Characters in "That Without Shadow"
Note: you may wish to check back here every so often, for as the story progresses I will add more characters, such as Lat-Kim-Ner, and edit sections, like Arjuna.
The Heroes :
Gregor (aka "Pitt" aka "Agent Headstrong" aka "Aleph" etc..)
Gregor was born on Cadavus to a mother who was on the fringes of the Noble court. His father was a Li Halan noble who had a short fling and then decided that if news that he had slept with a woman like her got out, his name would become tarnished. Gregor's mother later became addicted to the drug Selchakah, and he grew up watching her become a Selchakah fiend (not a very happy person). Gregor was attached to a unit of trackers during the Emperor wars, and has visited every planet in the Known Worlds during the course of his military career with the Decados. Not attached to the Jakovians, he recently discovered he is working for Salandra Decados herself (it took him a long time to find that out). Gregor begins the epic with mildly-developed psychic abilities and is a master with firearms, demolitions, stealth, and is well-versed in the arts of Stoic Body and Stoic Mind. His Stigma is hairy palms, though he wears gloves to conceal this at all times. At one point he was ordered to assasinate the head of the Jakovians (he's such a pawn, hee hee), and failed, though he escaped with his life. He does not know if anyone besides Salandra knows he attempted the assasination, but if it were ever known that he did such a thing, the Kossacks would surely find him. Gregor is very average in appearance, with no outstanding features (all the better to be a secret agent with, my dear). At the start of the epic he is somewhat of a cold-blooded killer with a mind for precision and paranoia.
Sister Kantarra
Kantarra was born at Fionn-Eshu on DeMoley, heh, but you have to read the story to find out the circumstances surrounding her parents... She joined the order of Brother Battle at the age of 14, after attempting to defeat several initiates in hand-to-hand combat and failing many times. Her persistence eventually won out though, and she was accepted into the ranks of the 3rd training order. She distinguished herself at the battle of Halayden Ridge, named after a fallen compatriot of hers. Kantarra became close friends with her platoon, which consisted of initiates Janais, Halayden, Hiro, Sanvean, Chalan, Tybar, Pyrrhus, Nuren, and was led by the dashing Ryshard. At the beginning of the epic she has recently graduated to the status of Oblate of Brother Battle, and aquired a suit of Cassock Superior Adept Robes and an ancient assault rifle known as the Defender Mk8. She was sent on a solo mission to Shaprut to scout for a hidden al-Malik weapons lab. Sister Kantarra is a skilled Theurgist, her Stigma being that her nose bleeds when she is protecting someone. If a battle proceeds long enough, her scalp becomes bloody as well, and even her gun begins to bleed after a furious combat. Luckily enough, she had short, wavy red hair (by now it's about shoulder-length) - she is one of the most attractive women in the Known Worlds, though the Adept Robes hide that, making her look more like a male.
"I'm just a soldier." - Oblate Kantarra Li Halan
Phalton Malloc
Phalton is a phreak of some sorts. His past is largely shrouded in mystery, as he was either abducted by Vorox or born on Vorox. Either way, his childhood involved much combat and physical danger, combined with a slight gift for understanding technology. Eventually he was found and inducted into human society, though his upbringing on the savage world stayed with him. He learned the arts of engineering and repair, as well as the ways of the Supreme Order of Engineers. Phalton is a , muscular man - cybernetically alteration aside. Implanted with a Goliath Skin, Jonah arm-harpoon, wrist knife, and a shoulder-mounted blaster shotgun (yikes!), he began his apprenticeship under another Engineer on Shaprut. During his stay there, his master was accused by House al-Malik of spying, and was brutally slain (and blasted into many pieces too!). Phalton had what the al-Malik were looking for though - a map his master gave him, which led to what he believed to be Ur ruins in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Before his death his master arranged for a special agent from House Decados (hehe) to assist him in the search for these ruins (he was probably blackmailed by the Decados, but who knows?). As the epic begins Phalton is equipped with powered Ceramsteel armor, and his many cybernetic enhancements...
A native Vorox extremely talented with technology, the group didn't meet Marduk until they reached Nowhere. Marduk was "civilized" by the Li Halan and released into the Known Worlds to fend for himself (sorta like Republicans in the USA - do all they can to get you into this world but don't give a hoot about you after that!). He "hitchhiked" around on starships learning from various engineers who thought he was too dumb to understand what they were doing. Eventually he became a talented technician and engineer, though he kept his abilities mostly hidden and stayed with the "dumb belligerent Vorox" stereotype. Though he is an expert in high technology, he is also very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as firearms. When the group encounters Marduk, he was along for the ride on a ship of pilgrims making the trek to see the Screamer at Nowhere.
Genin Gavin Vance
Gavin began his life on the backwater planet of Pandemonium, also a recently re-discovered Lost World. His childhood was not pleasant, as he was the brunt of many jokes during his influential years. Because of this, Gavin sought solitude and solace in a system of caves near his home. There he pretended to be an archeologist finding fantastic things, a dream he would one day live. Upon moving to The Hub, the largest city on Pandemonium, he was horrified by the chaos and malice in the city, and thus set out to find the perfect home. Gavin hopped around the Known Worlds for a very long time, paying his way by performing miscellaneous jobs of legal and illegal nature. At an archeology dig on Cadiz Gavin caught the eye of the Scravers, whom he had beaten to the prize. Fortunately they gave him an invitation to join them rather than simply killing him. He began by taking a short vacation on Barter, where he became close friends with Harry the Vorox, owner of Harry's Bar. It was in Harry's that he officially met with the Harrison Scraver family, who took a liking to him because he carried odd and often useless momentos. Gavin was eventually promoted to the rank of Genin after executing a master scheme to screw some Hawkwoods out of lots of money. His partner in the scam (and soon to be fellow outlaw) was, Sarili Del Tana al-Malik, and the two became fast friends. When the rest of the characters meet Gavin, he had just recieved new orders on Madoc. Gavin is cybernetically-enhanced with an Ether Ear and a Flesh Cavity in his right leg, where he keeps his blaster pistol, among other things.
"I don't carry weapons..." - Gavin Vance
Don Roberto Philepe Ramirez Rolas
Don Roberto was born on the idyllic world of Vera Cruz, the third son out of 4 other brothers and 5 sisters. Being one of the Rolas branch of The Hazat, he was trained in the arts of war at a very early age, each of his siblings taking the title of Knight at the age of 12 and often being shipped-off to Kurga to fight the barbarians. Don Roberto spent much of his teenage youth between Vera Cruz and Kurga, resting between campaigns. During one visit he found that a Scraver by the name of Gavin Vance was courting his sister, Rosa. Roberto found that he liked Gavin in spite of the fact that he was a Scraver. When Gavin decided to move along to the next world, Roberto pledged his aid to the Scraver should he ever need it, while he himself returned to Kurga. On his next visit home all of his siblings were present, and during a visit to the local Agora, a corrupt (some would say insane) Inquisitor and his companion tried to torch his sister, Rosa. Roberto's brother Diego took the blast instead, and was badly burnt in the process. Roberto slowly killed the Inquisitor, while his companion declared them all heretics and said they would pay for their actions. Don Roberto then wrote a letter to the local Bishop, claiming full responsibility for the family's actions. He made plans to leave the planet and give the Inquisition a chase rather than lie down and accept defeat. When his father heard of this, he gave Roberto the family heirloom - a flux blade used by his grandfather during the Emperor Wars. As he was preparing to leave the planet, a messenger arrived with news from his old friend Gavin. Apparently Mr. Vance was going to cash-in on that offer Roberto made so long ago, and thus, Don Roberto took to the stars.
"It is a time of people, not prophecies..." - Don Roberto Philepe Ramirez Rolas
Shamis al-Malik
Shamis is another bastard son (yeah, I know - it's the bastard crew!!!) of none other than Duke Hakim al-Malik (head of the house). Hakim and Shamis both seem to feel the same about his lineage though - both accept it as more of a gift than a hindrance, and are still somewhat friendly toward each other. Shamis became a Charioteer to find his own way in the world, selling trinkets, rocks, bits of glass and other shiny objects, and just about anything else he could get his hands on. The group didn't encounter Shamis until they reached Leminkainen, and even then he didn't become a major part in the story.
Arjuna Miharshun Pandavas
Arjuna is possibly one of the most fearsome warriors in all the Known Worlds. He is an Ur-Ukar attached to the Nowhere contingent of the Stigmata Garrison Dervishes, and has fought the Symbiots countless times in special forces operations. Arjuna returns to his homeworld of Kordeth and becomes a sort of holy warrior to the Ukari, who eventually unify behind him to fight for their freedom. He wields a fusion rifle (yeah baby!)known as Gandiva and is very skilled in the arts of war and Ukari religion (Banjak).
Shleesh is possibly my favorite NPC ever - he's a Gannok who just seems to show up at the weirdest times to help-out the party in odd ways. He's quite scatterbrained and has made an art out of annoying people by talking them in circles - one could spend days talking to Shleesh and never figure out anything. Nobody's quite sure what Shleesh does for a living, how he makes it from planet to planet, or why (well, except me of course).
Brother Eruj Salyvot
Note : I never intended for Eruj to join the group as he did. They just picked him up on Pyre and liked him so much that I decided to keep him, and I must admit he's grown on me quite a bit since then.
Eruj was born on Pentateuch, and was fascinated by the more mystical teachings of the master terraformer Doramus. Eventually he joined the newly-formed Eskatonic Order and studied the arts of Geomancy, Cosmogony, and Alchemy. While he is not a Theurge, Eruj does know a bit about Theurgy, and is starting to develop his own theories about the relationship between Theurgy and Geomancy, among other things. Almost fresh out of training, Eruj is a fairly innocent lad who often finds himself looking the other way while the group does something immoral or illegal (which is very often). He is the kind of person who, through sheer bad luck, ends up in more trouble than he knows how to handle (he got stuck with the group for starters), though he always keeps his spirits high on such occasions. Eruj has little more to his name than the robe on his back and a few books.
Magister William of-the-Bridge
William holds a special place in all our hearts, for he is named after one of my favorite writers (check the name and you'll probably get it eventually). William is in his early 40's, and stands at average height with two long, brown ponytails and european features. He mostly presides over the Bridge-to-the-Heavens Monastery on Manitou, which, it is said, he never leaves. Strange rumors surround William ; some say he writes the destiny of the Known Worlds in his books, while others claim he has oddly prophetic visions.
Brother Alberonne Gustancio (aka "Kalki")
The characters met Alberonne on Shaprut in the first adventure, when he was captured by Muster slavers. They sent him on his way to Holy Terra and Artemis, never thinking they'd see him again. They couldn't have been more wrong. On Nowhere they recieved a vision of him healing a large crowd, and of them calling him "Kalki." He has shown up again in several visions, and is currently helping Gregor on Holy Terra. More about this little light in the dark later....
Named after the ancient founder of Jainism (what-ism?), Vardhamana is another favorite of mine. Nobody's quite sure who, or what he is, but the characters see him in dreams a lot, and have met him in person on Nowhere. He seems to be in contact with the Vau, the Ukari, and possibly even the Ur. Vardhamana is in a constant state of happiness, even when speaking about the coming "War in the Heavens." He has been equated with the fabled "Mad Monk of Nowhere," a Hesychast who supposedly is a medium for angelic beings. What is his significance? We may never know...
Minor Characters
Sister Janais
Janais is an old friend of Kantarra's from her days of training. With Kantarra's influence, Janais forms the 8th Order, later known as the Sword of Light. Out of Kantarra's remaining training comrades, Janais seems to be the closest, though this changes after the freeing of Kordeth. Janais sports long strawberry blonde hair and is fairly attractive. She is most often seen in Ceramsteel armor.
Brothers Sanvean and Halayden
Two fallen heroes whose noble sacrifices had much to do with the rise of the 8th Sword of Light. Halayden died during training at Halayden's Ridge (how'd he not see that coming?)on DeMoley and Sanvean died at Kadeen on Stigmata. May they rest in peace.
Duchess Isabella Fuego Rolas de Milandra
A tactical genius and fearsome warrior, Duchess Isabella helps the characters out when they reach Aragon. From there they form a strong alliance with her which comes in handy later. Isabella is known for the Battle of Milandra, where it is said that she single-handedly saved the city of Milandra from certain destruction at the hands of the Hawkwoods. Her skill in combat is only matched by her finesse at politics, as she has made enough allies to cause any who would stand against her to think twice. Isabella has been known to personally save the lives of her soldiers in combat, and her troops have become fanatically loyal to her for such behavior.
Isabella's right-hand man, Balmandrejo is an 8' wall of pure muscle. His skill in various martial arts styles, melee, and firearms make him a fearsome opponent, and he could easily match the greatest of duelists. His loyalty to the Duchess comes from the fact that she has saved his life on more than one occasion - a fact which can be seen in his ferocity when fighting for her. Balmandrejo's loyalty and sense of honor are so strong that Isabella has recommended him for entry into the Estancia many times, but her political opponents have rebuffed the offer each time.
Duke Madrejos Dulcinea de Vera Cruz
Duke Madrejos is another of the allies the characters gain while on Aragon. He distinguished himself in space fleet actions during the wars, mainly against the Hawkwoods. His Marauder Legions are quite possibly the most-feared in the Known Worlds, as more than one opponent has simply fled at the sight of Madrejos' fleet. It is said that after the wars the first thing Emperor Alexius did was to seek-out the Duke in order to shake his hand. If the Imperial Fleet ever needs a new commander, most people are betting that it will be Duke Madrejos.
Sir Gaius Justinian
A minor noble from a minor house, Sir Gaius is still a bit "green" to the ways of the common man, which is why he hangs out with Deke. He is a diplomat first and foremost, and a half-competent swordsman second. Gaius has a powerful personality when he sets his sights on something, often making him a formidable adversary in the ways of diplomacy.
Genin Deke Hillsworth
Few people have travelled to every Known World in the Imperium, Deke is among those few. He made his home on Leagueheim, with his wife Jetta, but that was before the Circle of Light killed her. Scravers don't come much more rough and rugged than Deke, nor are they more flexible. He could quite possibly go to a lost world and fit-in with just about anyone if he knew how to speak the language.
Father Belange Ortega
A "retired" Kalinthi demon-hunter, Sir Gaius recently convinced the good father to accompany him on his journeys. Ortega, while not a Theurgist, has an uncanny ability to find Qlippothic manifestations. Though he distrusts Scravers and aliens, he has recently had to re-examine his opinions due to the actions of Deke, Yeddo, and Qaan.
Qaan va Morwec
Qaan was raised by freemen on Tethys, and thus did not have a standard Ukari upbringing. He still struggles with many aspects of his native culture, and is disdained by the Ukari and humans alike. Still, Qaan has become a moderately powerful psychic and has attached himself to Sir Gaius' group. Qaan and Yeddo form the muscle for Sir Gaius.
Yeddo Sarvasha F'lgw
Yeddo is an Etyri Huar'raughq from Grail. He joined Sir Gaius' group in hopes of seeing the stars, which he has, though his focus has now shifted to protecting the likes of his best friend Deke. Yeddo is a crack shot with his Radir 280 sniper rifle, and has a knack for showing up when he is most needed. His ancestors distinguished themselves in battle, and he hopes to one day do the same.
Anastassia Yurovskaya Decados
Heh. Picture Sister Kantarra as a Decados. Ok, now take away the Theurgy and make her psychic. Oh yeah, and take away her propensity to unload ammunition at the drop of a hat. That's pretty much Anastassia. The two are similar in more ways than one thinks, as Anastassia is one of the few pious Decados. She often travels the Decados fiefs trying to aid the weak with money, supplies, or simple prayers. Anastassia and Kantarra have similar tastes in life, though they get things done in completely opposite ways. I guess this is pretty much Kantarra if she had gone through with joining Sanctuary Aeon.
The Villans :
Lat-Kim-Ner is a truly slimy and powerful individual. His body is apparently in stasis on some planet, while his spirit is able to walk around and do evil. This makes him largely invincible, while allowing him free access to the Known Worlds. He is head of what seems to be a large Antinomist cult, or perhaps the fusion of several smaller cults, and is a master of Antinomy. On Icon, Lat-Kim-Ner claimed to be the "dark Prophet," and on on Nowhere showed evidence of working with powerful demons. Lat-Kim-Ner is somewhat the stereotypical gloating villan, but who doesn't like to watch as their enemies die slowly and painfully?
Pearson Altius
This is what happens when Eskatonics go bad. The characters met Pearson on Manitou but he had turned to evil long before that. It seems he had much to do with developing the Urgzothic Symbiot / Antinomy Armor. Pearson is an unusually short guy, with balding dark purplish hair. His knowledge of Eskatonic rituals and doctrine makes him one of Lat-Kim-Ner's best students.
Duke Rakim Qamalizah al-Malik
One of the two most powerful of all the al-Malik in my game, Duke Rakim originally found out about the artifact and hired his friend Janosh to find and recover it but his plans were repeatedly foiled by the group and by his adversary, Duke Oman al-Malik. Rakim now holds a vendetta against the group, and has hired a powerful Charioteer - Azram Nokal, as well as many Slayers, to track and destroy them. Rakim has been found to be researching highly proscribed technologies in the past, and has no problems using them on his enemies.