That Without Shadow

A Fading Suns epic

Hi I'm Benjamin Inn.
This page will be dedicated to my Fading Suns epic story, "That Without Shadow"

Fading Suns is a role-playing game from Holistic Design. They're a really groovy bunch of people and they have some fantastic writers, so go check 'em out.


Yup yup, that's right, no more banner ads! I'm on my way over to, so please update any bookmarks or links!
(yeah, like anyone would bookmark or link MY site... sheesh! )

First, a poem...

"Nuances of a Theme by Williams"
by Wallace Stevens

It's a strange courage
you give me, ancient star:

Shine alone in the sunrise
toward which you lend no part!

Shine alone, shine nakedly, shine like bronze,
that reflects neither my face nor any inner part
of my being, shine like fire, that mirrors nothing.

Lend no part to any humanity that suffuses
you in its own light.
Be not chimera of morning,
Half-man, half-star.
Be not an intelligence,
Like a widow's bird
or an old horse.

The first part is "El Hombre" by William Carlos Williams, and the second part (not in italics) is by Wallace Stevens, one of my favorite poets. It doesn't really fit in with the mythology of Fading Suns, but it personifies stars, which, as you may have noted, do not have shadows....

"...An iron flower sheds its light
and darkness
threatens the Empyre..."

What's (sorta) new:

Worked a bit on "Behind the scenes, er, my mind" 4/7/00

Almost done with Byzantium Secundus 4/7/00

Kordeth is FINISHED! - 1/9/99 - now work begins on chronicling Cadavus!

Fading Suns ICQ Active List 46207744 - you may need to download the newest version of ICQ.

See the ship, THE JYHAD, as modeled by one of my players (thanks Kace!)

You may need to download a viewer to see it, you can get Intervista Worldview here.

Current News :

4/26/00 - The Epic is COMPLETED! The heroes emerged victorious, and now I just have to post it all to the web page - bear with me, I'm slowly updating. Woo hoo!!

The Story of the Sword of Light.


Our friend Mareen Gobel's story, "Shadow of Corruption," which WAS posted here not long ago, has been picked-up for publication by HDI! Congrats Mareen! (I can't have the story up here anymore because of uh, legal issues)
You can, however, read another of her works - "Glory to the Mantis."

Halloween Pictures!

Ben's BAD "Poetry"

A Brief History of the FS timeline
Terms and Factions in Fading Suns

Select the section of the epic you'd like to inspect. And may the Empyrean stand behind you in all the Dark places... Behind the scenes, er, my mind

Act I : The Savage State

(Synopsis for Act I)
Shaprut : Finders and Keepers
Bannockburn : New Maps of Hell
Criticorum : Revolutions and Revelations
Nowhere : A Prayer for Destruction
Stigmata : A Costly Interlude
Leminkainen : Bladed Answers to Beggar's Questions

Act II : The Consummation of Empire

(Synopsis for Act II)
Byzantium Secundus : In the Shadow of the Phoenix

Coming soon :

Aragon : Inner Circles
Leagueheim : The Darkness in Light
Madoc : New Future Memories
Pyre : Fever Dream
Kordeth : The Light in Darkness
Cadavus : Blood and Ink
Severus : Moments of Redemption

Act III : Rebirth

Manitou : Descent
Vorox, Midian and Icon : Hollow Tests
Vera Cruz, part 1 : Reunion, Part I
Pandemonium : Shattered Home
Iver : Lost, Found, and Foretold
Grail : Shades of War
Kailash (lost world) : Their Darkest Hour
Midian, Leagueheim, and B2 : Loose Ends and Beginnings
Artemis : Blood is Thicker than Time
Pentateuch : Dead Lines
Kordeth : Sideways and Sidetracked
Shaprut : History by the Light of Muzzleflash
Nowhere : The First Battle
Stigmata : Hero's Welcome
DeMoley : One Final Brilliance

Interesting Pictures

Some Resources

Ben's notes on the Occult

List of skill rolls (learned only) condensed into one page for easier use in gaming sessions.

What happened to the Ur
Part One
Part Two

Planetary Quirks


I'm still learning HTML and will gladly accept any and all criticisms / advice / whatever you throw my way. Remember that this is a game in progress, so some of the things are already written, but I haven't posted them yet because the players just haven't gotten to them yet.

Links to other FS pages

Some links to a few other pages dealing with Fading Suns :
Matt Seaborn's FS page(chock-full of FS material of all sorts)
Andor's Page(with ship designs & some planets info)
Ghost's Page(an even longer-running FS epic than mine!)
Doug Schepers' page(a new twist on FS)
Joseph Wakeling's page(a realm of ideas and starting points)
Note : Joe and I are "friendly rivals" and enjoy dialogues on "religion" and science, among other things. I must say that he has a formidable mind and an excellent page. If anyone were ever to need a meta- or side-plot, this is the place to go.
David Gilbert's page(with many COOL homemade graphics)
The Open Directory Listing for FS (links to other FS sites)

The Chronicles of San Cortia Possibly the coolest game I've EVER played in, though this is not FS I thought I'd list it here just in case anyone wanted some good non-FS reading.

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This The Darker Half site is owned by The "Ben".
The Darker Half is managed and operated by Darker Diversions

Course of Empire

If you get a chance, check out some Course of Empire stuff, they were a great local band as well as a swell bunch of guys. They were, and still are a large influence on my writing and life, though they have disbanded. A few friends of mine maintain their web-pages, so throw some hits their way if you will.

EVOLVE OR DIE! Course of Empire Archives
What about The Information?

"I try to separate the real from the unreal, they run together, into nothing -

- Course of Empire, "Persian Song"

Dead Can Dance

Great Fading Suns music, as well as all-around non-standard stuff to listen to. Especially check out their album "Within the Realm of a Dying Sun."
The Official Dead Can Dance Website
Check out Lisa Gerrard's Website - it's a visual oddysey (or oddity, you decide).

Indigo Girls

Proof that you don't have to be a homosexual to like the Indigo Girls - one of my favorites because of their great lyrics.
The Official Indigo Girls Website

Oh yeah, my e-mail. Send me some writing, preferably in english, and organized into sentences of some sort.

And, if you MUST know what the artifact does, mail me.

¿ 1997

Background image by Holistic Design ¿1996
Fading Suns is a trademark of Holistic Design, ¿1995 by HDI. This site exists with the permission of HDI.

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