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The Games Workshop Page

Well, here we are. I am embarking upon another crusade against
humanity by creating this page, but tough. It's worth it
This page is mainly an antichamber, a lobby, a hallway, whatever you want to call it...It
leads into the more exact regions of Games Workshop, as you can see by the Navigation Bar
below. Pick your area, and feel free to look around.
Necromunda Warhammer 40k
Epic 40k

Scary scary man - Mephiston painted by
John Robinson
I must here give credit to where it is due.....Many of the new articles, rules, and ideas
that are contained within this site are devised by a good friend of mine, going by the
name of John Robinson...So a round of applause for him if you think this stuff is good,
and I will give his email address out to people who think it is utter trash so they can
let him know themselves. Heh heh heh
Anyway, these pages are mostly containing
new rules for the various races in 40k, (there is still stuff on the other subjects). They
were originally devised for the last version of 40k, but are now being reconditioned to
those of you who have gone over to the new system......I am still deciding which is the
better, playing both. I think I may eventually end up creating a hybrid set of house rules
that take the best from both parts (the speed from the latest version, and the
individuality from the last to name but one), and that stands for Epic as well, but I play
that now not so often....
have fun.....And remember,, these rules are not official, If you want models for the
creatures and people mentioned, convert them yourself, I have no idea. And one more word
of warning, not many of these things have been playtested, so if the points seem a little
odd, feel free to change them. I think I shall try to get adventurous peeps like you to do
the playtesting, so if you do recommend changes to them , please let me know and I shall change them
Thats enough of me rambling on, I bet not many of you read all that, shame really, cos
that last point was quite important.