Sami's Page
This is my older brothers page. Right now
he's living in Victoria doing something at UVic. Ya I know I should know
what he is doing but if you go to the page you can find out. He's
got some really cool links so check it out. |
This page belongs to my favorite person in the
whole wide world *giggles*. If you are a VP member you might be interested
in this page as it contains anime and cartoon avatars. He has also posted
a few programs you might be interested in so go check it out. |
Fantasy Art |
Now this is something you all should see. Absolutely
amazing, original art. This guy is truly an artist. He use's his talent
to help children with cancer. |
Elfwood Art Gallery |
This is a gallery full of amateur art, most of
it is pretty good. You gotta be a little patient, there are many pages
and always new art being added. |
Keepers page |
Not sure if I should leave this one up here,
its a rather sensitive site. I guess I'll just put up a warning for
now, this site contains nudity and some rather graphic jokes so enter at
your own discretion. |
This is the web page that belongs to my little
brothers friends band. To tell the truth they are actualy pretty good so
i suggest you go take a look and have a listen to the music they have up
there. |
Great Canadian Dragon |
Now this is a page I really like, and I'm a Canadian
myself. Hope you enjoy it as much as i did. And don't forget to take a
gander at the art page, it's well worth the wait of it loading. |
New Grounds
A really cool site some one sent me via icq.
Lets you kill anoying pop icons and other trendy things that the world
would be better off without |
Joe Cartoon
Another groovy site.. lots of kewl animation
(this is where you get to blend frogs and microwave gerbles an a few other
fun things) I suggest you check this one out. |
Here you can creat little virtual animals and
let them go in a virtual world. You dont have to feed them, or take care
of them in any ways at all. TechnoSphere will email you when anything significant
happens in your animals life. Really neat. |