"The police state is now here and we're doomed to live in this State of Fear"

Discography :
State of Fear 7" (Reiterate Records)
Wallow In Squallor 7" (Profane Existance)
The Tables Will Turn 12" (Profane Existane/Skuld)
tracks on "No Slow, All Go!" comp
tracks on Profane Existance/Skuld Releases flexi 7"
cover of 'No Gods, No Masters' on Cryptas Zine #2 LP

Line-Up :
Jay - Guitar/Vocals
Jon - Bass/Vocals
Pete - Drums (State of Fear 7")
Shane - Drums (1st drummer in Mpls.)
Fred - Drums (from Wallow in Squallor 7" on)
Bracken - Guitar (from Wallow In Squallor 7" on)

Former members of :
Deformed Conscience, Disrupt, Sasquatch, Human Greed, Hail of Rage, Chicken Chest and the Bird Boys, Urak Hai, Grief

Contact address :
State of Fear/POBox 8985/Minneapolis, MN 55408/USA

(ed. note : Hello! Since this is the 'front page' on this site, I have to use this to tell you about a few things. First off, this page will just be another band site on my account in the near future. I'm going to make a new 'front page' so everyone that comes to the site will have some point of reference. Also, State of Fear recently toured Europe and played alot of great shows from what I hear. Sadly, it was also their last tour. State of Fear broke up around the time of the recording of thier LP - 'The Tables Will Turn...". Another great band lost to the dustbin of history. react_ct@geocities.com)

Check out this interview with State of Fear(in English here).
Also. new live pictures, enjoy!

Graphics lifted from Crust as Fuck I don't have a link section, so use his. Comprehensive.
Health Hazard. Hail of Rage. Deformed Conscience. thosepoorbastards.

site maintained by : bastard@binary9.net