New Disciplines
(page 2)

Universa: The power which revolves around planar manipulation... this includes Universes, Planes of Reality, and Dimensions. Generally this power can only be attained through the death or theft of such a power from a powerful planar entity or high level mage. However once learned it may be passed on through the blood of a Kindred to his childer, or other Kindred.

<Level One> Universa Iluminata: allows a Kindred to manipulate any energy source he encounters in a none aggressive manner. The byproduct of the manipulation must always be another form of energy. To use this power requires the burning of Blood.

<Level Two> Universa Creatia: Allows the Kindred to create energy within and about his form... this energy will be completely harmless and must maintain contact with the Kindreds form. Burning of blood is required to use this power.

<Level Three> Universa Manipula: Allows a Kindred to manipulate energy in the same manner as Luminata except that the energy may be transformed into a solid material. Burning of blood is all that is required for this power to be used.

<Level Four> Universa Alterata: Allows A Kindred the ability to alter any energy source he / she comes across into an energy source of his or her choosing. the burning of blood and an hour of meditation is required per each energy the Kidnred wishes to change.

<Level Five> Universa Dissolvement: The opposite of Creatia in everyway this power allows the Kindred to destroy any energy source he encounters. The energy simply withers away into nothingness. This power generally requires one hour of meditation and blood burning, however it may be done instantly with extra blood burn.

<Level Six> Universa Envigorant: Allows a Kindred to take sustenance from energy about him. This sustenance can be used as blood inside the Kindred body... i.e. to heal wounds, invoke powers, or replenish a depleted blood pool. A Kindred must meditate an hour to draw in as much sustenance as he would gain from 5 blood points.

<Level Six> Universa Mobilia: Allows a Kindred to move through other Planes / Dimensions without penalties of those areas effecting him. This power does not enable its user to enter those dimesnions without a rift of some kind having been formed to allow him passage. Thus even though able to function normaly on any Plane of Reality or Dimension he may not traverse to or from those places without aid.

<Level Six> Universa Drain: Allows a Kindred to draw upon the energy about him depleting its initial power source and providing sustenance for his own body in the process. This power is lethal to energy beings as it may result in eventually draining them to the point of death. Concentration upon the target must be kept and blood must be burned to initialize the power. Note this power may be used by any extension of the Kindred as well.

<Level Seven> Universa Energetica: Like Creatia this power allows for the creation of energy about the Kindreds form, however this energy may be altered in anyway the Kindred so chooses including as a weapon... i.e. an electrical charge about his form will actually inflict damage should someone get near it. Blood must be burned to achieve this power and the energy must stay attached to the body of the Kindred.

<Level Seven> Universa Immobilia: Allows a Kindred to cease planar travelling abilities in a particular area (a room for online rp purpose)for a time period of 1 hour. This severs any ties to another dimension that any being in the effected area may have and subsequently does not allow any being to transport or shift objects including themselves from one plane to the other as long as they are within the effected area. Blood must be burned and one hours meditation is required to be able to cast this power.

<Level Eight> Universa Ballista: Like energetica this power however allows a kindred to release the energy from his form, thus allowing for a projectile effect as well as ranged energy formations... i.e. Electrical cages can be formed about adversaries, magnetic pulses may be given off, Plasma Discharges / Solar Flares may be summoned. Blood burning is the only requirement for this powers use.

<Level Eight> Rift: Allows a Kindred to sever the planar bonds and move objects between all planes, dimensions, and universes. The larger the object the more blood required to transport it:
(1 person = 2 blood; 2-10 people = 4 blood; 10-50 people = 6 blood; 50-small town = 8 blood;
town- city = 10 blood; Domain = 15 blood; Kingdom = 20; Realm / Continent = 30 blood; Planet= 40 blood)

<Level Nine> Universa Shield: Allows a kindred to place a planar embargo upon a specific area ranging from 10 feet about the Kindred to a planetary scale depending on the generation of the Kindred. After this powers usage the Kindred performing this task must enter torpor and remain asleep to hold the effect, should the kindred awaken the Shield will be dropped. Also more than one Kindred may aid in this task, if no Kindred of the appropriate Generation is present then for each additional Kindred involved you may increase the level of coverage by one level.:(1st Gen = planet; 2nd Gen = Realm / Continent; 3rd Gen = Kingdom; 4th Gen = Domain )

<Level Nine> Universa Void: The same as Universa Shield except this power may affect another plane instead of your own, thus in essence trapping everything within that plane of reality or dimension.

<Level Ten> Universa Sentience: Allows a Kindred to become one with the planes themselves and know whatever he wishes about them and whatever is going on inside of them. This Power requires a week meditation session in which the being leaves his body to gain planar knowledge. During this time his body burns blood yet will not replenish itself as most beings of this powers capability can do, once the Kindred reaches three blood left within him he will awaken from his heightened state.
Page 1 Tempora
Page 3 Mixed Powers