May 31, 3794.
It's all so clear now, yet so many questions remain.
I received a vision long ago, inside some Ur ruins on Aragon, where I saw the history of what happened to the Annunaki, and what is to come from their legacy. Soon the Republic will fall, and there will be much fire, destruction, and blood. A thousand years after the Republic's fall there will be a war in the heavens, the details of which are sketchy, but it certainly involves the Annunaki somehow. I can only write what I saw, and let you, the reader, discern the truth from hallucination.
The Ur sought to leave behind the pain and strife of the material world, going beyond death and into a form of immortality. They searched for eons to find a way to do this, using many different methods. One such method was the proto-races of what we now know as the Obun and Ukar. The Obun and Ukar were one people at first, and were meant to be a sort of experiment for the "transcention" as the Annunaki called it. They wanted to observe the religious ways of the Obun, for what I am not sure, but apparently the Annunaki DID create them for this purpose.
A few of the Ur refused to take part in the "transcention," and though they did not directly oppose it, they did use Obun against their masters, creating a split in the race - the Ukar from the Obun. Apparently this "rebel" faction of the Ur believed that the other Ur were too obsessed with this great transcendence, and that they had gone slightly insane, so they prompted the Ukar to make war upon the Obun, distracting the Obun from their religious pursuits. Unfortunately, it was too late - the first Annunaki were beginning to transcend, but they left behind their darker selves - all of their hate and greed now roamed freely among the stars. The other Ur thought little of this, since they would soon be gone and these shadow selves would mean little to them, but the "rebel" Ur, the ones who refused to transcend, began to work hard to find a way to destroy the dark Ur.
Meanwhile, the darker Ur worked against their brethren, openly killing other Ur, taking the forms of Ukar and Obun gods and giving them false wisdom and trapped gifts. One such gift opened a "doorway" for darker things to enter our universe. This, I believe, was the Crown of Shelkoro, which brought minions of what the Ukar call Mortos the Devourer into our world. The dark Ur also began fighting amongst themselves, spurring great wars of massive destruction across the universe.
The "rebel" Ur removed their favored children, the Ukar, here to Kordeth and made devices which would keep both Kordeth and Velisamil safe from the dark Ur, and then retreated to a form of extended hibernation, hoping that they could re-awaken after the dark Ur eventually killed each other. I believe their dream-selves have something to do with the upper-ruling caste of the Vau.
I believe the Ur that are sleeping and will return when they have a new army prepared to do battle with these demonic hordes ; when the Ukar and Obun are prepared for such an event, the final battle will begin.
It is not clear if the dark Ur are completely gone, but the dark powers they let into this world are certainly not. I think these dark powers were mostly confined by the Ur before they went to sleep, but their prisons are becoming weak, and once they are released, they will wage war upon this universe, absorbing it as they have many others. To this end the Ur left behind many devices specifically made to combat these beings.
Now, I believe one such device to be in pieces scattered about the Republic. It is a machine which can only be reassembled at the proper time, far from now, and by a group of individuals blessed by higher powers. I am not sure what this device does, but I do know that it is our deliverance from destruction. I suspect that it is the most powerful of the Ur weapons made to combat the demonic powers.
In the inferno following the fall of the Republic, many worlds will become lost, some of which may hold parts of this device. Since the construction of this device is a cause greater than one I could ever hope to fight for, greater than any one person could ever hope to fight for, I will do my part to aid in its recovery.
I have seen that one of the pieces is on a dark world known as Kai-Lash, the capital planet of the dark Ur, and a world which was lost even before the Second Republic arose. Since this world is hidden to us even now, I can only assume that it will remain so when it is time to gather the pieces of the great weapon, and so I have divined the coordinates of this world and put them on a jumpkey. This jumpkey has been entrusted to the family of Baron Gildavan Decados, who makes his home on Severus. I have instructed the Baron to pass this key down through the ages as a family heirloom. As he does not know the key is to be used in the Grail system, I am hoping he will abide by our treaty and give it to the proper people at the proper time. There is no doubt that it will take ages for the right group of people to recover it, and I can see no better way to insure its safety than to make it an heirloom of a noble house.
Also, I have journeyed to Shaprut on my way here, and found that a piece of the artifact lies there as well, most definitely in the southern polar regions.
Many questions still remain. What happened to the transcended Ur? What happened to the "rebel" Ur? If the Annunaki weapons against the dark ones were so powerful, why were they not used? Where do humans fit in with all of this?
I leave for Pentateuch in three days - an Ukar Taudwon has been urging me to go there, and when a Taudwon speaks, one should listen.