out and stop you from getting it unless you do him a favor. He follows people, and people's needs. Somehow he's going to acquire the fact that the spaceship is perhaps speculation.
"In season seven we start focusing on Mulder's sister and family. What was the origin of alien arrival on Earth, and how that also impacted on Mulder's life. I think that most ot the storylines are light or deep. From my point of view, to do conspiracies and spaceships is automatically not the theme of the show. They are: Mulder's sister's abduction and his father's death in the bathroom in the house. Why his father was killed, what happened to his sister, and where is she now, are what Mulder wants to know. I think they're going to make a very powerful storyline about Mulder and his sister because that really is the theme of the foundation of the show."
One of Chris Carter's scheduled 10 scripts will be co-written by David Duchovny.
Exerpt from a Houston Chronicle article by Ian Spelling: "The X-Files begins its seventh and final season Nov. 7. Carter won't rule out an eighth year. But, given David Duchovny's desire to move on and his lawsuit against Twentieth Century Fox television, Agent Scully may be left to carry on without Agent Mulder, the male lead in the series. And Carter admits he is compelled to craft new episodes as a sprint to the finish line:
'You can expect us to deliver on the promises the show gave you seven years ago, as far as the Mulder mythology and the Mulder-Scully relationship are concerned,' Carter says, 'There's going to be a significant episode for Mulder and Scully that will deeply affect their relationship. Beyond that we're going to do really, scary shows this season. Last year, after the movie, I think we decided to do something different with the show. It was an imaginative as it had ever been, but was also fanciful and somewhat whimsical. I was very proud of season six, but for year seven we want to see if we can go back to scaring the pants off people."
The producers are contemplating a more overt treatment of the dynamic FBI duo's relationship this season. "There was the near kiss in the movie, which indicated their desire, even though they did not consummate their kiss. We played with that mostly humorously last year. And I think there will be a more direct examination of their relationship in the coming year," Frank Spotnitz hints.
This season will feature 22 episodes, including 6-7 mythology episodes and 6 episodes features the Lone Gunmen.
Frank Spotnitz in a recent interview said: "We really opened up a new chapter in the mythology with Biogenesis and that will be the final chapter of the series. The effects of that discovery and what has happened to Mulder will drive all the mythology episodes [leading] into the series finale. I think you can expect to see all of the major characters involved in the resolution of the series." He adds that viewers can look forward to the series coming full-circle in the seventh season and dealing "very directly" with the disappearance of Mulder's sister and his relationship with Scully.
Chris Carter said in a recent Entertainment Weekly interview that he is slated to write ten episodes this season, including the finale, which he is planning on being the end of the series, saying, "Mulder and Scully will do something they've never done before."
Chris Carter has gone on the record (whoop-dee-doo) saying that the mystery involving Mulder's sister will NOT be resolved in the coming season, keeping that plot point open for a future movie.
(From Spoilerville) It seems reasonable that Veronica Cartwright will be back, not just becauseshes a terrific actress, but because her character undoubtedly survived..." says Bill Davis (Cigarette-Smoking Man) "The Rebel Aliens took her and they needed her. So, shes still alive. I dont know if alive is quite the right word, but shes probablystill out there in outer space."
Mimi Rogers has been contracted for four episodes this season, two of which are the 7x03 and 7x04 premiere episodes so rumours that she's going to die at the conclusion of the premiere (is that an oxymoron?) are probably wishful thinking. However, Chris Carter has never been someone who let contracts get in the way of a great storyline so don't abandon hope yet.
Look for the Well-Manicured Man (John Neville) to appear most likely in the premiere episodes (7x03 and 04) despite his apparent demise in the X-Files Movie.
Brian Thompson (aka: The Alien Bounty Hunter) has not been contracted by 1013 Productions for any episodes this season.
Nicholas Lea will be starring in the movie The Vertical Limit with Chris O'Donnell and Bill Paxton. They are filming in New Zealand starting August 2nd which means no Krycek until February sweeps. This also may count him out of the premiere episode of season seven, unless he is filming his scenes this week.
The Lone Gunmen have been contracted for six episodes this season, including one written (or in the process of being written or going to be written...) by Vince Gilligan which he is planning making their third solo episode (okay, well Three of a Kind had Scully in it, but you know what I mean).
Apparently we may not have Diana to venge after for much longer. While the report was that she was signed for four episodes in season seven, rumour has it that Chris Carter is planning on axing her character by the end of the season, making her appearance (except in flashback) impossible for the upcoming movies. Thank goodness!
For those people who argued that Mimi Rogers couldn't be leaving because of her contract with the X-Files: go talk to Chris Owens! Contracts mean nothing to Chris Carter.
Chris Carter has gone on the record (whoop-dee-doo) saying that the mystery involving Mulder's sister will NOT be resolved in the coming season, keeping that plot point open for a future movie.
Rumours have been flying about the second X-Files movie being released either next summer or the summer of 2001. It has not been written yet, so any plot lines you see are either made up or misinformation. It will undoubtedly be a mytharc continuation of the final X-Files episode or the storyline that we were left with. Monster-of-the-week rumours are very unlikely. Fight the Future 2: Invasion is the title that is floating around, but nothing is even on paper yet so who knows?
The 2nd movie will be shot in the summer of 2000 and released for spring/summer 01 or 02. It may be (sniff, sniff) the end of all things X-Files as the seven-year contract signed to Gillian and David expires at the end of the 99/00 season. They may, however, do an X-Files movie every few years if there continues to be an audience for it.
Chris Carter reported recently that both David and Gillian are enthusiastic about doing at least one more movie and has said that his hopes for the series (including its end from television after next season) would be for it to become a movie series, rather than a television series.
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