The Planet Nowhere

Nowhere is composed mainly of two deserts, the Drasian (a rocky wasteland, mainly flat) and the T'ruis (a huge expanse of sand dunes). The T'ruis Sands are known for their extremely large dunes, some almost 100 feet in height. Since there is so little wind in the lower atmosphere, one would think these dunes do not ever change in shape or size. This is not so, however. The sands shift often, and for unknown reasons (it has been explained away as magma displacements beneath the shallow crust). Both of these landscapes are grey and bland of any color. The two deserts are separated by a belt of mountains. Known by names such as "The Razors" and "The Screamer's Teeth," it is every bit as merciless as the rest of the planet. It is said that the rocks are so sharp that scaling the mountains is nigh impossible, and not many passes exist. A crashed Vau ship is rumored to be hidden in these mountains. Numerous ruins dot the landscape, some hidden Second Republic Psi Clinics are thought to be here, far from the Church's Inquisitive eyes.

The atmosphere is extremely thin, and breathing units must be worn most of the time. Nowhere has very little wind in the lower atmosphere, often causing an eerie silence. Conversely, the winds in the upper atmosphere are extremely intense, causing the clouds to move very rapidly, almost like in a bad horror movie when Mephistopheles is about to show up (that was a joke people). The temperatures on Nowhere are fairly low, rising to around an average of 50 degrees near the equator. The night skies of Nowhere are lit by 4 moons, at least one of which is always at least partially lit. Strange things happen when all four moons are dark, though this is not a common occurence. The four moons are Anicca (which revolves the fastest), Isopanee (the smallest, riddled with unusual amounts of craters), Chandogya (the largest and slowest, has a very large unexplained greenish spot near its north pole), and S'Tori (more a purplish, oddly-shaped chunk of rock than a moon).

A volcanic region in the northern hemisphere known as The Furnace has recently become active again. Numerous volcanoes suddenly arose one day, around the city of Kangel'sk. Some believe the city still stands, surrounded by a protective wall of volcanic activity. This region is expanding, slowly moving southward, though no one knows of this.

The only body of water/ice on the planet worth mentioning is a phenomenon known as the Crawling Sea. As the name implies, the "sea" often freezes, moves like a glacier, and then defrosts again, moving in a random direction anywhere from a few inches to 5 miles in a year. The strange magma displacements mentioned earlier are believed to be involved in its movement, since the "sea" has remained relatively in one piece, never losing much in its defrosting.

The only two known cities left on the planet are the starport at Ulaanbataar and the capital of Zyanne. Both support a small contingent of Stigmata guards, and hold around 100,000 citizens each. There are uncounted numbers of nomads (commonly referred to as "Darmans" by the city-folk) wandering the wastes, however, not allowed into these cities, forever exiled to the cold wastes to scavenge food from forgotten caches and run-down hydroponic farms. It is thought that perhaps these nomads have access to a huge underground city which even they have not even fully explored. Darmans have mentioned a place they call Mohenjo-Daro, the First City, though nobody has found any evidence of such a place.

Somewhere in the T'ruis desert on Nowhere is a 4 mile-high obelisk-like structure of Ur manufacture. "The Needle," as it was named, was discovered by the famed 2nd Republic explorer Savamutra, who went mad shortly after finding the needle. It is said that the obelisk was built as a compliment to the Screamer, as the few survivors of expeditions to the structure returned with reports of horrific visions of the future and past. Luckily enough, when the Republic collapsed, all record of the needle's location was lost. This has led to some speculation as to if the artifact even exists, as a 4 mile-high obelisk would be fairly hard to miss. Still, many inhabitants believe that somewhere in the shifting sands of Nowhere lies an object of unknown evil.

The famous Screamer of Nowhere stands 6 days journey to the west of Ulaanbataar, in the Drasian desert. This seems to be the planet's only redeeming quality, and its only source of economic income. The Screamer is about 3-4 stories tall (measurements differ with one another) and seems to have been carved out of a single piece of stone/metal which many Ur artifacts are made from. The gargoyle has been known to be a nexus for strange events and visions, but most come hoping that it will cleanse their souls of sin like it did for Mantius, the fourth disciple. Pilgrims coming to see the gargoyle often get more out of the actual journey than its end, though they almost always associate this with the gargoyle. (sort of like the path to god and god itself)

Travel to and from the Screamer, as well as anywhere else on planet, is often done by desert crawlers much like those used to cross the infamous Deserta Flamada on Pyre. A short distance from the road between Ulaanbataar and Zyanne is a graveyard of desert crawlers from ages past. Engineers and Scravers won't go anywhere near this locale, as the local legend of the site being haunted was recently backed-up by numerous disappearances.