Artbooks are the hardest for me to part with, but take a look anyway. =) I love all of them, they are all very good.

[Sailor Moon] artbook volume 1. Mm... Pretty hard for me to part with... =) the first artbook i ever bought. Well, it's up for $22NZ, since i've had it for so long and the condition could be better. Good condition, anyway.

[Slayers Great] animation artbook. It's ok, I didn't like Slayers Great, which is why i'm not sorry to be part with this. The binding is a bit loose, however, but otherwise great condtion. $20 NZ

[Cheerio! 2] animation of CCS. I bought this back when I loved card captor sakura, but now that i've watched the english dub, i've lost all feeling for it. Great condtion and selling for $25NZ. Pretty good artbook, loved it at the time.

[Sailor Moon] artbook volume 2. Again, of sentimental value, good condition. $22NZ.

This is the [Slayers Try] sketch and plans book. It's black and white, and contains the sketches of each character and scene from the series. I don't think it's from Japan... some goddam guy ripped me off. (i think it's copied in taiwan or hk). Well, it's quite good anyway, for a copy, I like it quite a bit. It shows the formation of each character. $10NZ Great condition.

Um um um. I love Taihou Shichauzou, I don't know if I'm going to be actually selling this one. This is the art book for [You're Under Arrest; the Movie]. Great condition, and incredible artworks. Toukairin is hot, let me say that. This cost me heaps, I don't think I'll sell this for less than $45NZ.

[Slayers: Dramatta]. I love this artbook!! Rui Araizumi is an incredible artist. He also illustrated Lost Universe, I believe. This is in great condition; $28NZ


Another incredible artbook by Rui Araizumi. [Slayers], i believe this one precedes [Dramatta]. It features characters from the novels too. Excellent condition; $28NZ.

I don't think I can let go of this incredible art book either. This is [Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne] by Arina Tanemura, who also drew Time Stranger Kyoko and Full Moon wo Sagashita. Art is breathtaking, and in excellent condition. This cost me heaps. I can't let go of this less than $45 NZ.

Another hard one to part with!! [Card Captor Sakura Animation Series 2]. This is incredible, they have so much in this. A tv episode guide for every episode in series 2, screen captures of literally every second in the OP and ED, lyrics, character sketches, interviews with voice actors, and more. I love this so much!! $40 NZ. Excellent condtion.

