Fucking Pissed 7"
-1st press on Fetus Record
-2nd press on Anomie Records (color)
-3rd press on Anomie Records (color)
tracks on Fucking Noise Terror CD
*Unheard and In Vain
-Sound Pollution Records
tracks on Heavy Hardcore Headroom
-Profane Existance Far East
Hail of Rage/Riddance split 7"
-Fetus Records
2966 S Country Club Way/Tempe AZ 85282
Joe - Guitar, Vocals
Pete - Drums
Bracken - Bass
Chuck - Vocals
Trish - Vocals

Joe/434 Oxbow Dr/Torrington CT 06790
Pete/POBox 287/Harwinton CT 06790

"A Glance Ahead"

Cheers and welcome to the official Hail of Rage homepage, it might look a bit lackluster now, but it will grow as we also continue to do so. Hail of Rage formed sometime in 1993 after the demise of Dissension, I feel Hail of Rage has even surpassed the brutality that the former band brought. After recording one 7" for Fetus Records, Bracken left the band to move to Arizona and started a band named Urak Hai, while Pete and Joe carried on as best they could. After recruiting two new singers, Hail of Rage went on to record compilation tracks for Sound Pollution Records on the aforementioned "Fucking Noise Terror" CD (out of print), and were called one of the best bands on the release by many zines and punks as well. Also, tracks from the first EP were re-released on a compilation by Boston engineer extraordinaire, Bill T Miller. The comp was called "Heavy Hardcore Headroom" taking the title of the studio we record at. At the time of our last recordings, there were plans to record a 10" which never happened. Hail stopped existing around the beginning of 1995. Joe moved to Boston and joined up with Toxic Narcotic, Pete and Chuck formed Those Poor Bastards, and Bracken was a member of State of Fear. After Bracken's return to the East Coast, there was talk of a Hail of Rage 'reunion' and we have practiced while B's been in Europe with State of Fear. We plan on recording new material as soon as possible and have had offers to release an LP or 10".

On-line interview with Crust As Fuck
State of Fear. Health Hazard. Deformed Conscience. thosepoorbastards.

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