The Curse
Nestled within the roots of this tree is a curse lying in wait. Not anything like---"If you read this you are doomed for life"---or---"This is a chain letter..."etc---but one that has a habit (a rather nasty one at that) of causing problems within the tree. Colours appearing in various shades they were not programmed for, links not cooperating as they should, plain old mischief and mayhem. It's almost funny in one way, rather annoying in another. As if I need something like a curse hanging around.

Go on, blame it on bad programming or the fact that I may not know what I'm doing, but give me some credit here...if millions of other's can do this so can I. Anyway, around here I prefer to think there are a few pixies spreading mischief. It's a lot more fun and much more convenient than placing the blame on myself.

I hope this explains any problems or inconvienences you may run into while exploring my creation.
Around here anything grows (I mean goes!)

This little guy's job
is to try to keep the curse
from spreading too far into the Tree
I think he's doing a really good job

Adopt a ghost here

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