What happened to the Ur

A letter written by an unknown archeologist, found at the Ur ruins on Aragon, November 20, 4997.

"January 24th, 3793.
TO WHOMEVER FINDS THIS NOTE : Please read on before you decide to pillage these ruins, the future of the universe may be at steak.

I am an archeologist, my name is not important, it was my job to find these ruins and to bring back what I could for further study. I know now that I nor anyone else should ever do such a thing. The relics here are meant for others who will come much later than I. Through what can only be described as "visions" given to me when I first set foot in these ruins, I was shown the truth about what happened to the race known as the Annunaki or the Ur. You may not believe what I have to say, but please read on before you make any decisions.
The Annunaki were mortal, like any other being in the universe. They were born, grew old, and died like any human or alien would. They fought with each other, loved each other, and shared many other similarities with the human race. They sought release from their mortal existences - transcendence into perfect beings of light, without mortal attachments or spiritual corruption. They wanted to build a perfect society of utopian perfection, with each member of the race a godlike being without anger, needs, or malice. After many eons of searching, they finally found a way to achieve their goals and become that without shadow, but some refused to give up their darker halves, claiming that their foul side was just as much of them as their good side was. The first few Ur to transcend caused an unexpected side-effect - they left their darker halves behind. The other Ur didn't know what to do about these darker beings, and decided that once they had transcended, they would no longer matter. But the shadows of the Ur schemed against the remaining Annunaki. They brought forth great weapons and fought bloody wars against the remaining Ur, trying hard to stop the ascention. Finally all of the Ur had either been killed or transcended, except for the few who refused to go - they stayed behind to watch the darker Ur, though they were too few in number to face them outright.

The shadow Ur began to fight each other in wars of unparalelled destruction. They brought forth allies from darker places both in their minds and in the physical realm. These beings did something to the gates, something unholy and perverse. The Ur who stayed behind to watch their brothers' shadows knew that the dark ones and their hellish allies would find them soon, so they went into hiding, and slept, hoping to awaken after the dark war was over and there were fewer enemies in the universe. These Ur began to dream in their sleep, and in their dreams created the leading caste of the Vau - dream extensions of themselves, though I am not sure if these extensions look or act like the other Vau.

Now the war appears to be over, but there is no proof that the shadow Ur are gone. The dark Annunaki brought in allies which seemed to be far more powerful than they could handle, beings who have turned time back upon itself, and these beings are still around, though in a limited fashion. The dreaming Annunaki who created the Vau cannnot seem to wake up, as if they are too connected to their existences as Vau. I am not sure how the Obun, Ukar, and humans fit into all of this, though I am sure they were not as important as it seems - most Annunaki were obsessed with transcendence, not younger races.

The artifacts here and scattered in other places around the Republic were meant to be found by a special group of people. It is their goal to unite these artifacts for the betterment of the universe - they are salvation. A war in the heavens brews even as I write this letter, and it will come to fulmation when the artifacts are united again.

And that is why you, the reader, must leave this place as you found it, because some things in the universe should not be known or tampered with, and sometimes the world really does revolve around a select few.

Tomorrow I leave for Ukar. I am not sure what is there, but I am sure I will find more answers of some sort.