Welcome to the Club!!!
What a hot spot of activity this place is. Never knew it would be this popular. Stay awhile and enjoy the fun!!
Over here we have none other than Pixy Misa on the piano! (Hey! Who let her in?? Oh, well...atleast we have accompaniment...)

And on this side of the club we have Duo Maxwell checking out the talent.
(I didn't know he was a talent agent. Shhhh...you'll blow his cover...)

People are just popping up everywhere!
Director Kero just arrived with his camera-girl to shoot a video.
Do you think everyone can be extras??

Ulala! Space Channel 5 is here! We're hitting the big time now. An exclusive interview to advertise the club. What an opportunity! And you can read it all right now - Ulala's Interview with Idolsinger
Wow. We're actually filling seats. That's amazing. But who will be brave enough to take the stage?

What's this?! We actually have a few singers. And what luck! It's love song night. (Not my first choice, but very convenient.) Just remember all songs belong to their proper creators. Grab a mic and sing along. Oh, did I mention it was English Karaoke night?? All songs are in English. For now...

Alphanumeric!! We have Dot Matrix! (Unfortunately we don't have the words to her song.
Don't worry she knows how it goes...)
And here's a duet
Washu's Science Song!!! I hope Mr. Panda can keep up.

And speaking of duets...
Jessi where is James??

Miyu just arrived and she's joined Gomamon and Agumon in their own song. They're so cute. I don't think Miyu knows what they're singing, but she really seems to be enjoying herself. domo arigato you guys!!!!
Rei is really good at this karaoke. She must practice a lot.
Lot's of duets going on. Maybe people feel braver when there's atleast one other person with them. Look at this. Belldandy has this performing thin down, but it looks like Keiichi could use some help.
Jessi's Back! And she brought James and Meowth. Way cool! Sugoi!!!

What will it be?
Talent For Love
My Only Love

Some people just can't get enough of the stage. Brock hasn't put down the mic since he got here.
(Uhm...don't you think someone else should get a turn?)
Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay.
Please Come Again.
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That Anime Thing
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