General Synopsis for Act I : The Savage State
In Act I, the characters all meet and discover that they share a common interest, though for different reasons. Pitt is ordered to find and bring back the Ur superweapon, Phalton wants to tinker with the tech, and Kantarra wants to keep the weapon out of the wrong hands. They make enemies of the al-Malik, more specifically of Duke Rakim al-Malik, and discover that allies are few when you're on the run. The three meet "Myra Decados," who turns out to be a shadowy clone of some sort, and is later destroyed, though there are others running around out there. The group finds a Second Republic scout ship on Bannockburn, which becomes their vehicle around the Known Worlds, and is later named "The Jyhad" appropriately enough. Strange events surround the parts of the Ur superweapon, such as stellar alignments on Bannockburn and Nowhere, and visions of Sister Kantarra being an angel on Criticorum and Nowhere. A group of Antinomists enters the fray, though with alien motives. A dark being in the form of a zombie-like priest begins stalking the characters across the Known Worlds, and they recieve more visions of the stars fading. Pitt discovers that Kantarra is his half-sister, linked by a common father, changing the group completely. On Nowhere they fight a horde of mind-controlled zealots and a powerful demon, summoned by the Antinomists. Phalton dies and Marduk joins the group, and the characters meet Arjuna Miharshun Pandavas, an Ukar who will be important later. On Stigmata the Symbiots lauch a new offensive, landing many vicious creations on the planet and destroying a large portion of the Stigmata Fleet. The group turns the tide in favor of Stigmata, and Kantarra loses another old friend. Their first major ally becomes Stigmata Garrison Commander Lucinda Dulcinea. Marduk begins looking for a group to identify with since he is treated like scum because he is an alien. On Leminkainen they encounter more blasphemous beings, including the Nizdharim, and add an old friend of Marduk's, Shamis, to their ranks. Their second major ally is found in Duke Oman al-Malik, who is warring with Rakim al-Malik. They find Ur ruins with THEIR faces on them, prompting more weird dreams of the fading stars and an old friend who is to become a great savior. Oh yeah, and a lot of people die. No, really, they killed a LOT of people. Symbiots too.