At night when things seem to be quiet around this old tree
a little party is actually going on down within the mushroom ring.
If you listen carefully you'll hear music, singing, and laughter.
It's the faerie folk!(Big surprise with a tree like this, huh?)
Anyhows, if you look you'll see them. Really...
Look! There's one...

Over hill, over dale
Thorough bush, thorough brier
Over park, over pale
Thorough flood, thorough fire
I do wander everywhere
Swifter than the moones sphere
And I serve the fairy queen
To dew her orbs upon the green
The cowslips tall her pensioners be
In their gold coats spots you see
Those be rubies, fairy favors
In those freckles live their savors
I must go seek some dewdrops here
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear
Farewell, thou lob of spirits
I'll be gone
Our Queen and all her elves come here anon.

Sometimes they're not very easy to spot.
Merely shadows against the moonlight.

Then again...

They just love to dance.
They also have a habit of not staying put.
They love to wander and cause a little fun.

But they always come back.
Even when their trip was to outer space.

I hope you had a little fun
looking into their world.
And don't worry
More will come
They always do...

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