Factions in the Known Worlds

The Noble Houses :

House Hazat :

Also known as "The Hazat," this House consists of several different families, all claiming lineage back to Spanish nobility. They pride themselves on glory and martial ability, and are well-known for such qualities. The most noteworthy in this epic are the Rolas (fierce warriors), the Dulcineas (honorable and trustworthy), and the Bursandras (close to the Church). The Hazat are currently involved in a conflict with the Kurgan Caliphate.

House Li Halan :

The Li Halan were once the most decadent and depraved house in the Known Worlds, but long ago turned completely around, becoming the house closest to the Orthodox Church. They generally are virtuous and very religious, though some still secretly follow the old ways. The Li Halan, al-Malik, and Hawkwoods stood against the Decados and Hazat in the final stages of the Emperor wars, and respect the martial prowess of the Hazat, while despising the Decados and al-Malik.

House al-Malik :

This house has many ties in the Merchant League, and is very wealthy. Rumors of demon-worship pervade the al-Malik, but no solid proof has yet been presented. During the wars the al-Malik made up for what they lacked in tactics with high-tech and research. They are a major source of antagonism in the epic.

House Hawkwood :

Natural leaders, House Hawkwood are mainly of Anglo-Saxon descent. The Hawkwoods and Decados are, for the most part, bitter enemies due to an ancient vendetta which is still unresolved. House Hawkwood is having problems with the raiders from the Vuldrok star-nations, and is trying to use their influence over the Emperor to push for Imperial involvement in the matter. Though the Emperor is a Hawkwood, he seems to be trying to remain impartial and dispense resources according to need, not loyalty.

House Decados :

Primarily Russian and slavic descent, the Decados are known to be the most freakish and shocking of the noble houses. They are said to use blackmail and espionage as much as brute force, and have an intelligence agency (the Jakovians) second to none in the Empire. A Decados is just as likely to shake your hand as he is to cut it off with a hidden cybernetic blade.

Minor Houses :

The noteworthy minor houses are :
House Keddah : Bound by an ancient treaty to the Decados who make them war with the al-Malik.

The Church :

Urth Orthodox :

The main sect in the Known Worlds, the Orthodoxy is seen as the leading church sect, holding sway over the souls of humanity. The majority of church members come from this sect, and perform duties ranging from simple preaching at the local church, to demon-hunting and political maneuvering. They head the Church and keep the Inquisition on a short leash.

Brother Battle :

The Church's holy warriors, Brother Battle serves valiantly against Symbiots, barbarians, Antinomists, heretics, and any other dark force that threatens humanity. Though not an official part of the Stigmata Garrison, they do assist in the defense of Stigmata. There is said to be no finer fighting force in the Known Worlds than that of Brother Battle monks.

Avestites :

The majority of Inquisitors come from Temple Avesti, though not all Avestites are Inquisitors, and not all Inquisitors are Avestites. They are known to often be uneducated, fanatical, and take an extreme stance against technology, though there are exceptions. Avestites are one of the most feared (and hated) major factions in the Known Worlds.

Sanctuary Aeon (Amaltheans) :

Named after Saint Amalthea, Sanctuary Aeon clergy are mostly healers and doctors, and their kindness is known on every world. They are possibly the most popular faction in the Known Worlds, and one of the smallest.

Eskatonic Order :

The newest sect in the Church, Eskatonics are anything from wisemen, shamen, doomsayers, alchemists, and occultists. They are known for their odd and esoteric ways, but there is no one path of Eskatonic thought. Eskatonics are more of a collection of people who study odd (and sometimes forbidden) things, and quest for new modes of thought.

Mendicant Monks (Hesychasts) :

Not a unified order like the other sects, Hesychasts are clergy who have often left behind the political scene in hopes of getting closer to the truth. Though not considered heretical by the Church (yet) their lectures and writings sometimes get them into trouble.

The League :

Charioteers :

Pilots and travellers, Charioteers are heavily involved in the starship industry. They hold a monopoly on the manufacture of jumpkeys which are used to open the jumpgates. Without the Chairoteers, the Known Worlds transportation system would grind to a horrific halt.

The Supreme Order of Engineers :

Science and technology are the fortes of the Engineers, who repair, invent, and maintain what is left of technology everywhere. They also deal in more biological sciences, such as longevity serums and cybernetics.

The Muster :

When one needs manpower, whether it be temporary laborers, bodyguards, or slaves, one can always count on the Muster to provide only the best. Though the Muster has a bad reputation as slavers, they also provided trained troops during the wars.

Scravers :

The Scravers are much like the Japanese Yakuza on many levels, providing protection to merchants in exchange for payment. The Scravers are mostly a front for shady black market sales, crime lords, prostitution rings, drug smuggling, etc... Almost like self-regulating crime, sorta.

Reeves (Gray Faces) :

Moneylenders and lawyers, the Reeves hold the power of currency. They run banks, move money, interpret the law, manage debts, and perform many other duties vital to the economy, as well as provide experienced judges and lawyers in legal matters.

Freelancers :

Many non-aligned Guildsmen have their own personal edge for making a living. Freelancers aren't a guild per se, but are usually involved in similar activities as the other Guilds.

The Imperium :

The Imperial Eye :

The Eye is the Emperor's personal spying and informational agency. Its agents are quite skilled (though not as much as the Decados Jakovian Agency) and perform a number of tasks ranging from artifact-hunting to spying, to sabotage and espionage. The Eye is currently headed by Duchess Oelustre Xanthippe of House Xanthippe, whom Emperor Alexius chose for the position.

The Stigmata Garrison :

Second only to Brother Battle in fighting prowess is the Stigmata Garrison. Hell-bent on keeping the gateway to the Known Worlds free from Symbiot taint, the Garrison is made up of some of the most experienced and best-equipped soldiers and ships in the Imperium. The Garrison is currently commanded by Baroness Lucinda Dulcinea of House Hazat.

The Imperial Fleet :

One of the largest and most feared navies in the Known Worlds is that of the Imperial Fleet. Three different fleets comprise this great armada : The Stigmata Fleet (based at Stigmata to supplement the Garrison Fleet), The Cadiz Fleet (based around Cadiz to guard against the Vau), and the Home Fleet (based in the Byzantium Secundus system).

The Phoenix Guard :

Hand picked by the Emperor himself are his personal bodyguards, who boast of fighting abilities at least as great as the Stigmata Garrison (yeah right).

The Questing Knights :

The Emperor has recently formed the Questing Knights to find lost worlds. Only nobles may become Questing Knights, though their personal entourages may assist in their journeys. Questing Knights are not paid well at all, but it is the adventure and prestige which they often sign-up for.

Aliens :

The Ur (Annunaki, predamites, etc.):

All that humans currently know about the Ur is pure speculation based off legends from the Ur-Ukar and Ur-Obun, mixed in with mythic god-legends of other civilizations. Supposedly the Ur split into two factions and fought a civil war over something, but what the end results were is unknown. They did leave behind strange artifacts, gargoyles, and the jumpgates, all covered with the same cryptic glyphs and images. Recently Eskatonic doomsayers have been babbling about a coming "war in the heavens" which may involve the Ur, or in the least, the legacy of the Ur.

The Vau :

Non-expansionistic and enigmatic, little is known about the Vau. They have entered human space at most 10 times since first contact in 2945, and recently set-up an embassy on Byzantium Secundus. They also recently gave the coordinates to the lost world of Pandemonium to humanity, which led to another lost world, Ivar, which is the only system to be found with TWO jumpgates. Vau technology was superior to human technology even in the Second Republic, and even more so now. It is not known how many worlds make up the Vau Hegemony.

The Ur-Ukar :

A common ancestry exists between the Obun and Ukar - both originated on the Obun homeworld of Velisamil. The Ukar claim that later they were removed by their gods (the Annunaki?) to the harsh world of Kordeth (known to humans simply as Ukar), where they lived in underground tunnels and fought amongst each other. The Ukar are psychics from birth, and have been known to become fearsome warriors. The Merchant League currently owns much of their homeworld, and the Ukari peoples' loyalties are divided between traditionalists and human-supporters.

The Ur-Obun

Opposites of the violent Ukari, Obun look much like their belligerent brethren. Mostly philosophers, pacifists, artisans, and religious-folk, the Obun are also psychics from birth, and share similar legends with the Ukar. The Obun homeworld (called "Velisamil", or simply "Obun" by humans)is warded over by House Hawkwood, and is a veritable paradise.

The Vorox :

Large, six-limbed furry beasts, the Vorox are ferocious predators, and are often hired as bodyguards or laborers because of their great strength and many limbs. The Vorox homeworld is a violent jungle where nothing is atop the food chain. Feral Vorox roam the planet in small bands while civilized Vorox are allowed off-world with the proper training. House Li Halan presides over the Vorox homeworld, and decide which Vorox are "civilized" enough to leave.

The Symbiots :

Symbiots are like nature on crack and pissed off. Little is known about them except that they breed powerful warriors, use organic technology, adapt very quickly, and are highly susceptible to psychic and theurgic powers. Some Symbiots are known to be shapeshifters, and have infiltrated the Known Worlds to spread their taint. Symbiots are also known for their ability to turn their foes into Symbiots by implanting spores or seeds of some sort in them, and no cure for Symbiosis has been found to date.

The Hironem :

I just put these guys in here because I like them. They are a minor alien race, but they bear many similarities to the Vau. They look sorta alike and use a caste system much like the Vau. Furthermore, their home planet is only one jump from Vau territory. Xeno-science buffs come from all over to study them, hoping to discover more about the Vau.

The Others

Antinomists :

Demon Worshipping heretics ; our favorite horror-movie villans who sacrifice animals , children, and virgins to dark gods in hopes of destroying the universe. They just need a puppy. Antinomy ranks at the top of the list of sins, and when an Inquisitor hears of Antinomy, flames are sure to follow. Antinomists are not unified like the other factions in the Known Worlds, and are often solitary evil guys with too much time on their hands.

Sathraists :

Who or what is "Sathra" and what exactly are the results of the "Sathra effect?" Nobody really knows (yet) but many theories are out there. Sathraism is still around, though declared heretical by the Church, and basically taboo by Known Worlds culture, it still thrives in small cells here and there.

The Vuldrok :

Big burly viking-types who are not unified into one coherent entity, but consist of many smaller star-nations. I like them because they beat on the Hawkwoods.

The Kurgan Caliphate :

Much like the Moors fighting the Spanish, the Kurgans are engaged in a conflict with the Hazat over a lost world. The Kurgans are very well organized, and they have managed to hold the Hazat off for a very long time (of course the Hazat were fighting the Emperor Wars, the Kurgans, and each other too).

Terms in Fading Suns

Firebird :

The Imperial Firebird is the standard unit of currency in the Known Worlds. Each house had their own forms of currency during the wars, and much of this is still around, but the Firebird is accepted by all in all places.

Blasters :

A blaster is any weapon that throws plasma encased in a force field. Upon impact the force-field dissipates and the plasma does damage. Blasters come in various sizes and shapes, from pistols to rifles to starship mounted cannons. They are among the most powerful weapons in the Known Worlds.

Flux Sword :

The Fading Suns equivalent of a lightsaber or a chainsaw, Flux Swords are rare and powerful. The basic idea is much like a blaster - plasma encased in a sword-shaped force-field which breaks upon impact and unleashes the plasma. There is a more advanced version of a Flux Sword which is specially-attuned to psychics, called a Mist Sword.

Energy Shield :

Energy shields are defenses which activate to protect their wearer when something approaches at high speed. A shield will not activate if an insect were to land on a shielded person, but bullets and swords generally activate them. They come in different sizes and intensities and are also used on ships.

Theurgy :

Holy magic, usually explained as channeling greater external powers. Theurgists have stigmas to mark the fact that they are touched by the occult, though they are usually not as threatening as Psychic stigmas (crying tears of light for example). Each sect and religion usually has their own specific Theurgic rituals. Theurgy has a dark side known as Hubris. Hubris can manifest in many ways, and grows from the sin of pride and affecting the Theurgist in an adverse manner.

Psi :

Psychic phenomena is usually explained as channeling powers from within. Psychics tend to have more malignant stigmas, such as fangs or tails. Several different Psychic paths exist, each with different fields of study. Psi has a dark side known as Urge. Urge manifests itself in many different ways, though it is often explained as being the "dark side" of the Psychic which plots against the Psychic. The Sathra effect is known to bring on strange psychic phenomena, sometimes bestowing Psi onto non-Psychics.

Antinomy :

Unholy magic, Antinomy derives its power from the darker realms of the Qlippoth. Antinomy has sort of dark side to it called Fealty - a measure of how much a certain demon owns the Antinomist's soul.

Empyrean :

The Pancreator, The Holy Flame, etc. Empyrean also applies to Empyrean angels from different Empyrean spheres as written in the Omega Gospels. For example, Zakhayelos is the Empyrean of war, and resides in the fifth Empyrean sphere (if I recall correctly). I think Empyrean spheres are the Fading Suns equivalent of different realms in Heaven.

Qlippoth :

Without giving too much away, the Qlippoth is / are basically pure evil. Qlippothic realms mirror the Empyrean realms, and spawn demons to attack the lights. For example, Phuragojaq the Annihilator is a war demon residing in the fifth Qlippoth. The worship of the Qlippoth would be considered Antinomy.

Omega Gospels :

The Fading Suns equivalent of the Bible. The Omega Gospels also tell of the journeys of the Prophet, Zebulon, and his followers (Paulus, Lextius, Amalthea, Mantius, Maya, Horace, Hombor, and sometimes Ven Lohji).

Proscribed :

Certain things have been declared unwholesome by the Church. Research into or owning Symbiot technology, Sathraism, Antinomy, certain high-tech devices, having too much cybernetic implants, etc. The Inquisition tends to deal with things on a case-for-case basis, but there are standards which are followed.

Adept Robes :

The Cassock Superior Adept Robes are highly sought-after suits of armor which are worn by a few lucky Brother Battle Monks. Few suits remain, but each suit makes the wearer nigh invulnerable in combat. Few (if any) armors could ever rival the protection offered by Adept Robes.

Jumpkeys :

Small cylindrical information storage devices, Jumpkeys are plugged into a ship when it reaches a Jumpgate. The ship emits an encoded system of light and tachyon pulses which are recieved by the gate, and if the code fits, the gate opens to the desired destination. In effect, the key tells the ship what the password is, the ship tells the gate what the word is, and the gate opens to let the ship through. Charioteers hold the monopoly on the manufacture and purchase of Jumpkeys, and the price for Jumpkey piracy is often high (and often involves the cold vacuum of space).