These are the pics from New York. The first three are from the Statue of Liberty, the next two are from Motown Cafe, the next three are from the guys' room, and the last ones are the bus ride home. Enjoy!
Gosh, this pic is awful. From left to right, me, Jered, Breanne, Lori, Craig, Sturgeon, and Mark. Sorry if I misidentified anyone, but this pic is dark and terrible. :-) |
Okay, the group picture. Here goes, from top row left to right: Breanne, Ben, Ron (my dorky English teacher!), Rawnie, Zach (I think!), Jami, Brook, Mrs. Wilkins, Lori, Krista, Jered, Elliott, Kim, and Darci. Second from top row, left to right: Andrew, Emily, Mark, Jenny, Cortney above Julie, Daniel (ugh), Lauren being held by Jim :-), Bret, Sturgeon, Andrea, Craig, Half of an unidentifiable face (which I later learned to be Robbie!), Tony, Julie above Rocky, Michelle, another no clue, and Jennifer. Second from Bottom, left to right: Jodi, Jessica, little Gregory, Lauren B., Amy, Crystal, Sarah, Bethany, and Julia. Bottom row, left to right: Greg B., Alicia, Jimmy (ugh), Shane :-), and me. I'm kinda in between the two bottom rows, but this way I can say I sat next to Shane. J/K! LOL, I'm not that pathetic! |
Okay, Bret and Sturg crack me up. I know, awful photography, but this is the first one that I've taken that looks bad, okay?! |
Okay, on the left, you can see Jodi's eye. On down the table, you see Breanne, Mark (in the white hat, not paying attention), Ben, Crystal (the dark face at the end), Lauren B, who is half covered by Krista, Lori, and closest is Jami (not me). If you look closely at the statue, you will probably see the hand in which we would put a fork as a really odd joke. |
These are my freshmen. Well, 2/3 of them. I don't have a shot of Shane :-). Emily is on the left, Julia on the right. They are two freshmen that actually rock!
These are the guys. I swear, our room spent half our time in New York in their room. Left to Right: Elliott (manly enough not only to wear an apron, but pink, too, ladies and gentlemen!), Jered, Jimothy, and Bret. They are such dorks :-). |
Jered and Bret doing....doing God knows what, actually. These guys crack me up so bad. Of course, if it wasn't for Jered's gloves, my hands would have frozen off :-). |
Lauren, Jim, Krista, Mark, and Elliott's arm. It was close to midnight, about a half-hour past curfew, I guess. Need I say more? |
Krista and Lori, bus ride home from the airport. I ended up next to Robbie (again! Why, God, why?!), and somehow survived the trip home by listening to my Rent CD. |
Sturgeon giving me her attitude look, while Jim's sister looks on from the window seat. Sturg and Knapp are forever inseperable, it seems :-). Aren't they cute?! |